Could Trump assemble an ICE task force with "stop and identify" authority?

No, the President can't negate the 4th and 14th amendments via Executive Order.

But it is quite revealing that you wish he could.

Hmmm...what if we called it an "executive action"? Would that allow us to work around the Constitution? After all, isn't that what your boy Hussein did to enact DACA?

DACA was a policy closer to prosecutorial discression. The widely accepted principle that the Prosecutor can charge people based not on the letter of the law, but on the specifics of the case and how he feels the law intends to apply. Or the prosecutor can simply refuse to press charges, and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. Oh you can vote the Prosecutor out of office, but it is his discression.

DACA was a policy, the policy of the Federal Government was going to be that we were not going to pursue those people in court. We were not going to file for deportation, and we were not going to hold them. If we accept that the President is the Chief Executive, including over the Department of Justice, then Prosecutorial Discression can be directed by him. Nothing illegal about it.
. In an environment that the left has created in the court systems to date, there will be alot of changes coming in order to get the bullcrap straightened back out. Cali will be sucking hine teet before it's over with. This nation is tired of going the way of California, and especially in going the way of Hollywood after what it has turned into these days. The ways of that crap hole has spread like a virus across this land.
If (a) such intentions exist, and (b) they materialize, and (c) they're directed at Southern California, then (d) they'll need body-armor and armored cars.

Far easier to issue a Federal warrant for the Governor of California and for every member of the California State Legislature that voted for Sanctuary status...

Charging them with conspiracy to obstruct justice and interfering with the enforcement of Federal immigration law.

The sight of the Governor, in handcuffs, being led into an awaiting van by US Marshals, would make for great comedy, and set just the right tone for the rest of the country...

And... the more LibTards that pisses-off, the merrier.

I keep reading and laughing at the posts like this. There is no way you can get a conviction based upon what is actually happening...
Not to worry... arrest 'em... charge 'em... plenty of ways to prevent them from exercising political power while still in-question... and stretch it out for maximum duration.

...They aren’t hiding the Illegals under their beds. They aren’t refusing to acknowledge a warrant. They are just refusing to ask about an immigration status, or calling ICE if they have any suspicion...
1. They are cherry-picking which aspects of law-enforcement that they will cooperate with the Feds on, and which aspects of law-enforcement they won't; demonstrating intent.

2. Refusal hinders Federal law-enforcement.

Between that two, and a handful of more inventive and imaginative charges that I haven't conjured-up here, I'm sure handcuffs in front of the capital is quite possible.

...They are handing the immigration problem, to the immigration authorities, the people charged by law to enforce the law...
Law enforcement is a collaborative effort, on the municipal, county, state and federal levels.

...Let’s say that we are neighbors. You are headed out of town and ask me to keep an eye on the house because your teenaged son and daughter are staying home. I tell you no. I am not going to keep an eye on your house. What happens at your house, with your kids, is none of my business. You can get angry. You can call me a terrible neighbor. But I am not responsible for what happens at your house, even if the aforementioned kids burn the place down while they are having a party with other teenagers...
Self-serving, preconceived scenarios cut both ways, but they're simplistic, boring and eligible to be ignored, given that effective counterpointing can also be conjured.

...That is what California and the other “sanctuary” cities and states are doing. They are taking the Don’t ask, don’t tell, approach to immigration law. I won’t ask, and if you are illegal, I won’t tell. There is NO law that can require California to enforce Immigration Law. The phrase Unfunded Mandate comes to mind...
Correct. Unfunded mandate. No different than a city or county cop, seeing a state or federal warrant come up on their computers, hold the offender, until a transfer occurs.

...Now, if we are two states, and you want your State to spend it’s resources to find these illegals, that’s your problem. It doesn’t mean that my State is required to do so...
Reciprocity between agencies on various levels is a critical component of nationwide law enforcement operations. Halt reciprocity, and you endanger the Whole.

Ultimately, you will not be allowed to do that.

