‘Could the Police Kill Me, Too?’ My Young Son Asked Me

2015-11-23 11_56_07-Donald J. Trump on Twitter_ __@SeanSean252_ @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess...png
Let's review.....George was incoherently drunk, passing a bogus $20, and refused to get in the patrol car. Remember baseball? Seems to me he took a called steeeeeeerike three that day. Should the cop have killed him? No, but you wrestle black thugs all day and things can happen.
Did mother mention not sleeping intoxicated in a drive thru? How about punching the cops..............Stealing weapons off them??? Being a felon???..High on crack??????

In other words, our education system, trillion$ of dollars, has turned out well-spoken commie thugs who hate the country that pampered them and ignored their racist violence. Now, we've had enough; tired of being played, injured, and murdered by our social engineering project. It didn't work...they hate us more than ever and no longer feel any duty to obey our laws. So we must answer in kind...it's all they understand.
Whether it's intentional or not, there seems to be a lot of fear instilled in young Blacks by parents or adult Blacks. So by the time they are teen-agers they get all amped up when then are face to face with the police.

Intentional? It's justified.

A unarmed man died in Aurora police custody. His family is calling for criminal prosecution of officers.

This young man is dead for simply wanting nothing more than to be left alone.

This is the same city where James Holmes can shoot up a movie theater and booby trap his apartment and live.
That depends

does the kid have a gold tooth and an afro with his pants so low the crack of his ass is showing?

and speaking of cracks is he using it?

does he dare the cops to mess with him cause he’ll beat their white ass?

if the answer to all of the above is yes the. he might have an early exit from this world
That depends

does the kid have a gold tooth and an afro with his pants so low the crack of his ass is showing?

and speaking of cracks is he using it?

does he dare the cops to mess with him cause he’ll beat their white ass?

if the answer to all of the above is yes the. he might have an early exit from this world

Exactly...white pussies have been backing down from colored boys so long they EXPECT it. I boxed at Kronk Gym in Detroit...you'd be amazed how few blacks can actually fight or have ever been in a fight. But some don't think a white has a chance against them until they see a bright light and wake up a couple minute later. White boys can fight and it's about time we reminded them of that.
This is just one of the many reasons why I currently have no intention of ever going to be with anyone. Not getting pregnant and having kids means that I will never have to answer questions like that one.

God bless you always!!!


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