Could you believe how fast Republicans move when rich say "Hop to it"? sit are the Democrats......

Is that why the Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now want to take away the loopholes, but Republicans won't agree to it? Gotcha!
How old are you that you missed the entire debate by the progressives that we couldn't end the Bush tax cuts for the middle class because it would have hurt them to much......

I'll bet you don't get it.

The middle-class is not the same as "uber wealthy". And did you miss the fact that we went into sequester because Republicans insist on keeping the loopholes, which practically give the rich as much leverage on keeping more of their money as the tax cuts? sit are the Democrats......

Is that why the Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now want to take away the loopholes, but Republicans won't agree to it? Gotcha!
How old are you that you missed the entire debate by the progressives that we couldn't end the Bush tax cuts for the middle class because it would have hurt them to much......

I'll bet you don't get it.

That wasn't the debate. Even the Right Wing Christian Science Monitor wrote extensively about it. Republicans were going to deny millions of Americans unemployment and it was their policies that cost so many jobs. Republicans fucked America TWICE:

1. Held the unemployed hostage until the Bush Tax cuts, with most going to the top 5%, were extended.

2. Passed out all these unpaid benefits to redistribute the wealth of the nation to the top 5%.

Come on people. It was only a few years ago. How can you forget? Remember when Republicans were calling the unemployed "hobos" and saying they must be tested for drugs to receive their benefits?

It’s Unanimous! GOP Says No To Unemployment Benefits, Yes To Tax Cuts For The Rich
Is that why the Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now want to take away the loopholes, but Republicans won't agree to it? Gotcha!
How old are you that you missed the entire debate by the progressives that we couldn't end the Bush tax cuts for the middle class because it would have hurt them to much......

I'll bet you don't get it.

The middle-class is not the same as "uber wealthy". And did you miss the fact that we went into sequester because Republicans insist on keeping the loopholes, which practically give the rich as much leverage on keeping more of their money as the tax cuts?
So, you missed the fact that the middle class and the poor should not have needed to have the Bush Tax Cuts expire if they were only for the rich, eh?

BTW...the Sequester was promoted and signed into law by Obama. In addition to that, the federal budget has not gone down a single dime, so the entire sequester is a fraud, and these cuts are being made to deliberately harm American citizens. At the behest of Obama.

Sucks to support someone who deliberately causes great pain for politics, but there you go. Obama should really stop it.
Is that why the Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now want to take away the loopholes, but Republicans won't agree to it? Gotcha!
How old are you that you missed the entire debate by the progressives that we couldn't end the Bush tax cuts for the middle class because it would have hurt them to much......

I'll bet you don't get it.

That wasn't the debate. Even the Right Wing Christian Science Monitor wrote extensively about it. Republicans were going to deny millions of Americans unemployment and it was their policies that cost so many jobs. Republicans fucked America TWICE:

1. Held the unemployed hostage until the Bush Tax cuts, with most going to the top 5%, were extended.

2. Passed out all these unpaid benefits to redistribute the wealth of the nation to the top 5%.

Come on people. It was only a few years ago. How can you forget? Remember when Republicans were calling the unemployed "hobos" and saying they must be tested for drugs to receive their benefits?

It’s Unanimous! GOP Says No To Unemployment Benefits, Yes To Tax Cuts For The Rich
Liar. Republicans wanted to continue the tax breaks for Every American, and not single out any particular sect. They also had a strategy for getting people back to work because every study shows that people who have their Unemployment extended over and over again lose valuable jobs skills and often do not return to work.

But you knew that.
So, you missed the fact that the middle class and the poor should not have needed to have the Bush Tax Cuts expire if they were only for the rich, eh?
I didn't say the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich, although the rich did get a much better deal than the middle-class and below. What I did say was that Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich - you know, the tax cuts that only affected those making over $250k, and ended up having to raise it to $450, because Republicans didn't think those that make $250k are rich.

BTW...the Sequester was promoted and signed into law by Obama. In addition to that, the federal budget has not gone down a single dime, so the entire sequester is a fraud, and these cuts are being made to deliberately harm American citizens. At the behest of Obama.
It was agreed on by both parties for the mere purpose of not allowing it to happen. But Republicans, because they couldn't get what they wanted for the rich, decided they would rather screw the country. Then they went so far as to say it wasn't going to be that bad, I guess they don't think it's bad that seniors are going without meals, not as bad as having to wait a few hours to get on a plane.

Sucks to support someone who deliberately causes great pain for politics, but there you go. Obama should really stop it.
It sucks to support a party that only gives a damn about themselves and the uber wealthy and who don't do their job but instead make a vow to make their priority to bring the President down, regardless if it screws the country.
LOL, what we can't believe is how fast you liberals will run to vote for the rich in Congress
Seven of the top ten richest congress critters? DEMOCRATS

There is a difference between being rich and being owned by the rich. Try to figure out the difference.

Soros Paid $5 Billion to buy the Democrat Party

How much did the Koch Brothers pay for the GOP?
since when did only "the rich" fly on commercial airplanes? Most of "the rich" have their own planes.

the OP is a false premise.