...But let’s pretend you trumped up some charges against the politicians. Good luck getting a conviction. Because the jury in that trial, is going to be made up of locals in California, and finding twelve of them who agree with you by randomly pulling names out of the hat so to speak, is impossible...
That's why the trial venue would be moved to Utah or Nebraska or Wyoming ot such, at the insistence of the Justice Department.

... At best you’ll get a hung jury, at worst, a finding of not guilty. Then what? How long before the Judges are just dismissing the charges because they know you won’t get a guilty verdict?
That's why the venue would be moved.


Laugh away... the longer you delude yourselves, the greater the teenage angst on your side, and the greater the comedy enjoyed by your political opposites in this matter.
WIth the state government openly siding with the foreign invaders vs the Federal Government, I wonder if some agency, of the feds, could recruit informants and agents in the hostile State government?

So they could tip off ICE when dangerous illegal criminals were about to be released.
If (a) such intentions exist, and (b) they materialize, and (c) they're directed at Southern California, then (d) they'll need body-armor and armored cars.

Far easier to issue a Federal warrant for the Governor of California and for every member of the California State Legislature that voted for Sanctuary status...

Charging them with conspiracy to obstruct justice and interfering with the enforcement of Federal immigration law.

The sight of the Governor, in handcuffs, being led into an awaiting van by US Marshals, would make for great comedy, and set just the right tone for the rest of the country...

And... the more LibTards that pisses-off, the merrier.

Sometimes fiction predicts history. In the TV series, Designated Survivor the President orders the arrest of a governor for defying the federal government when the governor starts rounding up Muslim immigrants.
Could this be accomplished through executive order?
Makes me wonder if that's where things are headed for Mexifornia and other sanctuary shitholes. I can see it now....ICE agents in patrol cars combing the streets of Los Angeles...that would be awesome!
With our alleged wars on (fill in the blank); 10USC246 should have precedence.
If (a) such intentions exist, and (b) they materialize, and (c) they're directed at Southern California, then (d) they'll need body-armor and armored cars.

Far easier to issue a Federal warrant for the Governor of California and for every member of the California State Legislature that voted for Sanctuary status...

Charging them with conspiracy to obstruct justice and interfering with the enforcement of Federal immigration law.

The sight of the Governor, in handcuffs, being led into an awaiting van by US Marshals, would make for great comedy, and set just the right tone for the rest of the country...

And... the more LibTards that pisses-off, the merrier.

Sometimes fiction predicts history. In the TV series, Designated Survivor the President orders the arrest of a governor for defying the federal government when the governor starts rounding up Muslim immigrants.
An ironic turnabout - one scenario vs the other - to be sure...
The fix for all of this us very simple...

1. REQUIRE all State and Local LEOs to assist in ICE duties.

2. Take over every State and Local LE Organizations that refuse to comply. Fire all members of the agency. Replace with proper officers.

3. Implement Stop and Confirm across ALL LEOs nationwide.

4. Immediately execute any individual who can't or won't provide proof of citizenship when requested.
If (a) such intentions exist, and (b) they materialize, and (c) they're directed at Southern California, then (d) they'll need body-armor and armored cars.

Far easier to issue a Federal warrant for the Governor of California and for every member of the California State Legislature that voted for Sanctuary status...

Charging them with conspiracy to obstruct justice and interfering with the enforcement of Federal immigration law.

The sight of the Governor, in handcuffs, being led into an awaiting van by US Marshals, would make for great comedy, and set just the right tone for the rest of the country...

And... the more LibTards that pisses-off, the merrier.

That should piss off anyone who believes in the Constitution. Those would be bogus charges. States cannot be forced to enforce immigration law. That is what California did.
So illegals have The same amounts of rights, as yourself?
No, the President can't negate the 4th and 14th amendments via Executive Order.

But it is quite revealing that you wish he could.

Hmmm...what if we called it an "executive action"? Would that allow us to work around the Constitution? After all, isn't that what your boy Hussein did to enact DACA?

Honestly, Read the Constitution...

