Could You Imagine How Trump Would have Been Attacked Had He Nominated A Supporter Of A Wife Beater To His Administration?

Biden is picking people reflective of America. Not on abilities and talent but on reflection. Its the Village. Ten thousand B.C. With the same infused with a state of the art technology a half century ago that is losing ground because of it. Very soon, China will eclipse us. And they will rule.

Why don't you include the whole story?

Porter worked for President between 2017 and 2018, BEFORE he committed spousal abuse. President Trump did not hire a domestic abuse perpetrator but instead hired a lawyer. After he was caught / exposed for abusing his wife in 2018 Porter resigned. it was reported by some that Porter was given the choice to resign and go away, the administration / Trump wanting nothing to do with a spouse abuser.

You missed that, did you...or did you intentionally not include this?

Biden has nominated and is sticking with someone who supports / defends a wife-beater. You are trying to insinuate...poorly and falsely...that President Trump 'did it too', which is a blatant falsehood.
Biden is picking people reflective of America. Not on abilities and talent but on reflection. Its the Village. Ten thousand B.C. With the same infused with a state of the art technology a half century ago that is losing ground because of it. Very soon, China will eclipse us. And they will rule.
Ive been noticing this much. Total identity politics. Merit and qualifications dont appear to be relevant for most positions.
Biden is picking people reflective of America. Not on abilities and talent but on reflection. Its the Village. Ten thousand B.C. With the same infused with a state of the art technology a half century ago that is losing ground because of it. Very soon, China will eclipse us. And they will rule.
So you think the defender of a wife-beater, radicals who have broken laws, who have engaged in racist, who have Anti-Semitism, took part in Bill Clinton's last minute pardon of extremely wealthy Democrat donors before he walked out the WH think these radical people are 'reflective of America'?

Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.

Sourced to an Seattle Times article if you clicked two links.

Earlier Tuesday, Fudge came under scrutiny for her past support of Lance Mason. She had been among several officials who wrote letters of support over recent years for Mason, a former county judge and state senator who pleaded guilty in 2015 to beating Aisha Fraser Mason so badly that her face required reconstructive surgery.

Ohio Democrat says she won’t challenge Pelosi for speaker

Care to make an actual response to the material on the merits or are you just going hack back?
What response are you looking for?

How about 'THANK YOU' for proving what I posted earlier, how Pelosi has managed to survive and remain Speaker at least TWICE now after Democrats have been disgruntled with her actions as Speaker. It was reported that many Democrats were pissed at Pelosi after the recent election, blaming her for the Democrats losing so many House seats.

The article whose link you posted states Pelosi BOUGHT her challenger off by naming her 'as incoming chair of a newly revived elections subcommittee that will delve into voting rights access'.

If you remember, when Democrats won back the House from the Republicans, SC D-Jim Clyburn was the House Minority Leader att. Democrat leadership BOUGHT Clyburn's agreement to step down and give Pelosi the Position as Speaker despite his being in line for it. They CREATED A NEW POSITION AND A NEW TITLE for him so he would give it up.... Yup, rich, white, elderly, self-enriching, self-empowering, criminal, racist elitists paid the negro off so Pelosi could have back her Speaker position. It was primarily Pelosi's 'leadership' that helped cause the Democrats to lose the House to the GOP, jus tas it was due to her 'leadership' and actions that led to the Democrats losing so many seats in the Hose this election...

....but once again she BOUGHT off another negro with a token position / title on another new, made-up committee...

Yup....THANK YOU for posting an article substantiating what I posted, that Pelosi's position as Speaker WAS challenged...and she has survived to remain as Speaker, able to keep her multiple houses, her $25K freezer, and her multiple expensive containers of gourmet ice cream while Americans continue to suffer...

We are not children.

We know that individuals such as Nancy are hypocrites.

Instead of kneeling in the Capitol to show how much she loves certain folks, she should have announced that she was turning over the Speakership to Rep. Clyburn, who has been credited for saving Mr. Biden's candidacy.

