Could Tea Party Canidate Herman Cain Be Viable?

I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.

I am more inclined to think he will come through this than him being finished from it...however that doesn't mean i'm 100% confident this wont hurt him bad enough to push him out. However, your claims of GOP not liking obama because he is black are bogus. There are a small minority in both partys who take issue with others based on race but by no means are a signifigant number of democrats or republicans racist as your post appears to claim. Cain, at the moment, has way more executive experience than Obama did when obama was running for office, thats a non-starter for me as I dont agree. Almost all the republican canidates have more experience than obama did when he won. We will see what happens over the next few weeks....and this is the original Cain for president thread, we should have a mega-merge :razz:

One, you are flat wrong about many Republicans having racial issues with Obama. I live in the South, I travel in the South, and I have listened carefully for three years. Yes, it is a serious issue, you are in serious denial about it.

Two, if you think being head of the National Restaurant Association and Godfather's Pizza ranks with three years as POTUS, then, although my admiration of you personally does not tarnish, your comparision is silly.

Well the teapartiers and republicans I have met are not like that, maybe its regional so as far as my experience goes you are wrong but like i said we live in different places.

On the second part re-read what I typed......see what I said one more time underlined....... ;)
He should not have ab libbed, as apparently he did from the beginning. He did not remember or did not know certain things, then they became evident. People logically expect him to have known such things in the beginning.

In other words, if not sure, say nothing until one knows what one is talking about.

He failed.

Then everybody would've said he was avoiding the issue... How about blaming Politico for running with a story that they had NO facts on?
Two, if you think being head of the National Restaurant Association and Godfather's Pizza ranks with three years as POTUS, then, although my admiration of you personally does not tarnish, your comparision is silly.

We all see what a community organizer has done as POTUS :eusa_whistle:

I doubt a man with Hermans experience as an EXECUTIVE can do any worse.
Two, if you think being head of the National Restaurant Association and Godfather's Pizza ranks with three years as POTUS, then, although my admiration of you personally does not tarnish, your comparision is silly.

We all see what a community organizer has done as POTUS :eusa_whistle:

I doubt a man with Hermans experience as an EXECUTIVE can do any worse.

Cain is doing a debate on C-Span tonight at 7pm vs newt gingrich!
Interesting record of the arc of Cain's candidacy.

Sad if he flames out in the end but interesting nevertheless.
Interesting record of the arc of Cain's candidacy.

Sad if he flames out in the end but interesting nevertheless.

Have you seen anyone put it on a chart or graph? If you have i'd love to see what it looks like just out of curiousity's sake.
Two, if you think being head of the National Restaurant Association and Godfather's Pizza ranks with three years as POTUS, then, although my admiration of you personally does not tarnish, your comparision is silly.

We all see what a community organizer has done as POTUS :eusa_whistle:

I doubt a man with Hermans experience as an EXECUTIVE can do any worse.

He cannot even manage his own campaign effectively. He is done. Newt made him look stupid last night.
Two, if you think being head of the National Restaurant Association and Godfather's Pizza ranks with three years as POTUS, then, although my admiration of you personally does not tarnish, your comparision is silly.

We all see what a community organizer has done as POTUS :eusa_whistle:

I doubt a man with Hermans experience as an EXECUTIVE can do any worse.

He cannot even manage his own campaign effectively. He is done. Newt made him look stupid last night.

I watched the whole debate and didn't think Newt made him look stupid, in fact I think Newt helped him out if anything.
We will agree to disagree, agreeably, I hope. Newt is slowly coming up the chart again. Who would have thought that could happen. Of course, I can remember when McCain seemed dead in the water and floundering before taking the nomination last time.

We all see what a community organizer has done as POTUS :eusa_whistle:

I doubt a man with Hermans experience as an EXECUTIVE can do any worse.

He cannot even manage his own campaign effectively. He is done. Newt made him look stupid last night.

I watched the whole debate and didn't think Newt made him look stupid, in fact I think Newt helped him out if anything.

I'd love to see either one of them in a debate with obama!!! Lol!
I would also love to see them both as President and Vice President!
We will agree to disagree, agreeably, I hope. Newt is slowly coming up the chart again. Who would have thought that could happen. Of course, I can remember when McCain seemed dead in the water and floundering before taking the nomination last time.

I remember that too. I think i've told you I like newt a lot, I actually wanted him to run in 2008. I do understand his baggage but I don't think that baggage is really something to worry about as there are plenty of "baggage" items for the president from the last 3 years too.

I think the people would rather see the president and a challenger debating our economic future than their bad past decisions.
Anyone involved in the Tea Party should (but probably won't) follow this rule about presidential candidates: the more you like him, the less chance he has to win.

That's because the Tea Party's agenda, while it has the fervent support of the 20-25% of the people who do support it, has the active and full-throated opposition of everyone else. Tea Party candidates can win local elections in some districts, but not statewide ones, let alone a national election. Note that even in 2010, with a large percentage of the leftist insurgency sitting the election out, Tea Party-backed candidates won NO statewide contests, and lost the GOP three Senate seats (Delaware, Colorado, and Nevada) that Republicans would otherwise have won.

If Herman Cain wins the Republican nomination, that guarantees Barack Obama's reelection.
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Could Tea Party Canidate Herman Cain Be Viable?

