Could This Be Reason Biden Provokes War With Russia/Ukraine???

Until someone swears to something under oath and brings some proof you really should assume you are being lied to and avoid the crushing disappointment later.

It's easy to see why you're unconvinced, because your media is trying to play it down. They're not telling you the whole story. That's because they themselves were in on it. They were the ones who were pushing "Russia, Russia, Russia", destroying people's careers and reputations, and costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees with the Mueller Investigation. They don't want to touch this story because they're complicit in it. They don't want to ave to be called before a Grand Jury and have to say where they got the fake story and why they continued to peddle it.

Hillary's 2016 tweets pushing the claim of Trump having a "covert server" linked to Russia, have been debunked. Hillary lied about that. It was a complete fabrication, and Hillary paid for Russian disinformation in order to remove a standing President of the United States.

That is by any definition of the terms, treason and sedition. I hope she fries and burns in Hell for that.
The American people need to understand that Democrats attacked democracy, our elections and the will of the American people. They broke the law and in collusion with the Dem news media tried to undermine and keep president Trump, elected by the people from doing the job the people sent him to DC to do. That's astonishing.

Exactly right! They are traitors and they should have the fate of traitors, and that fate of traitors is death.

I am waiting.
This is all very surprising to me, it indicates Durham is a patriot, and that was totally unexpected for anyone associated with that DOJ, this FNC report clearly indicates that Durham is getting cooperation from someone deep into the conspiracy, and thus his probe now greatly escalates as the threads are connected, one to another.....My belief now, as always, is let the chips fall where they may, and those chips are certainly a trail of bread crumbs to the oval office under one Barack Obama!

That's one of the reasons, but as we all know there are many.
Exactly right! They are traitors and they should have the fate of traitors, and that fate of traitors is death.

I am waiting.

That would make me smile inside. They should do it publicly and televise it.
Russobot can't keep story straight. If Biden is a commie stooge why fight Russia. You are a bot and the Ukrainians are going to bleed you. It's going to embarrass Putin terribly.
Biden fighting Russia! That’s funny. He isn’t going to do anything except embarrass himself again.
Until someone swears to something under oath and brings some proof you really should assume you are being lied to and avoid the crushing disappointment later.
We have numerous Proof that the MSM is a corrupt
enterprise that act as Democrat Activist'.
The Mueller Special Counsel was based on a huge Lie.
Driven by liars in the MSM and practically every
Democrat. 3 years of FALSE Russian Collusion angles
of every possible stripe and angle.Grimms' Fairy Tales
would feel slighted.
Then another FALSE Lie {Trump's QUID PRO QUO }
used as basis for an Impeachment.
Then again Trump's 2nd Impeachment based on
False Implication of his January 6th Speech.
Virtually everything the MSM touches is a Huge Pile
of Crap.By those who crap all over our Citizenship and
At this stage of outright UInamericanism the word
" Proof " need be Banned.It's the opposite of what
Is.It's just a nutter feelgood attempt to Stalinize
We the Proof.Maybe if from his jail cell
someone can take a cell phone video asking what
Michael Avenatti tinks { Ex-rock star of the Corrupt MSM }
Or the silly *Soldier used to help propagate the
Quid Pro Quo pile of crap.

* Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel
Alexander Vindman.The one most responsible for
offering Trump up for Impeachment.
Vindman who worked in the Trump Adm.Across the
Street from the WH in some National Security Counsel
Bldg.He was The First WH Official who was called when
the Quid Pro Quo ballyhoo was brewing.He couldn't have
pinned on his Military uniform any more medals w/o falling
over.Later made a big stink about Trump 's " vengeful and
bullying behavior ". That was after he was the Person
used to cite Trump with Abuse of Power and therefore
Impeachable.Vindman insisting he was Bothered by
Trump's Phone call to Newly elected Ukrainian President
Zelensky.Vindman was on that call also.
Biden fighting Russia! That’s funny. He isn’t going to do anything except embarrass himself again.
He's funny all right.Just watch him walk.Like he's
being managed by strings as if a Puppet on some
Punch and Judy Stage.His overly tight suits.As if
some Big shot Italian Movie star.
All's that's missing his Lunchpail.Or maybe some
fancy Russell Simmons Hip Hop Ball cap.
We have numerous Proof that the MSM is a corrupt
enterprise that act as Democrat Activist'.
The Mueller Special Counsel was based on a huge Lie.
Driven by liars in the MSM and practically every
Democrat. 3 years of FALSE Russian Collusion angles
of every possible stripe and angle.Grimms' Fairy Tales
would feel slighted.
Then another FALSE Lie {Trump's QUID PRO QUO }
used as basis for an Impeachment.
Then again Trump's 2nd Impeachment based on
False Implication of his January 6th Speech.
Virtually everything the MSM touches is a Huge Pile
of Crap.By those who crap all over our Citizenship and
At this stage of outright UInamericanism the word
" Proof " need be Banned.It's the opposite of what
Is.It's just a nutter feelgood attempt to Stalinize
We the Proof.Maybe if from his jail cell
someone can take a cell phone video asking what
Michael Avenatti tinks { Ex-rock star of the Corrupt MSM }
Or the silly *Soldier used to help propagate the
Quid Pro Quo pile of crap.

* Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel
Alexander Vindman.The one most responsible for
offering Trump up for Impeachment.
Vindman who worked in the Trump Adm.Across the
Street from the WH in some National Security Counsel
Bldg.He was The First WH Official who was called when
the Quid Pro Quo ballyhoo was brewing.He couldn't have
pinned on his Military uniform any more medals w/o falling
over.Later made a big stink about Trump 's " vengeful and
bullying behavior ". That was after he was the Person
used to cite Trump with Abuse of Power and therefore
Impeachable.Vindman insisting he was Bothered by
Trump's Phone call to Newly elected Ukrainian President
Zelensky.Vindman was on that call also.
Why did you write all that crap? When someone in Trump world walks into a courtroom or congressional hearing room and swears to tell the the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth I'll consider everything they have to say. Until then they are lying sacks of shit.
Why did you write all that crap? When someone in Trump world walks into a courtroom or congressional hearing room and swears to tell the the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth I'll consider everything they have to say. Until then they are lying sacks of shit.
Hillary created the Russia collusion story you fool and your leaders spread that lie for year. They knew it was a lie from the beginning, you're proving your a tool.
Hillary created the Russia collusion story you fool and your leaders spread that lie for year. They knew it was a lie from the beginning, you're proving your a tool.
Paul Singer ordered the investigation.
Hillary created the Russia collusion story you fool and your leaders spread that lie for year. They knew it was a lie from the beginning, you're proving your a tool.
I didn't say shit about Hillary. She is irrelevant to the current situation. What may be vital is Trump world gearing up to sabotage any response the US may have to Putin's attempted theft of Ukraine.
You need evidence not conspiracy theories.
We have the evidence, Hillary goes or you lose the independents. I'm cool with letting Hillary remain free if it keeps the democrats out of power for a while. 60% of independents want her on trial. That number will only increase.
Paul Singer ordered the investigation.
Like I said Hillary made up the entire Russian collusion story. She should payback the American people for the Mueller investigation. She knowingly let it go on costing the US tax payers millions for no reason.
Why did you write all that crap? When someone in Trump world walks into a courtroom or congressional hearing room and swears to tell the the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth I'll consider everything they have to say. Until then they are lying sacks of shit.
You ain't too done smart thar pal.A good Defense lawyer
almost always tells their client to Not take the stand.
Now why is that.Buckwheat brains.
Did George Zimmerman take the stand.
And he was persecuted as if Public Enemy Number One.
Zimmerman was asked by the judge,{ Unusual for a judge }
if he wanted to take the stand.Zimmerman said no.
Zimmerman's Lawyer { Mark O'Mara } made the right
decision.He felt he had a good chance with the jury based
on the evidence.
O'Mara was Correct.
And that makes you a schmuck.
Like I said Hillary made up the entire Russian collusion story. She should payback the American people for the Mueller investigation. She knowingly let it go on costing the US tax payers millions for no reason.
No so fast pally.Hillary definately did not act alone.
She had numerous helpers.Like those in Obama's
Deep State.Which is no longer speculation.
There Is a Deep State and Obama made sure of it.
This is all very surprising to me, it indicates Durham is a patriot, and that was totally unexpected for anyone associated with that DOJ, this FNC report clearly indicates that Durham is getting cooperation from someone deep into the conspiracy, and thus his probe now greatly escalates as the threads are connected, one to another.....My belief now, as always, is let the chips fall where they may, and those chips are certainly a trail of bread crumbs to the oval office under one Barack Obama!

Yeah, they couldn't squeeze any more juice from the virus but they need a diversion....and quick, away from the clinton/russia/collusion spying on the white house news.
Yeah, they couldn't squeeze any more juice from the virus but they need a diversion....and quick, away from the clinton/russia/collusion spying on the white house news.
That plus stuff like a Virus wears down.And with Variants they
allow for Natural Immunity.
Plus Fauci has been exposed.His financials have been
reported.Making out real nice since the Pandemic.
Not just as Americans Highest Paid Goverment
employee { Given a raise going from $419 - $435 Million
a year }. But also his investments.Which were Vaccine

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