Obama was fully lawful in DACA decisions and Trump has discovered that exporting Dreamers cost between 250 - 400 billion dollars...

You really clueless...
WIth the state government openly siding with the foreign invaders vs the Federal Government, I wonder if some agency, of the feds, could recruit informants and agents in the hostile State government?

So they could tip off ICE when dangerous illegal criminals were about to be released.

We could do that. We could call this group the Stasi for State Secret Intelligence.

Or you could start this group privately. You could call it Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

Or you could grow up and realize it isn’t a crime to think differently than you do.

Nah. You best get started. You could announce the formation here of your group. Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.
The fix for all of this us very simple...

1. REQUIRE all State and Local LEOs to assist in ICE duties.

Unfounded Mandate.

2. Take over every State and Local LE Organizations that refuse to comply. Fire all members of the agency. Replace with proper officers.

3. Implement Stop and Confirm across ALL LEOs nationwide.

Federalize the Police? Didn’t conservatives object to that a few years ago?

4. Immediately execute any individual who can't or won't provide proof of citizenship when requested.

Your papers please Comrade? That’s the phrase you are looking for. When you are questioning someone remember to tell them “we have ways of making you talk”.
No, the President can't negate the 4th and 14th amendments via Executive Order.

But it is quite revealing that you wish he could.

Hmmm...what if we called it an "executive action"? Would that allow us to work around the Constitution? After all, isn't that what your boy Hussein did to enact DACA?

Honestly, Read the Constitution...

Obama was fully lawful in DACA decisions and Trump has discovered that exporting Dreamers cost between 250 - 400 billion dollars...

You really clueless...
. Why not call them by their right name "CHEAP LABOR FOR THE WEALTHY" ? DREAMERS MY ACE.
The fix for all of this us very simple...

1. REQUIRE all State and Local LEOs to assist in ICE duties.

Unfounded Mandate.

2. Take over every State and Local LE Organizations that refuse to comply. Fire all members of the agency. Replace with proper officers.

3. Implement Stop and Confirm across ALL LEOs nationwide.

Federalize the Police? Didn’t conservatives object to that a few years ago?

4. Immediately execute any individual who can't or won't provide proof of citizenship when requested.

Your papers please Comrade? That’s the phrase you are looking for. When you are questioning someone remember to tell them “we have ways of making you talk”.
. Yes #4 was extreme indeed.. lol... But hey in the environment the communist left have created, would you expect anything different ?
Illegals need to be booted out, reading the news this morning an illegal breaks into a home and rapes a 6 year old. Another illegal kills a woman's husband and two kids age 4 and 22 months and gets a slap on the wrist 2 year sentence, mostly for returning to the US having already been deported. No license, no insurance, shocker.
WIth the state government openly siding with the foreign invaders vs the Federal Government, I wonder if some agency, of the feds, could recruit informants and agents in the hostile State government?

So they could tip off ICE when dangerous illegal criminals were about to be released.

We could do that. We could call this group the Stasi for State Secret Intelligence.

Or you could start this group privately. You could call it Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

Or you could grow up and realize it isn’t a crime to think differently than you do.

Nah. You best get started. You could announce the formation here of your group. Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

It is a crime to be in the nation illegally.

And it should be a crime to side with the criminals against the Nation.

You are the bad guys here. YOu are not just thinking differently, you are actively fighting America policy designed to help Americans.
The fix for all of this us very simple...

1. REQUIRE all State and Local LEOs to assist in ICE duties.

2. Take over every State and Local LE Organizations that refuse to comply. Fire all members of the agency. Replace with proper officers.

3. Implement Stop and Confirm across ALL LEOs nationwide.

4. Immediately execute any individual who can't or won't provide proof of citizenship when requested.
Just right wing socialism on a national basis?
Illegals need to be booted out, reading the news this morning an illegal breaks into a home and rapes a 6 year old. Another illegal kills a woman's husband and two kids age 4 and 22 months and gets a slap on the wrist 2 year sentence, mostly for returning to the US having already been deported. No license, no insurance, shocker.
first degrees should go first.
WIth the state government openly siding with the foreign invaders vs the Federal Government, I wonder if some agency, of the feds, could recruit informants and agents in the hostile State government?

