Could you believe how fast Republicans move when rich say "Hop to it"?

But he has a valid point. unlike field trips to the White House for school kids, shutting down the private airfields made Rich people have to wait like the rest of us schlubs.

And that ended faster than you could say, "Don't you know who I am?"

Dean has a lot of valid points Joe.....its his "i hate Republicans" Monolog that comes after that decides how his threads end up.....and 90% of them go gets old.....but it is fun watching him act like he doesn't understand WHY.....when he does...

But a lot of the "I hate Obama" monologs or the "I hate abortion" monologs don't end up in the Rubber Room or Badlands.... and some of them should.

I don't know. This is a right leaning board. When the right are in charge, you have to play by their rules. They always demand links and I provide them. And this time, the links are from Fox News and the Christian Science Monitor and still you have some demanding this thread get moved.

Remember, these are the people who always say they want a "debate". But how can people of this ilk debate? Short answer? They can't.
Soros Paid $5 Billion to buy the Democrat Party


Don't get me started on billionaires and Republicans.

Dumb ass right wingers scream "Democrats have billionaires too". But what it is those billionaires are trying to do? Change laws so we can have bigger nuclear waste dumps? Rewrite environmental laws. Dump toxic waste. Deregulate banks.

You don't go to Democrats for those things. You go to Republicans. Come on. Even you have to admit it. Right? Come on. Admit it asswipe. Finally be honest for once.

"In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 ( that's Five Billion ) to the Democratic National Committee"

Please take time to read this about GEORGE SOROS - InformedTrades

First of all, linking to a "blog" is the same as linking to the US Message Board as "proof".

And what did Soros get for his money? What is his goal? Are all donations the "same"? why won't you answer those questions? Mmmmmm?

Biggest GOP Donor in 2012 Makes Habit of Buying Political Favors

anything that pollutes and makes lots of money doing it. In 2004, according to Mariah Blake of, Simmons applied for a permit to build a nuclear waste dump on the Texas/New Mexico border. The problem was that this dump was directly over the Ogallala Aquifer

Try looking up some of these other billionaires and find out what they want.

Harold Hamm
Joseph Craft
Koch brothers
Sheldon Adelson
Bob Perry
Jim Davis
Richard Marriott and Bill Marriott Jr.
Edward Conard

And I have a bunch more if you want their names. You could find them yourself if you knew how to use Google. Their donations and their plans were never hidden. They have all been "out there" with what they want.

"If you have wondered where Obama came from and just how he quickly moved from obscurity to President, or why the media is “selective” in what we are told, here is the man who most probably put him there and is responsible. He controls President Obama’s every move. Think this is absurd? Invest a few minutes and read this.. You won’t regret it.

Who is Obama? Obama is a puppet and here is the explanation of the man or demon that pulls his strings. It’s not by chance that Obama can manipulate the world. I don’t think he knows how to tie his shoe laces. After reading this and Obama’s reluctance to accept help on the oil spill you wonder if the spill is part of the plan to destroy the US? “In history, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet someone planned it.”/ Franklin Delano Roosevelt"

Read the article

Soros owns Obama and the Dem Party

"If you have wondered where Obama came from and just how he quickly moved from obscurity to President, or why the media is “selective” in what we are told, here is the man who most probably put him there and is responsible. He controls President Obama’s every move. Think this is absurd? Invest a few minutes and read this.. You won’t regret it.

Who is Obama? Obama is a puppet and here is the explanation of the man or demon that pulls his strings. It’s not by chance that Obama can manipulate the world. I don’t think he knows how to tie his shoe laces. After reading this and Obama’s reluctance to accept help on the oil spill you wonder if the spill is part of the plan to destroy the US? “In history, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet someone planned it.”/ Franklin Delano Roosevelt"

Read the article

Soros owns Obama and the Dem Party

Soros owns Think Progress and Move on. Every time someone links to either one they are linking directly to George Soros.
Republicans are controlled by the rich. sit are the Democrats......

Is that why the Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now want to take away the loopholes, but Republicans won't agree to it? Gotcha!

if you dont believe the Democrats are just as controlled by the rich as the other guys are .....then they did their job on you...:thup:
Is that why the Democrats wanted to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now want to take away the loopholes, but Republicans won't agree to it? Gotcha!
How old are you that you missed the entire debate by the progressives that we couldn't end the Bush tax cuts for the middle class because it would have hurt them to much......

I'll bet you don't get it.

The middle-class is not the same as "uber wealthy". And did you miss the fact that we went into sequester because Republicans insist on keeping the loopholes, which practically give the rich as much leverage on keeping more of their money as the tax cuts?

and the "rich" in Congress are not the same either.....the Billionaires who run all the monster corporations in this Country control both can be naive like Dean is and not believe that,or you can wake up......
But he has a valid point. unlike field trips to the White House for school kids, shutting down the private airfields made Rich people have to wait like the rest of us schlubs.

