Could the Earth be inside a huge black hole?

You ask a good question. While conventional thinking has long been that galaxies formed black holes (especially their central black hole) out of their existence over time as a natural congregation, I've long believed that the black holes came first from the nascent universe out of which they were principle to the creation and congregation of the galaxies! And as it turns out, there is a black hole not only found in virtually every structured galaxy, but the SIZE of the black hole is proportional to the volume of dark matter not the galaxy itself and it is the dark matter which supports the orbital rates and motions of the visible star masses and gas clouds, not the visible stars and gas themselves!
There is also the fact that some galaxies do not rotate in the same direction as others a galaxy like NGC1672 does not rotate in the same direction as its neighbors in the Dorado cluster; They compensate each other so that within the cluster there is zero rotation.
In the link it says that it is the entire universe: One theory suggests that the Big Bang could have initially been the singularity of a black hole in a larger parent universe. The singularity would have compressed until a phenomenon would have reversed the trend, creating an "explosion" of space and time: the Big Bang. This would then have generated our Universe while remaining inside the black hole.
Okay - but Black holes suck and don't blow. So us being in a Black hole would automatically result into other stars being drawn towards us, and that simply isn't the case.
Even if you equate it with earth being in the eye of the hurricane - the storm would still rage outside.

Since no one presently knows how big, or rather where the Universe ends - and what comes next (remember endless - indefinite) it's a thesis that might sound interesting to some - but its simply beyond any proof. It's just as "conclusive" as this century old thesis that our universe is a cell in a giant walking around.

The good part is however that UFO's would never approach us since they couldn't get back :D
And by extension, you understand that if you got in a spaceship, there is no distance, no speed by which you could ever get to the edge of the universe because it is space itself which defines and determines the universe and the space within a universe wraps in upon itself such that there is no center and no edge, not from within the universe (perhaps if outside its space) so that to those within, the universe is essentially without end, and space itself is a function of the gravitational field that is that universe!

So as soon as you realize that we are not like a fish swimming an ocean, but actually part and parcel of the very thing which creates and defines space itself, this becomes self-evident. Not only are we trapped in space, a function of space, we ARE space.

That means that a universe can be both finite and infinite, bounded and boundless, and this not only allows for the creation of endless universes, but because size and distance are measured relative to the space itself, this allows for the possibility of universes both endless as well as one within another, because in theory then, you could have an entire universe no bigger than the head of a pin to us, yet within it, space of billions of light-years spanning an eternity, and while relative to our scale, that eternity could seem to us unchanging forever or over in the blink of an eye because the passage of time is defined too as a function of space--- you cannot have one without the other.

So, since time, space and dimension are all plenary parts of the gravity of their existence and gravity operates as a field with a natural tension tending towards a geocentric stability, this implies that creation is both born out of gravity's desire to contract and by reciprocity when eventually opposed, to expand cyclically, and what this really describes is the nature and function of black holes.

So, it is difficult to imagine a universal volume of space not defined by its own gravity as operationally, observationally, being any different within than being inside a black hole singularity.
Thank you for the explanation :) The universe in my opinion is infinite and on all sides because there is no door, rope or others, we can not compare it to the alphabet A-Z but rather to the numbers that go to infinity: 0, 1, 2, 3 and vice versa: 0, -1, -2, - 3 and so on?
Okay - but Black holes suck and don't blow. So us being in a Black hole would automatically result into other stars being drawn towards us, and that simply isn't the case.
Even if you equate it with earth being in the eye of the hurricane - the storm would still rage outside.

Since no one presently knows how big, or rather where the Universe ends - and what comes next (remember endless - indefinite) it's a thesis that might sound interesting to some - but its simply beyond any proof. It's just as "conclusive" as this century old thesis that our universe is a cell in a giant walking around.

The good part is however that UFO's would never approach us since they couldn't get back :D
True, Black holes suck and don't blow but the mystery remains as for black holes because once past the horizon of events what happens? I think the universe is infinite and for the UFO, there have been many testimonies of their presence even the U.S. Army says that it has had experiences that seem to be related to alien ships.
True, Black holes suck and don't blow but the mystery remains as for black holes because once past the horizon of events what happens? I think the universe is infinite and for the UFO, there have been many testimonies of their presence even the U.S. Army says that it has had experiences that seem to be related to alien ships.
As long as Human mankind can't comprehend infinite aka endless - the puzzle will never be solved.