Just think of what a wonderful impression that would have made on the world: A Vice President who is a woman & an African American; a Speaker of the House who is of the same ethnicity; and a Secretary of Defense who is also of the same ethnicity.

But Nancy thought only of herself and refused to stand down. She talks the talks but refuses to walk the walk.
Last edited:
Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.

Sourced to an Seattle Times article if you clicked two links.

Earlier Tuesday, Fudge came under scrutiny for her past support of Lance Mason. She had been among several officials who wrote letters of support over recent years for Mason, a former county judge and state senator who pleaded guilty in 2015 to beating Aisha Fraser Mason so badly that her face required reconstructive surgery.

Ohio Democrat says she won’t challenge Pelosi for speaker

Care to make an actual response to the material on the merits or are you just going hack back?
What response are you looking for?

How about 'THANK YOU' for proving what I posted earlier, how Pelosi has managed to survive and remain Speaker at least TWICE now after Democrats have been disgruntled with her actions as Speaker. It was reported that many Democrats were pissed at Pelosi after the recent election, blaming her for the Democrats losing so many House seats.

The article whose link you posted states Pelosi BOUGHT her challenger off by naming her 'as incoming chair of a newly revived elections subcommittee that will delve into voting rights access'.

If you remember, when Democrats won back the House from the Republicans, SC D-Jim Clyburn was the House Minority Leader att. Democrat leadership BOUGHT Clyburn's agreement to step down and give Pelosi the Position as Speaker despite his being in line for it. They CREATED A NEW POSITION AND A NEW TITLE for him so he would give it up.... Yup, rich, white, elderly, self-enriching, self-empowering, criminal, racist elitists paid the negro off so Pelosi could have back her Speaker position. It was primarily Pelosi's 'leadership' that helped cause the Democrats to lose the House to the GOP, jus tas it was due to her 'leadership' and actions that led to the Democrats losing so many seats in the Hose this election...

....but once again she BOUGHT off another negro with a token position / title on another new, made-up committee...

Yup....THANK YOU for posting an article substantiating what I posted, that Pelosi's position as Speaker WAS challenged...and she has survived to remain as Speaker, able to keep her multiple houses, her $25K freezer, and her multiple expensive containers of gourmet ice cream while Americans continue to suffer...

Aw, gee, you sound really butthurt. You Nancy married well and that she has no financial worries in the pandemic, and unlike Donald Trump, she married a REAL billionaire, who made the money himself, not some rich kid living large on his inheritance, and losing money at every turn. The difference between Trump and Nancy is that she is well aware that a lot of Americans are not so fortunate, and for the tens of thousands lining up for food banks, this is a very scary time.
Biden is picking people reflective of America. Not on abilities and talent but on reflection. Its the Village. Ten thousand B.C. With the same infused with a state of the art technology a half century ago that is losing ground because of it. Very soon, China will eclipse us. And they will rule.
So you think the defender of a wife-beater, radicals who have broken laws, who have engaged in racist, who have Anti-Semitism, took part in Bill Clinton's last minute pardon of extremely wealthy Democrat donors before he walked out the WH think these radical people are 'reflective of America'?


Trump picked Rob Porter as his daily advisor. Porter blackened his ex-wife's eye, and she had a restraining order against him, and yet Trump still hired him, and when told there was a problem, Trump defended Porter:

Jump one of the felons, criminals, and crooks that Trump surrounded himself with.

None of Obama's people needed pardons when they left office and Trump took over.
Damn right! His supporters would have demanded he hire the wife beater himself!
Biden is picking people reflective of America. Not on abilities and talent but on reflection. Its the Village. Ten thousand B.C. With the same infused with a state of the art technology a half century ago that is losing ground because of it. Very soon, China will eclipse us. And they will rule.
So you think the defender of a wife-beater, radicals who have broken laws, who have engaged in racist, who have Anti-Semitism, took part in Bill Clinton's last minute pardon of extremely wealthy Democrat donors before he walked out the WH think these radical people are 'reflective of America'?


