Could we put the lies about Biden to bed now?

What due process is Trump being deprived of?
Witnesses? Hmm you missed that part huh!

When does the defendant get to call witnesses?

At trial.

Thanks for the attempt. Better luck next time.
That's what makes this a show trial, dumbass.
He hasn’t got to trial. Good lord, you keep talking in circles.
NO, you are talking in circles. On the one hand you admit that Trump isn't receiving due process, and then you ask us to prove he isn't receiving due process.

I never admitted he isn’t receiving due process.

So far you’re claims that he hasn’t gotten due process don’t make sense since he hasn’t gotten to trial yet.
What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?
What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?

Oh, my no.

Witnesses give testimony during investigations too. Schiff’s hearings are more akin to a grand jury. The trial is in the senate.
Isn't it fun when you call me a moron but don't know what you're talking about? Alexander Vindman was in on the call.
Did he contradict anything in the transcript?
Yes, he did actually. Did you not pay attention to the testimony? It's getting really annoying having to bring you up to speed on the matter all the while you keep calling me names.
Yes, you are right, he claimed the transcript was edited. However, no one else does, and his claim is absurd on its face. If the transcript was edited, then who did it? There are plenty of people responsible for the document who could confirm Vindman's claim, but Schiffferbrains couldn't produce any them.

Lying fucking moron, what you're referring to as a transcript; calls itself a memorandum, not a transcript, based on recollections and notes taken by those listening in on the call. That in itself supports Vindman's claims. And no one else has testified in agreement with Vindman because Trump is blocking them from testifying. Which actually leaves Vindman's testimony undisputed.

Ate you ever not a lying fucking moron?

There were two CIA personal specifically assigned to the task, shit for brains. The transcript was made while the phone call was taking place. It wasn't produced after the fact from "recollections." The transcript is as close to verbatim as you can get without having a recording.

No one who was on the call supports Vindman's claim. He's a lying douchebag.
"It wasn't produced after the fact from "recollections." The transcript is as close to verbatim as you can get...


CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place.

The opposite of your bullshit is literally printed on the fucking memorandum, ya lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

Like I always ask, are you ever not a lying fucking moron?


Presumption of innocence is a legal theory of our justice system. It does not extend to the legislative branch, ya lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:
All you've said is that you admit it's a Stalinist show trial.

No, lying fucking moron. That may be what your deformed brain translated my words into, but that is not what I said.
Sure it is. You admit they are not required to follow due process. That's the definition of a show trial.
Lying fucking moron, we haven't even gotten to the trial yet. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Trials aren't the only place where due process is required, shit for brains.
You're the one thing about the trial, lying fucking moron. I'm the one reminding you this is not conducted within our judicial branch. This is a parliamentary procedure, not a legal procedure.

Despite that, due to the gravity of the situation, the Congress still offers a president due process even though there is no such requirement.

While Trump and his trumper humpers have been crying his due process was denied, the truth is that Trump surrendered his due process when he was offered the opportunity to present his side.
Presumption of innocence is a legal theory of our justice system. It does not extend to the legislative branch, ya lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:
All you've said is that you admit it's a Stalinist show trial.

No, lying fucking moron. That may be what your deformed brain translated my words into, but that is not what I said.
Sure it is. You admit they are not required to follow due process. That's the definition of a show trial.

What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?
That's in a trial, ya lying fucking moron. Not in a Grand Jury, which is akin to the impeachment inquiry.
What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?
Dumfuck, witnesses are sworn under oath when they give depositions during an investigation and/or during Grand Jury testimony. Those are not trials either. You cultists are truly fucked in the head. In every fathom possible.
Witnesses? Hmm you missed that part huh!

When does the defendant get to call witnesses?

At trial.

Thanks for the attempt. Better luck next time.
That's what makes this a show trial, dumbass.
He hasn’t got to trial. Good lord, you keep talking in circles.
NO, you are talking in circles. On the one hand you admit that Trump isn't receiving due process, and then you ask us to prove he isn't receiving due process.

I never admitted he isn’t receiving due process.

So far you’re claims that he hasn’t gotten due process don’t make sense since he hasn’t gotten to trial yet.
Hahaha hahaha
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?

Oh, my no.

