Could Tea Party Canidate Herman Cain Be Viable?

Yes a lot of people like Herman Cain.
The left can't seem to take it that white America likes him.
They already are starting up with the bashing.
He has more experience then President Obama.
Two things are going for him.
Business and Military

why would it surprise anyone that, once again, rightwingnuts like someone who supports their own ideology ... we know how you love clarence thomas, even though he's unfit for the bench.
A black conservative will be denounced as an Unlce Tom, publically denounced.

He has no chance of getting the nod for VP.

Shame, he's a good man.

Those calls will be from idiot liberals, not conservatives.

what on earth does what she said have to do with race?

tea party people don't represent mainstream america. they certainly don't represent democrats, though they may pick up the stray independent.

i wouldn't vote for anyone from the communist party or nazi party either

Ummm....does anyone understand why I highlighted those 2 statements in red?

You just answered your own question with your "comparison" of the tea party to the communist and nazi parties which were bigoted, nationalistic, and racist.

1. neither of us said anything about race. YOU are imposing a racial meaning where none exists... or at least you've claimed that the tea parties aren't motivated by a racial undercurrent (though i happen to think they are).

2. the point of mentioning those two extreme ideologies wasn't a racial one... communism wasn't a racial issue at all.... it was to point out that sometimes an ideology is so onerous (as i feel the tea party people's beliefs are) that one simply wouldn't look at a candidate who espoused them.

Nazi's were racist against the jewish people. Its implied in the term Nazi.

communism was bigoted and nationalistic.

It seems the "common conservative" really liked herman cain a lot last night

[ame=]YouTube - Herman Cain Wins the South Carolina GOP/ FOX News Presidential Debate[/ame]
Yes a lot of people like Herman Cain.
The left can't seem to take it that white America likes him.
They already are starting up with the bashing.
He has more experience then President Obama.
Two things are going for him.
Business and Military

why would it surprise anyone that, once again, rightwingnuts like someone who supports their own ideology ... we know how you love Clarence Thomas, even though he's unfit for the bench.

Let me get this straight,rightwings like someone who supports their ideology,then what do leftwingers do? I thought they liked someone also who supports their ideology too.
Isn't they why your vote? To elect someone who fits closet your ideology?
And Judge Thomas rules by the interpretation of the Constitution while many others rule by ideology.
I have never made a statement about Clarence Thomas on this board before , until just now, so how do your know whether love him or not?
I don't love him, I don't know him, but I think all of the Supreme Court should rule by the Constitution and not ideology.
why would it surprise anyone that, once again, rightwingnuts like someone who supports their own ideology ...
Ya think?

we know how you love clarence thomas, even though he's unfit for the bench.

Isn't it so cool that when a liberal says things like that it's not racist?
*YES* It's time for the Republican Party elites to stop co-opting the Conservative mantle and accept Mr. Cain. He is a serious candidate. High time they recognized him and the support he is getting.

The day of the RINO is endangered.
*YES* It's time for the Republican Party elites to stop co-opting the Conservative mantle and accept Mr. Cain. He is a serious candidate. High time they recognized him and the support he is getting.

The day of the RINO is endangered.

Dennis Miller is doing a fundraiser for Cain, he agrees with us.

[ame=]Dennis Miller - The Big Speech - YouTube[/ame]
Nazi's were racist against the jewish people. Its implied in the term Nazi.

communism was bigoted and nationalistic.

Not if you pretend that it wasn't. That's their quandary.

It's like pretending a bully isn't a bully because one likes some of the effects of that bully.

Pretending = Pretension = A State of Pretentiousness = Liberal Mindset
Nazi's were racist against the jewish people. Its implied in the term Nazi.

communism was bigoted and nationalistic.

Not if you pretend that it wasn't. That's their quandary.

It's like pretending a bully isn't a bully because one likes some of the effects of that bully.

Pretending = Pretension = A State of Pretentiousness = Liberal Mindset

There seems to be more pretending in the realm of those who don't like Herman Cain and their responses to this latest scandal.

Oh and is he viable people? I think so ;)
Give these a listen

[ame=]Herman Cain Sets The Record Straight On The Sean Hannity Show - 11/03/11 (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Herman Cain Sets The Record Straight On The Sean Hannity Show - 11/03/11 (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]

regarding Perry accusation:

[ame=]Herman Cain Sets The Record Straight On The Sean Hannity Show - 11/03/11 (Part 3) - YouTube[/ame]
Nazi's were racist against the jewish people. Its implied in the term Nazi.

communism was bigoted and nationalistic.

Not if you pretend that it wasn't. That's their quandary.

It's like pretending a bully isn't a bully because one likes some of the effects of that bully.

Pretending = Pretension = A State of Pretentiousness = Liberal Mindset

There seems to be more pretending in the realm of those who don't like Herman Cain and their responses to this latest scandal.

Oh and is he viable people? I think so ;)

I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.
I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment
. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.

What SHOULD he have done?
He should not have ab libbed, as apparently he did from the beginning. He did not remember or did not know certain things, then they became evident. People logically expect him to have known such things in the beginning.

In other words, if not sure, say nothing until one knows what one is talking about.

He failed.
Not if you pretend that it wasn't. That's their quandary.

It's like pretending a bully isn't a bully because one likes some of the effects of that bully.

Pretending = Pretension = A State of Pretentiousness = Liberal Mindset

There seems to be more pretending in the realm of those who don't like Herman Cain and their responses to this latest scandal.

Oh and is he viable people? I think so ;)

I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.

I am more inclined to think he will come through this than him being finished from it...however that doesn't mean i'm 100% confident this wont hurt him bad enough to push him out.

However, your claims of GOP not liking obama because he is black are bogus. There are a small minority in both partys who take issue with others based on race but by no means are a signifigant number of democrats or republicans racist as your post appears to claim.

Cain, at the moment, has way more executive experience than Obama did when obama was running for office, thats a non-starter for me as I dont agree. Almost all the republican canidates have more experience than obama did when he won.

We will see what happens over the next few weeks....and this is the original Cain for president thread, we should have a mega-merge :razz:
There seems to be more pretending in the realm of those who don't like Herman Cain and their responses to this latest scandal.

Oh and is he viable people? I think so ;)

I agree, Plymco, that many GOP don't want Cain because he is black. I don't doubt that for a second. We have seen the silliness for more than two years here on Obama and race.

However, I think Cain is finished. He has handled badly the accusations of sexual harassment. He has no experience in serious elected office, and that was an issue with a short-term senator, and it is a major one for Cain. And (my opinion only) I don't think he wants the job. He wants the bucks that Huckabee and Palin are getting for being a "wannabee" at one time.

I am more inclined to think he will come through this than him being finished from it...however that doesn't mean i'm 100% confident this wont hurt him bad enough to push him out. However, your claims of GOP not liking obama because he is black are bogus. There are a small minority in both partys who take issue with others based on race but by no means are a signifigant number of democrats or republicans racist as your post appears to claim. Cain, at the moment, has way more executive experience than Obama did when obama was running for office, thats a non-starter for me as I dont agree. Almost all the republican canidates have more experience than obama did when he won. We will see what happens over the next few weeks....and this is the original Cain for president thread, we should have a mega-merge :razz:

One, you are flat wrong about many Republicans having racial issues with Obama. I live in the South, I travel in the South, and I have listened carefully for three years. Yes, it is a serious issue, you are in serious denial about it.

Two, if you think being head of the National Restaurant Association and Godfather's Pizza ranks with three years as POTUS, then, although my admiration of you personally does not tarnish, your comparision is silly.

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