Could You Imagine the Right Wing Freakout at a Soros Primary?


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
But the GOP potentials go down to kiss the ring of Casino Mogul Sheldon Adelson, hoping they will be the candidate he decides to purchase in 2016.

The Sheldon Adelson Suck-Up Fest

The billionaire beckoned, and the Republicans scurried to answer his call.

On Friday night in Las Vegas, Sheldon Adelson pulled up to his private airplane hangar in twin powder-blue Maybach limousines. (The second was for his bodyguards.) Inside, the rich and right-wing were gathered to hear from Jeb Bush, a private audience whose exclusivity seemed to signal the former Florida governor's privileged position in the suck-up contest.

Three other Republican leaders—New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and Ohio Governor John Kasich—were consigned to the public program of the event, which was ostensibly a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition. But everybody knew what it was really about: impressing Adelson. Like the daughters of King Lear, or the cast of Mean Girls, each sought to outdo the others in his fawning. Christie told of his recent trip to Israel, which, he noted, is "about the same size as New Jersey." Walker mentioned he owns a menorah. Kasich dispensed with the pretense of speaking to the roomful of Republican Jews and addressed his remarks to Adelson directly, as in, “Hey, listen, Sheldon, thanks for inviting me.”​

Remember when Politicians used to vie for our votes and not buckets of cash?

Yeah, me neither.
Soros owns the Democrat Party

can someone translate this thread

Obama wanted to name a law after billionaire Warren Buffett, Democrats hob knob with rich Hollyeird who holds fundraisers for Democrats starting at $30,000 for a lously plate of food.

Boy the TWO faced of the Democrats/liberals today is something to behold

I guess this is their new strategy....they've used up those other American citizens, the Koch brother
so it's off to someone else
We all know that national level politicians suck up to the rich but this wide-open shameless toadying is pretty obscene, rather than deflect to Soros tell us why it does not bother you. I for one would be overjoyed if Soros retired from political involvement or better yet, went over to the republicans who seem to really like plutocrats.
Soros quit politics like Buffett quit investing.

Soros own the Democrat Party, he picks the candidates and he runs their media
You're right Frankie, Soros is buying Democrats. Stop him, I double dog dare you.

Funny thing is..

Soros quit politics a couple of years ago.

He doesn't really donate much anymore.

Soros isn't close to donating what Adelson donated the last time around...and now the lid is blown off campaign financing, just imagine how much he'll spend to buy a single candidate in 2016.

And even if Soros was still donating the kind of money the Kochs or Addelson were, could you, in your wildest dreams, imagine the frothing on Fox over it? Did Faux even report on the GOP reps prostrating themselves before the Adelson throne?
You're right Frankie, Soros is buying Democrats. Stop him, I double dog dare you.

Funny thing is..

Soros quit politics a couple of years ago.

He doesn't really donate much anymore.

Soros isn't close to donating what Adelson donated the last time around...and now the lid is blown off campaign financing, just imagine how much he'll spend to buy a single candidate in 2016.

And even if Soros was still donating the kind of money the Kochs or Addelson were, could you, in your wildest dreams, imagine the frothing on Fox over it? Did Faux even report on the GOP reps prostrating themselves before the Adelson throne?

Bs, we have no idea where all of Obama's money came from..
when you take on Democrats and all the rich who gives and lobbies for things from them (like UNIONS), then we'll take it your serious
You're right Frankie, Soros is buying Democrats. Stop him, I double dog dare you.

Funny thing is..

Soros quit politics a couple of years ago.

He doesn't really donate much anymore.

Soros isn't close to donating what Adelson donated the last time around...and now the lid is blown off campaign financing, just imagine how much he'll spend to buy a single candidate in 2016.

And even if Soros was still donating the kind of money the Kochs or Addelson were, could you, in your wildest dreams, imagine the frothing on Fox over it? Did Faux even report on the GOP reps prostrating themselves before the Adelson throne?

2014 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups

Soros, George

New York, NY Soros Fund Management $525,000

Bloomberg, Michael R.

New York, NY City of New York, NY $8,721,678

Adelson didn't make the top 67
Funny thing is..

Soros quit politics a couple of years ago.

He doesn't really donate much anymore.

Soros isn't close to donating what Adelson donated the last time around...and now the lid is blown off campaign financing, just imagine how much he'll spend to buy a single candidate in 2016.

And even if Soros was still donating the kind of money the Kochs or Addelson were, could you, in your wildest dreams, imagine the frothing on Fox over it? Did Faux even report on the GOP reps prostrating themselves before the Adelson throne?

2014 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups

Soros, George

New York, NY Soros Fund Management $525,000

Bloomberg, Michael R.

New York, NY City of New York, NY $8,721,678

Adelson didn't make the top 67

YEP, but they just poo poo him because he's giving it for a good cause, Buy the Democrat party and pay for propaganda sites like Moveon, thinkprogress, rawgarbagestorey, etc
They really do think people are stupid they can just spew, Soros is out politics and everyone is just suppose to believe that lie
These are the people who compare each other's yachts and turbo props, size of the estate. These people wear designer clothing and jewelry where cost is not an issue, or maybe the issue. While America has no problem with this kind of behavior per se it is when these people manipulate U.S. politics and suck up social programs to add to their buying power. They are not poor, they have never been poor, they will never be poor, they don't understand poor, all they know is who sat where at the dinner table. The rest of us are more concerned about what's on the table. If the mega-rich want to play their games of the outdoing the other in extravagance so be it but leave our tax code, our political process, and our social safety net out of it.
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Money is destroying our political system and all the partisans can do is point at the "other side".

They're complicit.


I think Citizens United has been and will be the worst thing for our Democratic Republic.

It is an abomination.

Neither you nor any Republican condemns this decision.
These are the people who compare each other's yachts and turbo props, size of the estate. These people wear designer clothing and jewelry where cost is not an issue, or maybe the issue. While America has no problem with this kind of behavior per se it is when these people manipulate U.S. politics and suck up social programs to add to their buying power. They are not poor, they have never been poor, they will never be poor, they don't understand poor, all they know is who sat where at the dinner table. The rest of us are more concerned about what's on the table. If the mega-rich want to play their games of the outdoing the other in extravagance so be it but leave our tax code, our political process, and our social safety net out of it.

I went to Monaco a couple of years ago.

That was was chock full of mega super yachts from America.

And insurance policies that bundled the yacht and the helicopter that sat on it.

Money is destroying our political system and all the partisans can do is point at the "other side".

They're complicit.


I think Citizens United has been and will be the worst thing for our Democratic Republic.

It is an abomination.

Neither you nor any Republican condemns this decision.

I agree. It's an abomination. I hope that is unambiguous enough.

And my post is correct. All one has to do is look at any thread on the topic.

If they were intellectually honest.


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