Could This Be Reason Biden Provokes War With Russia/Ukraine???

The American people need to understand that Democrats attacked democracy, our elections and the will of the American people. They broke the law and in collusion with the Dem news media tried to undermine and keep president Trump, elected by the people from doing the job the people sent him to DC to do. That's astonishing.

It was an insurrection and an insurgency. And Hillary Obama, and Biden were behind it.
Trump is vindicated, that's gonna put some serious butthurt on the entire corrupt lying left.
Americans need to understand that it is much worse then that. When an American looks at a Democrat, they are looking at their enemy who would put them in camps if they had the chance.
Americans need to understand that Dems are corrupt unrepentant liars who willingly sacrifice Americans for the Dem agenda. You can't believe one word out of Dems filthy lying sewer holes.
Nothing will ever come from any of this and you know it.

Two people have already been indicted, and now Durham is going after those FBI personnel who were involved. The FBI are notorious for working both sides, so no doubt more than several of them will rat out bigger rats. Like Comey.
Two people have already been indicted, and now Durham is going after those FBI personnel who were involved. The FBI are notorious for working both sides, so no doubt more than several of them will rat out bigger rats. Like Comey.
Right wing bullshit falls to pieces the very instant they have to convince a judge without committing perjury.
Democrats caught red handed, the full might of the American legal systems is bearing down on these criminals.
You're dumb and so is anyone who takes you seriously.

Bet you believe there's a peepee tape
Russobot can't keep story straight. If Biden is a commie stooge why fight Russia. You are a bot and the Ukrainians are going to bleed you. It's going to embarrass Putin terribly.
It wasn't Russia that tried to overthrow a duly-elected President of the United States. It was Hillary, Obama, and now Biden. Remember Susan Rice? It was mentioned in the Susan Rice CYA email that Biden was present in the meeting where this was discussed, in the last days of the Obama presidency. In fact, the WH just released this:

White House refuses to answer question on Durham probe revelations

"White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer questions about the Durham probe during Monday's press briefing despite new revelations regarding Democratic efforts to link former President Donald Trump to Russia.

"I can't speak to that report," Jean-Pierre told reporters on Monday. "I refer you to the Department of Justice."

The exchange comes afters special counsel John Durham released in a filing Saturday alleging that lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to infiltrate servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Trump to Russia."

White House refuses to answer question on Durham probe revelations
Russia is benefitting temporarily from pushing the oil prices higher re geopolitical uncertainty, but it looks like a loser's game of chicken to me. How does Putin win in the long term?
Russia is benefitting temporarily from pushing the oil prices higher re geopolitical uncertainty, but it looks like a loser's game of chicken to me. How does Putin win in the long term?
We've not seen a war of imperial expansion in some time. It's like Britain trying to reconquer India.

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