Witnesses give testimony during investigations too. Schiff’s hearings are more akin to a grand jury. The trial is in the senate.
Not under oath. Read about it
It's called a "memorandum" only because the CIA doesn't want anyone to think it's verbatim. Not every cough, stutter or repeated word was recorded. That's the only difference. You TDS nutburgers are hinging on the word "memorandum" because you know you have nothing.

You're making shit up again.
I guess this is made up just for you!...Besides being a morpn, are you also a Jew hater and a muslim terrorist supporter?...Are you related to Omar?

Biden calls Sanders’ pitch to leverage Israel aid ‘bizarre’

Joe Biden said Saturday that it is “bizarre” for Bernie Sanders to propose withholding U.S. military aid from Israel if the government there doesn’t moderate its treatment of Palestinians.

The remarks highlight a nuanced but significant distinction between the Democratic presidential contenders. Biden and Sanders support a “two-state solution” for Israel and the Palestinians, and both men have criticized political leaders on each side of the long-standing conflict. But Biden’s take, offered during a question-and-answer session with Iowa voters, hewed a more traditional U.S. establishment line by reaffirming a financial commitment to Israel regardless of its actions toward Palestinians.

The former vice president, while casting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “counterproductive” and “extreme right” leader and accused Palestinian leaders of “fomenting” the conflict and “baiting everyone who is Jewish,” while suggesting that some on the U.S. political left give the Palestinian Authority “a pass” when criticizing Israeli leadership.

“In terms of Bernie and others who talk about dealing with Zionism, I strongly support Israel as an independent Jewish state,” Biden said in rural northeastern Iowa. He added, “The idea that I’d withdraw military aid, as others have suggested, from Israel, is bizarre. I would not do that. It’s like saying to France, ‘Because you don’t agree with us, we’re going to kick you out of NATO.’” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What the hell is wrong with you?
Your continued lies and bullshit need to be called go run away to another thread!
Why the hell did you drag Israel into this thread?
It IS ABOUT Slow Joe. And he dragged Israel in!....Dont you ever READ?
Sure it is. You admit they are not required to follow due process. That's the definition of a show trial.

What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
They're conducting show trials.

Why don't you just give up? I'm never going to concede your point. You support a Stalinist process. That's the long and the short of it.
Witnesses? Hmm you missed that part huh!

When does the defendant get to call witnesses?

At trial.

Thanks for the attempt. Better luck next time.
That's what makes this a show trial, dumbass.
He hasn’t got to trial. Good lord, you keep talking in circles.
NO, you are talking in circles. On the one hand you admit that Trump isn't receiving due process, and then you ask us to prove he isn't receiving due process.

I never admitted he isn’t receiving due process.

So far you’re claims that he hasn’t gotten due process don’t make sense since he hasn’t gotten to trial yet.
Sure you did. Whenever the point is brought up, you retort with "this isn't a legal process. It's a political process." In other words, no due process.
All you've said is that you admit it's a Stalinist show trial.

No, lying fucking moron. That may be what your deformed brain translated my words into, but that is not what I said.
Sure it is. You admit they are not required to follow due process. That's the definition of a show trial.

What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?
That's in a trial, ya lying fucking moron. Not in a Grand Jury, which is akin to the impeachment inquiry.
This isn't a Grand Jury, you fucking moron. We all know what it is: a show trial.
All you've said is that you admit it's a Stalinist show trial.

No, lying fucking moron. That may be what your deformed brain translated my words into, but that is not what I said.
Sure it is. You admit they are not required to follow due process. That's the definition of a show trial.
Lying fucking moron, we haven't even gotten to the trial yet. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Trials aren't the only place where due process is required, shit for brains.
You're the one thing about the trial, lying fucking moron. I'm the one reminding you this is not conducted within our judicial branch. This is a parliamentary procedure, not a legal procedure.

In other words, there is no due process. It's a show trial.

[Despite that, due to the gravity of the situation, the Congress still offers a president due process even though there is no such requirement.

While Trump and his trumper humpers have been crying his due process was denied, the truth is that Trump surrendered his due process when he was offered the opportunity to present his side.

ROFL! the most certainly are not following due process, shit for brains. Is Trump able to call the witnesses he wants? Can he confront his accusers? Is he able to have counsel present.

You morons keep insisting that Schiffferbrains and Nadless are following due process, but when you are grilled on the specifics, you switch to saying it's not a legal process.
It's far from perfect, but it's the most logical explanation for what went on. Tell me why you think Trump put a pause on Ukrainian aid?