Trump picked Rob Porter as his daily advisor. Porter blackened his ex-wife's eye, and she had a restraining order against him, and yet Trump still hired him, and when told there was a problem, Trump defended Porter:

Jump one of the felons, criminals, and crooks that Trump surrounded himself with.

None of Obama's people needed pardons when they left office and Trump took over.

Great, so you want to make an excuse for Biden selecting a wife beater...WTF.
Bill Clinton spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and having sex with children.

Your Pizza is at the door. Pepperoni, extra anchovies!
Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Should we ask Stephen Miller?
Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.
Every single day there is at least one good snowflake demonstration of how they are unwilling to discuss what is being reported and unable to debunk what is being reported. It's the liberal equivalent to raising the 'white flag'.


You really shouldn't call them liberals, it's a misnomer and never belonged to them in the first place. I think it derived from hippies who had some good gripes and great music. Compare they to PROGS.

Call em PROGS, leftists or Communists, IMO. Liberal gives people the wrong idea, which is why PROGS entertain it.

How about 'Liberal Progressive Socialist-Marxist Foreign-Funded/Owned Domestic Terrorists /Traitors'?!

Who exactly would that be? You talk about your fellow Americans like they were some sinister invading force and not your neighbours, your coworkers and your fellow citizens. You are tearing your country apart and destroying yourselves with this bullshit, and Donald Trump is cheering on this lunacy in an all out effort to hold the Presidency - a job he has clearly hated, since he barely bothers to show up at all and when he does, he just fucks things up.

The whole Trump Cult is based on the idea of victimization and everyone being out to get your Fearless Leader. What bullshit! Nobody has to try to destroy Donald Trump. He's far to busy doing it to himself.

You're a fucking liar living inside a safe-space making you a coward too.
PROGS support deviant behavior, it's standard protocol.

Bill Clinton spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and having sex with children.

Joe Biden has spent ther vast majority of his 47 year political career groping, fondling, and sniffing women and small children. he is the only relevant Presidential politician who has actually grabbed a woman by the pu$$y, not just talked about doing it.

His son had many adulterous affairs with women provided to him by foreign nations that hate this country and wanted / wants to have political access and receive political favor WHILE making his own pedophile porn starring his own under-aged kin.

Woman-beaters, politicians who beat their wives AND attempt to smother their own kids with pillows, pedos...its all documented / reported....and its all ok because they are Democrats.....

That's not what the judge in the Paula Jones Trial said. He said that the case was entirely without foundation or evidence, and he dismissed the case "with prejudice", ordering Paul Jones to pay Clinton's legal fees.

No woman has accused Clinton of any of the things you suggest, but more than 20 women and some children have confirmed Donald Trump's stories that he assaults women he finds attractive, and just grabs them by the pussy.

You've been lying about the Clintons since you joined this board. You kept telling us that any day now Hillary was going to jail. I'm still waiting.
Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.

Sourced to an Seattle Times article if you clicked two links.

Earlier Tuesday, Fudge came under scrutiny for her past support of Lance Mason. She had been among several officials who wrote letters of support over recent years for Mason, a former county judge and state senator who pleaded guilty in 2015 to beating Aisha Fraser Mason so badly that her face required reconstructive surgery.

Ohio Democrat says she won’t challenge Pelosi for speaker

Care to make an actual response to the material on the merits or are you just going hack back?
What response are you looking for?

How about 'THANK YOU' for proving what I posted earlier, how Pelosi has managed to survive and remain Speaker at least TWICE now after Democrats have been disgruntled with her actions as Speaker. It was reported that many Democrats were pissed at Pelosi after the recent election, blaming her for the Democrats losing so many House seats.

The article whose link you posted states Pelosi BOUGHT her challenger off by naming her 'as incoming chair of a newly revived elections subcommittee that will delve into voting rights access'.