Doesn't matter if they could sprout wings and fly unaided, they still need flight directions and permission to land.
In fact, the GOP can be considered the heroes in this entire debacle.

Everyone knows that Obama is intentionally targeting ONLY those services that will cause huge public pain just so he can spend more money.

The GOP is highlighting this fact and showing the people that there are better ways to cut government while NOT playing politics with peoples lives.

Obama didn't write the bill. He didn't write any part of the bill. It was a Congressional bipartisan effort to fuck us all over.
Ah yes. The rich and the GOP are all for "budget cuts" to government. But then, when they dont like the lessening of service provided, they bitch about it. How dare the rich be inconvenienced.

However, I doubt the rich or the GOP will give a fuck that the poor of America are inconvenienced by less police in the streets, or far longer response times from cops and firemen.

And democrats are different how? oh they want the poor to remain poor so they can control the poor.
That's the evil democratic plan. Feed your dogs just enough to keep them on the plantation, but not allow them enough means to be able to provide for themselves
In fact, the GOP can be considered the heroes in this entire debacle.

Everyone knows that Obama is intentionally targeting ONLY those services that will cause huge public pain just so he can spend more money.

The GOP is highlighting this fact and showing the people that there are better ways to cut government while NOT playing politics with peoples lives.

Obama didn't write the bill. He didn't write any part of the bill. It was a Congressional bipartisan effort to fuck us all over.

Who in your world is the Leader of the Free world? Who is suppose to broker the deals? When is anything going to be Obama's fault? When is he ever going to lead from the front? Or lead at all? He is the one who tried to get his way by making the average Joe sit on the tarmac for hours, Congress corrected that situation.
So, you missed the fact that the middle class and the poor should not have needed to have the Bush Tax Cuts expire if they were only for the rich, eh?
I didn't say the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich, although the rich did get a much better deal than the middle-class and below. What I did say was that Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich - you know, the tax cuts that only affected those making over $250k, and ended up having to raise it to $450, because Republicans didn't think those that make $250k are rich.

BTW...the Sequester was promoted and signed into law by Obama. In addition to that, the federal budget has not gone down a single dime, so the entire sequester is a fraud, and these cuts are being made to deliberately harm American citizens. At the behest of Obama.
It was agreed on by both parties for the mere purpose of not allowing it to happen. But Republicans, because they couldn't get what they wanted for the rich, decided they would rather screw the country. Then they went so far as to say it wasn't going to be that bad, I guess they don't think it's bad that seniors are going without meals, not as bad as having to wait a few hours to get on a plane.

Sucks to support someone who deliberately causes great pain for politics, but there you go. Obama should really stop it.
It sucks to support a party that only gives a damn about themselves and the uber wealthy and who don't do their job but instead make a vow to make their priority to bring the President down, regardless if it screws the country.

Didn't I see just the other day a thread about how the red states suck up most of the welfare? Now which is it with the Liberal Left? The Republicans are either all rich or welfare queens can't be both.

Election is over there is no reason to bring down the President he is doing it all himself.

But the worse thing is that in one thread we will all cry about the debt and the dysfunctional government yet when they are actually forced to do something we bitch about that. The real problem is, and has been for 5 years now, is that we don't have leadership we have a narcissist that wants his way no matter what. And when one looks back over the last 5 years him getting his way hasn't worked out that well for the American people.
i say this will be in the badlands before this time tomorrow....just another Dean..."i hate those rascally republicans" gets old Dean....and predictable....

But he has a valid point. unlike field trips to the White House for school kids, shutting down the private airfields made Rich people have to wait like the rest of us schlubs.

And that ended faster than you could say, "Don't you know who I am?"

Dean has a lot of valid points Joe.....its his "i hate Republicans" Monolog that comes after that decides how his threads end up.....and 90% of them go gets old.....but it is fun watching him act like he doesn't understand WHY.....when he does...

But a lot of the "I hate Obama" monologs or the "I hate abortion" monologs don't end up in the Rubber Room or Badlands.... and some of them should.
There is a difference between being rich and being owned by the rich. Try to figure out the difference.

Soros Paid $5 Billion to buy the Democrat Party


Don't get me started on billionaires and Republicans.

Dumb ass right wingers scream "Democrats have billionaires too". But what it is those billionaires are trying to do? Change laws so we can have bigger nuclear waste dumps? Rewrite environmental laws. Dump toxic waste. Deregulate banks.

You don't go to Democrats for those things. You go to Republicans. Come on. Even you have to admit it. Right? Come on. Admit it asswipe. Finally be honest for once.

"In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 ( that's Five Billion ) to the Democratic National Committee"

Please take time to read this about GEORGE SOROS - InformedTrades
i say this will be in the badlands before this time tomorrow....just another Dean..."i hate those rascally republicans" gets old Dean....and predictable....

I think the difference here is that the links came from Fox and the Christian Science Monitor. It's much harder for right wingers to argue with their programmers.
Another fail thread from rdea n........democracts bitch about it as much as fact librrald rife planes even though...they pollute...hmmmmm

Like I said idiot child, the links came from Fox and the Christian Science Monitor.

Perhaps that's why the right wingers on this site very rarely put up links? Because even their own programmers are turning against them?

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