As for UFO's, there are countless reports, supposed sightings and books right down to kidnapping - Fact is however that since this UFO hype started off in the USA in the 40'is, not a single "encounter" not to mention a find, has ever been confirmed in the past 83 years. Interesting is also that when it comes to supposed finds these UFO buggers for some reason always choose military off limit areas to land, or crash !!!
As long as Human mankind can't comprehend infinite aka endless - the puzzle will never be solved.

As for UFO's, there are countless reports, supposed sightings and books right down to kidnapping - Fact is however that since this UFO hype started off in the USA in the 40'is, not a single "encounter" not to mention a find, has ever been confirmed in the past 83 years. Interesting is also that when it comes to supposed finds these UFO buggers for some reason always choose military off limit areas to land, or crash !!!
True, the puzzle will never be solved i agree with you but for the UFO i was talking about July 2019.

Like Nikola Tesla, I find such "spacetime" talk utter nonsense. Space cannot warp because it has no properties by definition. Space is matter's plenum. Time is but a spatial coordinate or linear measure.. of space. E.g., "Those stars are three lightyears apart and roughly twenty lightyears from us." Gravity is just The Aether's most direct effect and clearest proof of its existence. Even Einstein couldn't deny The Aether's necessity for long. Yet modern physics continues, full bore, down the same old rabbit hole that Mad Hatter only briefly suggested. So much wasted time and energy wondering about so many things that should be bleeding obvious to all by now. :sigh2:
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True, the puzzle will never be solved i agree with you but for the UFO i was talking about July 2019.

Sorry, but doesn't proof anything besides unknown objects flying around - and not Aliens or ET
In 1975 less then a hundred people knew about the F-117 - nor did any outsider even imagine the configuration of that aircraft - something similar simply wasn't around before. Around 15 years later in 1988 the USA officially admitted to the F-117.
How many people in 1979 even until today knew about the German MBB project Lampyridae, the project became officially known in 1990. (I was involved in conjunction with that project) so I knew about the F-117 already in 1983. Just my 2 cents in regards to ET and family.

Anyway - sorry I did not intend to derail your Thread Topic, Earth being in a Black Hole.
Sorry, but doesn't proof anything besides unknown objects flying around - and not Aliens or ET
In 1975 less then a hundred people knew about the F-117 - nor did any outsider even imagine the configuration of that aircraft - something similar simply wasn't around before. Around 15 years later in 1988 the USA officially admitted to the F-117.
How many people in 1979 even until today knew about the German MBB project Lampyridae, the project became officially known in 1990. (I was involved in conjunction with that project) so I knew about the F-117 already in 1983. Just my 2 cents in regards to ET and family.

Anyway - sorry I did not intend to derail your Thread Topic, Earth being in a Black Hole.
This is the first time I talk to you, I do not know you then Hello to you and on your profile the military field is your specialty and as you say: besides unknown objects flying around, it's not nothing either.
In conclusion, understand that the above is only the verbal extension of a mathematical expression which both implies that black holes are in themselves really nothing more than the local density of a space and while outside, present themselves as a space density attraction point (black hole), once inside, they become a contained space (a universe) really, defined along curvatures of space time! That not only defines a universe as a point where spacetime curves in upon itself (a black hole), but, if you really think about it, also logically proves the existence of God.
God, the great boss of bosses would exist in the face of the immensity of the universe, or maybe of the universes? He would have all the answers we can't know?
Like Nikola Tesla, I find such "spacetime" talk utter nonsense. Space cannot warp because it has no properties by definition. Space is matter's plenum. Time is but a spatial coordinate or linear measure.. of space. E.g., "Those stars are three lightyears apart and roughly twenty lightyears from us." Gravity is just The Aether's most direct effect and clearest proof of its existence. Even Einstein couldn't deny The Aether's necessity for long. Yet modern physics continues, full bore, down the same old rabbit hole that Mad Hatter only briefly suggested. So much wasted time and energy wondering about so many things that should be bleeding obvious to all by now. :sigh2:
I prefer to waste my energy on important issues that are interesting, people think as they want and spend their energy as they please. ;)
I prefer to waste my energy on important issues that are interesting, people think as they want and spend their energy as they please. ;)
Yep, me too and of course. Thing is there's clearly stuff that makes sense and stuff that doesn't. I'm fascinated by and with adherents to the first premise, bored to tears with those inclined to just deny it to rationalize yabbering on about anything and everything they damn well please.

Example: Our universe is composed of matter and energy. One may be inclined to add (empty) space, but we define space as nothing. It's like zero. Space is the blank paper allowing us to "observe" all the actual stuff by providing us a clear contrast, a basis to measure against. Have I left anything out?
Yep, me too and of course. Thing is there's clearly stuff that makes sense and stuff that doesn't. I'm fascinated by and with adherents to the first premise, bored to tears with those inclined to just deny it to rationalize yabbering on about anything and everything they damn well please.