It's in the transcript, to get Ukraine to get to the bottom of 2016 election meddling. It's not Trump's fault that Joe Biden and his son were involved with the corrupt Burisma. It is the President's job to vet Foreign corruption before sending them aid. BTW, the aid was never held back because they got the Javelins. The ones that Obama refused to give them but instead gave them blankets. You also have to be an idiot to think Trump is a Russian asset when those Javelins were sent to target Russian tanks.

The blanket gateway pundit garbage has been disproved.
Try researching.
I guess you believe China gave Biden Jr. $1.5 B??

No, lying fucking moron. That may be what your deformed brain translated my words into, but that is not what I said.
Sure it is. You admit they are not required to follow due process. That's the definition of a show trial.
Lying fucking moron, we haven't even gotten to the trial yet. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Trials aren't the only place where due process is required, shit for brains.
You're the one thing about the trial, lying fucking moron. I'm the one reminding you this is not conducted within our judicial branch. This is a parliamentary procedure, not a legal procedure.

In other words, there is no due process. It's a show trial.

[Despite that, due to the gravity of the situation, the Congress still offers a president due process even though there is no such requirement.

While Trump and his trumper humpers have been crying his due process was denied, the truth is that Trump surrendered his due process when he was offered the opportunity to present his side.

ROFL! the most certainly are not following due process, shit for brains. Is Trump able to call the witnesses he wants? Can he confront his accusers? Is he able to have counsel present.

You morons keep insisting that Schiffferbrains and Nadless are following due process, but when you are grilled on the specifics, you switch to saying it's not a legal process.

No facts, whine about process.
Love the foul language.
Reminds me of my youth
Try research.
The process is set by the congress and differs every impeachment.
No open hearings?
In Clinton the only open hearing was STarr.
All the rest were closed.
The con has been invited many times
When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?
When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
Sure they are. Hmm. Did they swear under oath witnesses?

Oh, my no.

Witnesses give testimony during investigations too. Schiff’s hearings are more akin to a grand jury. The trial is in the senate.
Not under oath. Read about it

Incorrect. Since you’re so fond of reading, he’s an authoritative source.

During an appearance before the Grand Jury, a witness is required to answer all questions asked, except where the privilege against self-incrimination would apply. A knowingly false answer to any question could be the basis for a prosecution of the witness for perjury

Grand Jury Witness Information
When does the defendant get to call witnesses?

At trial.

Thanks for the attempt. Better luck next time.
That's what makes this a show trial, dumbass.
He hasn’t got to trial. Good lord, you keep talking in circles.
NO, you are talking in circles. On the one hand you admit that Trump isn't receiving due process, and then you ask us to prove he isn't receiving due process.

I never admitted he isn’t receiving due process.

So far you’re claims that he hasn’t gotten due process don’t make sense since he hasn’t gotten to trial yet.
Hahaha hahaha

That the best you have?
What due process is Trump being deprived of?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
They're conducting show trials.

Why don't you just give up? I'm never going to concede your point. You support a Stalinist process. That's the long and the short of it.

This isn’t a trial. The trial takes place in the Senate.

Are you this ignorant of the constitution?
You can't be this stupid. How about the right to confront your accusor?

When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
They're conducting show trials.

Why don't you just give up? I'm never going to concede your point. You support a Stalinist process. That's the long and the short of it.

This isn’t a trial. The trial takes place in the Senate.

Are you this ignorant of the constitution?
In other words, no due process. Why do you keep going round on this wheel of circular logic?
When does one get to confront their accused?

Oh right. At trial.
Right, not at a show trial. That's what Schiffferbrains and Nadless are conducting. Just admit that Trump isn't receiving due process. Actually, you already have.
Schiff and Nadler aren’t conducting any trial.
They're conducting show trials.

Why don't you just give up? I'm never going to concede your point. You support a Stalinist process. That's the long and the short of it.

This isn’t a trial. The trial takes place in the Senate.

Are you this ignorant of the constitution?
In other words, no due process. Why do you keep going round on this wheel of circular logic?

Trump is getting every bit of due process that anyone else would but he has to wait to get to trial before he has the right to confront his accuser and to call witnesses, just like anyone else would.

I’ve been crystal clear. You seem to be quite confused. Are you aware that the trial occurs in the Senate?

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