And that ended faster than you could say, "Don't you know who I am?"

Dean has a lot of valid points Joe.....its his "i hate Republicans" Monolog that comes after that decides how his threads end up.....and 90% of them go gets old.....but it is fun watching him act like he doesn't understand WHY.....when he does...

But a lot of the "I hate Obama" monologs or the "I hate abortion" monologs don't end up in the Rubber Room or Badlands.... and some of them should.

that's bullshit.....i was just in one the other day and few days before that .....Intense threw it in there on the tenth post....and righties like Shootspeeders threads end up in there all the time....Dean fucks up his own threads Joe.....Dean doesn't discuss without ranting about Republicans.....its the way he has been since he joined......when you rant.....for some reason you end up in the badlands.....and since Dean is one of the biggest ranters here.....i guess when he puts up a thread....all mods zero in on it.....he can change you think he will?.....i don't think he is capable of it.....
i say this will be in the badlands before this time tomorrow....just another Dean..."i hate those rascally republicans" gets old Dean....and predictable....

I think the difference here is that the links came from Fox and the Christian Science Monitor. It's much harder for right wingers to argue with their programmers.

are you really this dense Dean?.....or is it just an act?.....once again for the 30th time.....your thread and its sources are not why your threads get moved......its what....YOU SAY....after you post the thread......there is a difference between Discussing and Ranting..... i know its hard to believe.....
How old are you that you missed the entire debate by the progressives that we couldn't end the Bush tax cuts for the middle class because it would have hurt them to much......

I'll bet you don't get it.

The middle-class is not the same as "uber wealthy". And did you miss the fact that we went into sequester because Republicans insist on keeping the loopholes, which practically give the rich as much leverage on keeping more of their money as the tax cuts?

and the "rich" in Congress are not the same either.....the Billionaires who run all the monster corporations in this Country control both can be naive like Dean is and not believe that,or you can wake up......

Once again, you offer no evidence on anything. And you say I rant? Hilarious.
i say this will be in the badlands before this time tomorrow....just another Dean..."i hate those rascally republicans" gets old Dean....and predictable....

I think the difference here is that the links came from Fox and the Christian Science Monitor. It's much harder for right wingers to argue with their programmers.

are you really this dense Dean?.....or is it just an act?.....once again for the 30th time.....your thread and its sources are not why your threads get moved......its what....YOU SAY....after you post the thread......there is a difference between Discussing and Ranting..... i know its hard to believe.....

So you are saying what I say is "true", but you don't like the "way" I said it?

Confusing, to say the least. Oh, it's you who's confused.
Don't get me started on billionaires and Republicans.

Dumb ass right wingers scream "Democrats have billionaires too". But what it is those billionaires are trying to do? Change laws so we can have bigger nuclear waste dumps? Rewrite environmental laws. Dump toxic waste. Deregulate banks.

You don't go to Democrats for those things. You go to Republicans. Come on. Even you have to admit it. Right? Come on. Admit it asswipe. Finally be honest for once.

"In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 ( that's Five Billion ) to the Democratic National Committee"

Please take time to read this about GEORGE SOROS - InformedTrades

First of all, linking to a "blog" is the same as linking to the US Message Board as "proof".

And what did Soros get for his money? What is his goal? Are all donations the "same"? why won't you answer those questions? Mmmmmm?

Biggest GOP Donor in 2012 Makes Habit of Buying Political Favors

anything that pollutes and makes lots of money doing it. In 2004, according to Mariah Blake of, Simmons applied for a permit to build a nuclear waste dump on the Texas/New Mexico border. The problem was that this dump was directly over the Ogallala Aquifer

Try looking up some of these other billionaires and find out what they want.

Harold Hamm
Joseph Craft
Koch brothers
Sheldon Adelson
Bob Perry
Jim Davis
Richard Marriott and Bill Marriott Jr.
Edward Conard

And I have a bunch more if you want their names. You could find them yourself if you knew how to use Google. Their donations and their plans were never hidden. They have all been "out there" with what they want.

I give the USMB Republicans the opportunity to have an actual debate. I give them GOP billionaires and ask why are the investing in the GOP. I ask them what it is Soros hopes to gain by giving money to the Democrats.

And look at what they come up with? Bullshit and rants. These are the most pathetic people, I swear. And when I point that out, they whine, rdean is being mean to us. Pathetic doesn't begin to describe them.
There is no way that a budget cut of 2% to the proposed increase in spending could cause any
actual cuts in services...

Obama got caught in his BS.

Heck, they have a budget of almost $16 billion!

And, I do know that many flights are not even there anymore with mergers, etc. by airlines over the last few years yet they had requested a 17% increase! And -

Nearly 71 percent of the total requested amount for Operations is used to pay for the salaries and benefits of most FAA employees, including safety inspectors and air traffic controllers.
which amounts to $9.8 billion of their total budget.

