Could You Imagine A Debate Between Hillary& Sarah?, Would Palin Be Comparing Her Body Parts?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:banana::boobies::clap2: And too bad this epic battle of the bitches will never happen, but if it did, how long before they start fighting like two pissed of cats? Making insults over all of their body parts, and eventually Sarah will make note that millions of Americans are still doubting "Hillary's Gender" being she always wears mens suits and is far from presenting herself as a real woman.
So who do you think will be the candidate in the end of the debate, walking away with TP stuck to her butt?
and about 20 minutes into the debate, Hillary will start barking like a dog.
Women don't have to stoop to such adolescent topics. Not funny. Not clever. Go measure your pee-pee and leave us alone.
With respect to physical attractiveness... compared to Shrillary, Sarah is a goddess...
Sarah would also eventually rip Hillary about her 10 minute coughing episodes. and explaining to the viewers why she coughs so much.
Rosie O'Donnell is a comedian. They get to discuss the taboo. Presidential candidates do NOT.
i can just vision Sarah Palin on the right podium, wearing her sexy red blouse/short skirt/red heels outfit,while Hillary is in her usual menswear, and later saying something regarding that , well at least I am not embarrassed to show off my slender womanly leggs! how about you Hillary?
this thread is not breakfast material
more like late afternoon?
Im not sure.
maybe at an over eaters function or something.
with the picture of hillarys legs in my mind, Im not sure I can eat at all today.
god, can you imagine if we had a GOP debate with one straight guy and two gay men?
assuming Trump is straight, I have suspicions that we already have.
Sarah: Well at least my boobs are real!!! :boobies: but with Hillary? we don't know, no one has ever seen them!
You really want to see her 70 year old upper arms, baggy knees and swollen ankles? Jeesum. You're one sick puppy.
this thread is not breakfast material
more like late afternoon?
Im not sure.
maybe at an over eaters function or something.
with the picture of hillarys legs in my mind, Im not sure I can eat at all today.
god, can you imagine if we had a GOP debate with one straight guy and two gay men?
assuming Trump is straight, I have suspicions that we already have.
can you just imagine Hillary on "Naked and Afraid"? I can already see a dozen Elephants, 7 gorillas and a herd of laughing hyeanas running for their lives

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