Example: Our universe is composed of matter and energy. One may be inclined to add (empty) space, but we define space as nothing. It's like zero. Space is the blank paper allowing us to "observe" all the actual stuff by providing us a clear contrast, a basis to measure against. Have I left anything out?
No, you have not forgotten anything only maybe you had said in the past that you appreciated me even if we do not agree on another subject at the forum and I add that for me it is not always easy to express myself like you in English so I ask questions as best I can and that seems relevant to specialists to get answers.
Black holes are places in the Universe where gravity is so powerful that it distorts time and surrounding space. Nothing, not even light, can escape from within. However, nothing prevents the Earth itself from being inside a black hole.


Gaurav Khanna, a black hole physicist at the University of Rhode Island, explains the hypothesis that Earth could have formed inside a black hole. "A black hole looks a lot like the Big Bang upside down. Mathematics is similar," says Gaurav Khanna. One theory suggests that the Big Bang could have been initially the singularity of a black hole in a larger parent universe. The singularity would have compressed until a phenomenon would have reversed the trend, creating an "explosion" of space and time: the Big Bang. This would then have generated our Universe while remaining inside the black hole.

This theory, known as Schwarzschild cosmology, suggests that our universe is currently developing inside a black hole that is part of a parent universe. This would imply the existence of universes within universes, such as Russian dolls, and that travel through the horizon of a black hole could open up another universe.

Scott Field, an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, believes that if Earth is inside a black hole, it must be extremely large. If the Earth existed in a "small" black hole, we would notice effects like tidal forces and the slowing down of time.

From inside a black hole large enough, it would be impossible for us to know that there is another parent universe, according to Gaurav Khanna. We would be unaware of its existence.

Link in French

Many Christians believe God exists outside our universe. Hmmm…And this is why we cannot just make God appear not be able to have empirical evidence of God. However, God has a way to enter His creation. Finally, proof of God!
Many Christians believe God exists outside our universe. Hmmm…And this is why we cannot just make God appear not be able to have empirical evidence of God. However, God has a way to enter His creation. Finally, proof of God!
I am a Christian who is fascinated by the cosmos and the essential questions of life: Why are we here in the vastness of the universe? And also: Are we the only ones in the universe?
I am a Christian who is fascinated by the cosmos and the essential questions of life: Why are we here in the vastness of the universe? And also: Are we the only ones in the universe?
However, which universe? We are in a black hole inside another universe. If that can happen once, it can or has happened before. Father in Heaven has said that we will inherit all that he has. Perhaps if we pass our tests on earth and the atonement of Christ brings us up to a perfection state of being, we too may be outside a black hole with a universe and earth-like planet in which we are their Father in Heaven. Jesus said, "Ye are gods and children of the Most High (Our Father in Heaven). We are gods in embryo studying on how to become perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect.
However, which universe? We are in a black hole inside another universe. If that can happen once, it can or has happened before. Father in Heaven has said that we will inherit all that he has. Perhaps if we pass our tests on earth and the atonement of Christ brings us up to a perfection state of being, we too may be outside a black hole with a universe and earth-like planet in which we are their Father in Heaven. Jesus said, "Ye are gods and children of the Most High (Our Father in Heaven). We are gods in embryo studying on how to become perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect.
I had watched a documentary in French that explained that it would be likely that we were alone in the universe because there were so many unlikely events for life to survive to us. Whether we are in a black hole or not.
We're not inside a black hole or else our universe cannot keep expanding. Black hole gravity would be too strong. We also see other black holes. How does a black hole get created inside a black hole?
I had watched a documentary in French that explained that it would be likely that we were alone in the universe because there were so many unlikely events for life to survive to us. Whether we are in a black hole or not.
It's interesting that we are now finding that Mars once had lots of water and an atmosphere that could have had life on it. And, we are finding other planets in the Milky Way that has water. The answer to whether there are other planets with intelligent life on it like ours is unknown for sure. And, if there is, what would that life be like. Say, there are other planets with human like intelligence with a conscience like ours as well. What would be the life span? In some cases, they may live hundreds or thousands of year. Or, they may live only minutes or hours or days compared to us on earth. So, there may be millions of earth like planets that have much different life spans as well. We don't know. It would depend on the conditions of the planets and their surrounding solar systems and star(s). I don't see why we should assume we are the only living planet. The real question is, what is in the universe that our black hole is inside of. It's assumed by Christians that God exists outside our universe.

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