I have also learned they spend over $500 million a year just for consultants.

And they have a huge amount of new hires in training for becoming controllers as they plan on hiring a total of 11,000 new controllers by 2020 to replace retiring controllers.
In 2011 alone 25% of their workforce was controllers in training. Why were these individuals not furloughed first?

So stop training those being trained to replace those that retire?

Sounds kind of short sighted, doncha think?

actually no, just for the short term. And 25% of their operations budget is for trainees??

I am curious as to how many controllers there actually are at this time, not in training.
Ok, I found a site stating that in 2010 there were 27,000 controllers employed in the US.
So, if they have 11,000 in training, on top of those 27,000, and they are to replace retiring controllers by 2020, some of those trainees will have been training for 7 years before they come online? Something is wrong with that picture.
According to the FAA -
At the FAA Academy
Air traffic controller recruits must complete various phases of training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to help them become full-fledged air traffic controllers. Depending on the specific class, the length of training can last from several weeks to several months.
ANd -
Upon selection, employees attend the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, OK, for 12 weeks of training,
Generally, it takes new controllers with only initial controller training between 2 and 4 years, depending on the facility and the availability of facility staff or contractors to provide on-the-job training, to complete all the certification requirements to become certified professional controllers.

So, on average it takes around 3 years, yet, since these 11,000 also include those to replace controllers through 2020, seems some of them could wait on training for awhile.
The middle-class is not the same as "uber wealthy". And did you miss the fact that we went into sequester because Republicans insist on keeping the loopholes, which practically give the rich as much leverage on keeping more of their money as the tax cuts?

and the "rich" in Congress are not the same either.....the Billionaires who run all the monster corporations in this Country control both can be naive like Dean is and not believe that,or you can wake up......

Once again, you offer no evidence on anything. And you say I rant? Hilarious.

most here think your rants are hilarious....hence the respect you get.....
and the "rich" in Congress are not the same either.....the Billionaires who run all the monster corporations in this Country control both can be naive like Dean is and not believe that,or you can wake up......

Once again, you offer no evidence on anything. And you say I rant? Hilarious.

most here think your rants are hilarious....hence the respect you get.....

dean offers up "evidence" in a huffpo piece or two....that's about it...he starts threads, gets his ASS KICKED and then never returns......

I also love how he circle jerks with his lib buddies in a thread but cant make any points himself....
I think the difference here is that the links came from Fox and the Christian Science Monitor. It's much harder for right wingers to argue with their programmers.

are you really this dense Dean?.....or is it just an act?.....once again for the 30th time.....your thread and its sources are not why your threads get moved......its what....YOU SAY....after you post the thread......there is a difference between Discussing and Ranting..... i know its hard to believe.....

So you are saying what I say is "true", but you don't like the "way" I said it?

Confusing, to say the least. Oh, it's you who's confused.
yea some of your threads are......but when the Republicans are this and that shit starts and the Democrats are absolutely without sin shit starts.....then the whole thread goes south and then YOU become the focus of the thread instead of what you posted.....and here comes the flame zone...... when you start admitting the Democrats are as fucked as the Republicans are in their own way instead of saying how without sin they might start getting more respect.....but somehow i cant see that happening.....
"In 2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 ( that's Five Billion ) to the Democratic National Committee"

Please take time to read this about GEORGE SOROS - InformedTrades

First of all, linking to a "blog" is the same as linking to the US Message Board as "proof".

And what did Soros get for his money? What is his goal? Are all donations the "same"? why won't you answer those questions? Mmmmmm?

Biggest GOP Donor in 2012 Makes Habit of Buying Political Favors

anything that pollutes and makes lots of money doing it. In 2004, according to Mariah Blake of, Simmons applied for a permit to build a nuclear waste dump on the Texas/New Mexico border. The problem was that this dump was directly over the Ogallala Aquifer

Try looking up some of these other billionaires and find out what they want.

Harold Hamm
Joseph Craft
Koch brothers
Sheldon Adelson
Bob Perry
Jim Davis
Richard Marriott and Bill Marriott Jr.
Edward Conard

And I have a bunch more if you want their names. You could find them yourself if you knew how to use Google. Their donations and their plans were never hidden. They have all been "out there" with what they want.

I give the USMB Republicans the opportunity to have an actual debate. I give them GOP billionaires and ask why are the investing in the GOP. I ask them what it is Soros hopes to gain by giving money to the Democrats.

And look at what they come up with? Bullshit and rants. These are the most pathetic people, I swear. And when I point that out, they whine, rdean is being mean to us. Pathetic doesn't begin to describe them.

i have never seen anyone here say you are being mean to us......but i have seen you whine about how many here treat you......

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