So they could tip off ICE when dangerous illegal criminals were about to be released.

We could do that. We could call this group the Stasi for State Secret Intelligence.

Or you could start this group privately. You could call it Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

Or you could grow up and realize it isn’t a crime to think differently than you do.

Nah. You best get started. You could announce the formation here of your group. Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

It is a crime to be in the nation illegally.

And it should be a crime to side with the criminals against the Nation.

You are the bad guys here. YOu are not just thinking differently, you are actively fighting America policy designed to help Americans.
We have a federal form of government. Only in right wing fantasy, do we have a unitary national and more social, Government.
WIth the state government openly siding with the foreign invaders vs the Federal Government, I wonder if some agency, of the feds, could recruit informants and agents in the hostile State government?

So they could tip off ICE when dangerous illegal criminals were about to be released.

We could do that. We could call this group the Stasi for State Secret Intelligence.

Or you could start this group privately. You could call it Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

Or you could grow up and realize it isn’t a crime to think differently than you do.

Nah. You best get started. You could announce the formation here of your group. Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

It is a crime to be in the nation illegally.

And it should be a crime to side with the criminals against the Nation.

You are the bad guys here. YOu are not just thinking differently, you are actively fighting America policy designed to help Americans.
We have a federal form of government. Only in right wing fantasy, do we have a unitary national and more social, Government.

Your gibberish is noted.

My point stands, anytime you are ready to address it in a form that normal people can understand, feel free to do so.
WIth the state government openly siding with the foreign invaders vs the Federal Government, I wonder if some agency, of the feds, could recruit informants and agents in the hostile State government?

So they could tip off ICE when dangerous illegal criminals were about to be released.

We could do that. We could call this group the Stasi for State Secret Intelligence.

Or you could start this group privately. You could call it Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

Or you could grow up and realize it isn’t a crime to think differently than you do.

Nah. You best get started. You could announce the formation here of your group. Help America Live Free And Stay Strong.

It is a crime to be in the nation illegally.

And it should be a crime to side with the criminals against the Nation.

You are the bad guys here. YOu are not just thinking differently, you are actively fighting America policy designed to help Americans.

I’ve never denied it was a crime to be in the nation illegally. We have Immigration and Customs to enforce those laws. All the Sanctuary Cities and States are saying is that nobody is going to help them enforce those laws.

If it was any other law, the screams from the right about someone demanding that Local Police enforce Federal law would peel the paint off the walls. I know, I remember the screams about it when the Brady Law was passed. The Supreme Court said that the limits were constitutional, but what was unconstitutional was demanding that the Sheriff’s conduct the background checks. It was an unfunded mandate to use the vernacular of the era. It was unconstitutional. And it was, I agreed.

Yet now, different laws, and anyone who does not enforce FEDERAL Immigration law is a traitor, or enabling criminals. Funny how that argument was never uttered by the more conservative elements when the Brady Law background checks were being discussed.

Out of curiosity, are there any other Federal Laws that you feel that the Local Police should enforce? Tax law, how about CB Radios? Many people buy a CB radio, and take it to get it “Peaked and tuned” which means that it puts out more power than it should by law. This gives them greater range, but it is now putting out more than the maximum power allowed by FCC regulations. Imagine how many of them we could catch if we let the Local Police have wattage meters. Those scofflaws would not be able to get away with it anymore.

We could have police checking to make sure everyone has an approved health care plane under the Obamacare law. I mean, everyone would be paying their fair share if only we turned the cops loose right?

We could have the Police conduct examinations of peoples property looking for endangered species that are by law required to be given wide berth. Imagine how many animals and plants could be prevented from going extinct if only we let the local cops enforce the EPA laws.

Oh how wonderful this world will be. Franz Kafka would be proud.

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