Could/should families of those maimed, raped or murdered by illegals sue Joe Biden and how would that impact the election?

And that's total bullshit. Immigrants, especially refugees, have much lower rates of unemployment and crime, and much better education outcomes than native born Americans.

All you are doing is parroting Republican lies about immigrants. Canada takes in more refugees and immigrants than any country in the first world, and we have none of the problems you've outlined, except a housing problem, which is mostly due to no housing being built during the pandemic.

Today, everywhere you look, new housing is being built. They're building houses at a fast clip than at any time since the 1970's when the Baby Boomers started leaving home.
News at eleven. ;)
Will the full cooperation of most of the media Biden gets away with blaming everyone but himself but the border crisis is his. If Trump can be sued for frivolous fraud claims surely Biden can be sued over rape and murder.
US Supreme Court will say Trump has immunity.

Why the Supreme Court Will Likely Rule That Trump Has Immunity

The Supreme Court is going to agree with Trump's lawyers and hold that a former president has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts.

So what "unofficial act" are you referring to ?
Demanding his VP perform an unconstitutional act to defraud the USA, to keep him in power, is not an official act nor is it on the outer perimeter of any presidential duty.
The number of ILLEGAL ALIENS who are asylum seekers, is a tiny fraction of the overall group. The great majority never even heard of asylum. they just jump the wall, or walk right in through the open spaces that Biden has left unfixed. WE still even hear of people drowning in the Rio Grande, or dying in the backs of trailer trucks.

The idea that illegal aliens dont commit crimes is preposterous. They are more crime prone than anyone in America. Legal immigrants have a low crime rate because they are VETTED before their arrivals. Illegals are not being vetted for criminal history, diseases, or anything else.

I have talked to many illegal aliens, and because I am part Mexican, and I speak Spanish, they tend to look at me as one them. Thus, they open up and speak freely (especially after a few beers). They frequently brag about all the crimes they commit-ie, everything from crossing the border without inspection/authorization (US Code 8, Section 1325), to shooting or stabbing people. Rape is an everyday ordinary thing to them, as rape is commonly an acceptable thing in Mexico. When Trump said "They're rapists", he was right.

If YOU were the victim of an illegal alien crime, the numbers of their crimes would be a "large enough number" for YOU.

Not a single link to support any of your drivel:

Crime rates:

US Supreme Court will say Trump has immunity.

Why the Supreme Court Will Likely Rule That Trump Has Immunity

The Supreme Court is going to agree with Trump's lawyers and hold that a former president has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts.

So what "unofficial act" are you referring to ?

Only in your dreams, Trumpkin. No other President has asked for it and none have needed it. The Constitution is VERY clear that the President is NOT above the law.

Nothing Trump did in trying to overturn the election was legal or in the nation's best interests.
Will the full cooperation of most of the media Biden gets away with blaming everyone but himself but the border crisis is his. If Trump can be sued for frivolous fraud claims surely Biden can be sued over rape and murder.
Frivolous fraud claims? $453 million is hardly frivlous.

Biden didn't rape or murder anyone. Trump is the only guy who committed rape.
Only in your dreams, Trumpkin. No other President has asked for it and none have needed it. The Constitution is VERY clear that the President is NOT above the law.

Nothing Trump did in trying to overturn the election was legal or in the nation's best interests.
Trump didn't try to overturn the election. He rightfully tried to overturn the overturning of it done by Democrats. He did that legally and in the nation's best interests.





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Not a single link to support any of your drivel:

Crime rates:

CATO has been known for years as leftist liberal, and supporting illegal immigration.

90% of illegal aliens cross the border illegally - a crime. Thus 90% are criminals just from that alone.

Because you're a cult imbecile who pushes sick racist propaganda.

Or maybe you do it for the rubles, or for your ideological love of communism. Whatever. I get that racism may not be the only thing motivating you.
How does being anti-ILLEGAL Immigrant automatically make one racist? Are you Latino? Or, have you checked with how many Latinos are against ILLEGAL Immigration? Would you consider the legacy of Cesar Chavez to be racist given his stance against illegal immigration?
To the best of my knowledge, we citizens cannot sue government officials.

Otherwise, many families whose loved ones have been injured or killed by violent criminals would be suing local district attorneys who have declined to press charges.

In November, Americans will have a chance to express their views on President Biden's border policies during the last three years.

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