Could you believe how fast Republicans move when rich say "Hop to it"?

Once again, you offer no evidence on anything. And you say I rant? Hilarious.

most here think your rants are hilarious....hence the respect you get.....

dean offers up "evidence" in a huffpo piece or two....that's about it...he starts threads, gets his ASS KICKED and then never returns......

I also love how he circle jerks with his lib buddies in a thread but cant make any points himself....
well him just starting a thread and making statements and asking questions......and then when the questions start coming his way and he disappears never to be seen in that thread again is another reason why Dean is so respected.....why start a thread asking questions if you are not going to follow it through?.....what the fuck is the point of starting it?...
"Soros has donated some $5 billion of his fortune to left-wing non-profit groups through the Open Society Institute"

Michelle Malkin | The Democrat Party platform?s hidden Soros Slush Fund «


Obviously, Malkin doesn't even know what a slush fund is.
and the "rich" in Congress are not the same either.....the Billionaires who run all the monster corporations in this Country control both can be naive like Dean is and not believe that,or you can wake up......

Once again, you offer no evidence on anything. And you say I rant? Hilarious.

most here think your rants are hilarious....hence the respect you get.....

Respect from you would be an embarrassment.
First of all, linking to a "blog" is the same as linking to the US Message Board as "proof".

And what did Soros get for his money? What is his goal? Are all donations the "same"? why won't you answer those questions? Mmmmmm?

Biggest GOP Donor in 2012 Makes Habit of Buying Political Favors

anything that pollutes and makes lots of money doing it. In 2004, according to Mariah Blake of, Simmons applied for a permit to build a nuclear waste dump on the Texas/New Mexico border. The problem was that this dump was directly over the Ogallala Aquifer

Try looking up some of these other billionaires and find out what they want.

Harold Hamm
Joseph Craft
Koch brothers
Sheldon Adelson
Bob Perry
Jim Davis
Richard Marriott and Bill Marriott Jr.
Edward Conard

And I have a bunch more if you want their names. You could find them yourself if you knew how to use Google. Their donations and their plans were never hidden. They have all been "out there" with what they want.

I give the USMB Republicans the opportunity to have an actual debate. I give them GOP billionaires and ask why are the investing in the GOP. I ask them what it is Soros hopes to gain by giving money to the Democrats.

And look at what they come up with? Bullshit and rants. These are the most pathetic people, I swear. And when I point that out, they whine, rdean is being mean to us. Pathetic doesn't begin to describe them.

i have never seen anyone here say you are being mean to us......but i have seen you whine about how many here treat you......

Me whine? Never. Pointing out that right wingers don't debate with facts and statistics because they believe education is for snobs isn't whining. It's an "observation". Asking right wingers for some evidence of their bizarre positions is a logical question. I can't help it if they have no answer.
Once again, you offer no evidence on anything. And you say I rant? Hilarious.

most here think your rants are hilarious....hence the respect you get.....

dean offers up "evidence" in a huffpo piece or two....that's about it...he starts threads, gets his ASS KICKED and then never returns......

I also love how he circle jerks with his lib buddies in a thread but cant make any points himself....

Actually I rarely used Huffington Post as a "source". I love using Fox when they print something true. Or the Christian Science Monitor.

For instance, take this link:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

When you point out what the GOP does, right wingers, such as yourself, cry foul even when the history is recent and can hardly be forgotten, like what is spelled out in this link.

The problem with you is you really are a fool. What else could explain it. But don't worry, I won't make you my bitch. It wouldn't be a status symbol. It would be an embarrassment.

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