If you remember, when Democrats won back the House from the Republicans, SC D-Jim Clyburn was the House Minority Leader att. Democrat leadership BOUGHT Clyburn's agreement to step down and give Pelosi the Position as Speaker despite his being in line for it. They CREATED A NEW POSITION AND A NEW TITLE for him so he would give it up.... Yup, rich, white, elderly, self-enriching, self-empowering, criminal, racist elitists paid the negro off so Pelosi could have back her Speaker position. It was primarily Pelosi's 'leadership' that helped cause the Democrats to lose the House to the GOP, jus tas it was due to her 'leadership' and actions that led to the Democrats losing so many seats in the Hose this election...

....but once again she BOUGHT off another negro with a token position / title on another new, made-up committee...

Yup....THANK YOU for posting an article substantiating what I posted, that Pelosi's position as Speaker WAS challenged...and she has survived to remain as Speaker, able to keep her multiple houses, her $25K freezer, and her multiple expensive containers of gourmet ice cream while Americans continue to suffer...

I wasn't replying to you, but to Blaine moron.
Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.
Goebbels babble

You post a sig by Mark Twain saying no amount of evidence will convince an idiot.
Let us know when Trump wins one of his lawsuits, mmmKay?
Legal experts around the country are laughing at him....and you fucking idiots.

Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.
You’d suck Bidumb’ s dick if you could!
You've had yours locked on Trump's for four years.
You swallow, too?
Biden’s pick for HUD Secretary once wrote a letter of support for judge who severely beat his wife

Placeholder Image

“a good man who made a bad mistake.”

I'm sure she 'deserved it', right Democrats / snowflakes? WTF?!

Just recently another Democrat was arrested for 'Domestic violence', consisting of beating his wife and attempting to smother their son with a pillow.... (Thread exists on this one, too)....

It's all good....IF A DEMOCRAT DOES IT, I guess.....

Your source is aptly named: hotair
More fake news.
You guys are such suckers.
Every single day there is at least one good snowflake demonstration of how they are unwilling to discuss what is being reported and unable to debunk what is being reported. It's the liberal equivalent to raising the 'white flag'.


You really shouldn't call them liberals, it's a misnomer and never belonged to them in the first place. I think it derived from hippies who had some good gripes and great music. Compare they to PROGS.

Call em PROGS, leftists or Communists, IMO. Liberal gives people the wrong idea, which is why PROGS entertain it.

How about 'Liberal Progressive Socialist-Marxist Foreign-Funded/Owned Domestic Terrorists /Traitors'?!

Who exactly would that be? You talk about your fellow Americans like they were some sinister invading force and not your neighbours, your coworkers and your fellow citizens. You are tearing your country apart and destroying yourselves with this bullshit, and Donald Trump is cheering on this lunacy in an all out effort to hold the Presidency - a job he has clearly hated, since he barely bothers to show up at all and when he does, he just fucks things up.

The whole Trump Cult is based on the idea of victimization and everyone being out to get your Fearless Leader. What bullshit! Nobody has to try to destroy Donald Trump. He's far to busy doing it to himself.

You're a fucking liar living inside a safe-space making you a coward too.
PROGS support deviant behavior, it's standard protocol.

Bill Clinton spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and having sex with children.

Joe Biden has spent ther vast majority of his 47 year political career groping, fondling, and sniffing women and small children. he is the only relevant Presidential politician who has actually grabbed a woman by the pu$$y, not just talked about doing it.

His son had many adulterous affairs with women provided to him by foreign nations that hate this country and wanted / wants to have political access and receive political favor WHILE making his own pedophile porn starring his own under-aged kin.

Woman-beaters, politicians who beat their wives AND attempt to smother their own kids with pillows, pedos...its all documented / reported....and its all ok because they are Democrats.....

canadians don’t know shit!

That's not what the judge in the Paula Jones Trial said. He said that the case was entirely without foundation or evidence, and he dismissed the case "with prejudice", ordering Paul Jones to pay Clinton's legal fees.

No woman has accused Clinton of any of the things you suggest, but more than 20 women and some children have confirmed Donald Trump's stories that he assaults women he finds attractive, and just grabs them by the pussy.

You've been lying about the Clintons since you joined this board. You kept telling us that any day now Hillary was going to jail. I'm still waiting.

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