I don't think looks more and more as if his campaign will be aborted.
Anyone involved in the Tea Party should (but probably won't) follow this rule about presidential candidates: the more you like him, the less chance he has to win.

That's because the Tea Party's agenda, while it has the fervent support of the 20-25% of the people who do support it, has the active and full-throated opposition of everyone else. Tea Party candidates can win local elections in some districts, but not statewide ones, let alone a national election. Note that even in 2010, with a large percentage of the leftist insurgency sitting the election out, Tea Party-backed candidates won NO statewide contests, and lost the GOP three Senate seats (Delaware, Colorado, and Nevada) that Republicans would otherwise have won.

If Herman Cain wins the Republican nomination, that guarantees Barack Obama's reelection.

Well Herman Cain, no matter how much Michelle Bachman wants to believe otherwise, is the Tea Party canidate. This means that no matter what the main stream media, who has thouroughly lied about the tea party, says the teapartiers aren't going to believe it.

That is the very reason this scandal hasn't hurt Cain's support in the polls.....yet.
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Ed Rollins, the longtime Republican operative and former Michele Bachmann campaign manager, told POLITICO that Cain’s moment in the sun was already over: “This guy knows nothing about foreign policy, ‘9-9-9’ has been ripped apart, the girl problem is not going away and his beating up the media shows a thin skin that will get him in trouble. You combine that with no real campaign and his days are limited.”

“My only advice for Cain is to get it all out now and apologize to the women for insulting them,” said Rollins.

Foes count on Herman Cain to self-destruct - Alexander Burns -
Well Herman Cain, no matter how much Michelle Bachman wants to believe otherwise, is the Tea Party canidate. This means that no matter what the main stream media, who has thouroughly lied about the tea party, says the teapartiers aren't going to believe it.

That is the very reason this scandal hasn't hurt Cain's support in the polls.....yet.

I'm not denying that Cain is "the" (or at least "a") Tea Party candidate. What I am saying is that this means he has no chance to win the general election. His approval numbers are much worse than Obama's (for the general electorate, not for Republicans). He advocates measures that have no chance at all of gaining majority approval, and will seriously hurt him in the general election. A year before the election, a challenger shows better in the polls than he will on election day, because the incumbent isn't campaigning yet and has to deal realistically with policy decisions. Any challenger that polls show losing to the incumbent this early will lose on election day. If the challenger shows as winning a close one with the incumbent this early, chances are he will still lose. All of this barring some unforeseen disaster befalling the incumbent, of course.

As I just noted in the post you quoted, in 2010 -- a uniquely favorable year for both the Tea Party and the GOP -- Tea Party candidates won ZERO statewide races and lost three, three races with weak Democratic candidates that a more mainstream Republican would have won easily. The presidential election is essentially 48 statewide elections, one mayoral race (DC), and five House races (from the two states that separate their electoral votes). If Tea Party candidates cannot win statewide races, neither can they win the White House.

Cain may still be able to win the Republican nomination, but if he does, that guarantees Obama's reelection.
Well Herman Cain, no matter how much Michelle Bachman wants to believe otherwise, is the Tea Party canidate. This means that no matter what the main stream media, who has thouroughly lied about the tea party, says the teapartiers aren't going to believe it.

That is the very reason this scandal hasn't hurt Cain's support in the polls.....yet.

I'm not denying that Cain is "the" (or at least "a") Tea Party candidate. What I am saying is that this means he has no chance to win the general election. His approval numbers are much worse than Obama's (for the general electorate, not for Republicans). He advocates measures that have no chance at all of gaining majority approval, and will seriously hurt him in the general election. A year before the election, a challenger shows better in the polls than he will on election day, because the incumbent isn't campaigning yet and has to deal realistically with policy decisions. Any challenger that polls show losing to the incumbent this early will lose on election day. If the challenger shows as winning a close one with the incumbent this early, chances are he will still lose. All of this barring some unforeseen disaster befalling the incumbent, of course.

As I just noted in the post you quoted, in 2010 -- a uniquely favorable year for both the Tea Party and the GOP -- Tea Party candidates won ZERO statewide races and lost three, three races with weak Democratic candidates that a more mainstream Republican would have won easily. The presidential election is essentially 48 statewide elections, one mayoral race (DC), and five House races (from the two states that separate their electoral votes). If Tea Party candidates cannot win statewide races, neither can they win the White House.

Cain may still be able to win the Republican nomination, but if he does, that guarantees Obama's reelection.

Cain @ 56% approval

Obama @ 50% approval

Cain has higher approval than obama as of the latest polling for both.
Not if you pretend that it wasn't. That's their quandary.

It's like pretending a bully isn't a bully because one likes some of the effects of that bully.

Pretending = Pretension = A State of Pretentiousness = Liberal Mindset

There seems to be more pretending in the realm of those who don't like Herman Cain and their responses to this latest scandal.

Oh and is he viable people? I think so ;)

I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.

What planet do you live on?
There seems to be more pretending in the realm of those who don't like Herman Cain and their responses to this latest scandal.

Oh and is he viable people? I think so ;)

I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.

What planet do you live on?

He was just being a wise-ass which is why I didn't point it out directly in my response to him earlier ;)

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