Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

Paulitician and Coulter are both semi-retarded twits. Not that the physical appearance of anybody has anything to do with how thoughtful or intelligent their position are, but let's just take a look at some of those "attractive" con women:







And then there's old Skeletor herself

Oh ok, the ReMix is back by popular demand. Watch ole Behar just take those Goldberg fumes in. Yikes!

[ame=]"Whoopi's Goldberg" FART REMIX - YouTube[/ame]
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Paulitician and Coulter are both semi-retarded twits. Not that the physical appearance of anybody has anything to do with how thoughtful or intelligent their position are, but let's just take a look at some of those "attractive" con women:


Oh shitttt... That's that old lady hairstyle I was talking about that nearly every lay conservative mom and wife is sporting! I think if I had a wife, I'd prefer her to go bald before she has a hairstyle like that. I'd be reminded of my grandma.
This ugly twit has received awards for her contributions to advance gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues and awareness, has been active in trying to "save the dolphins," and other feel-good humanitarian charities. She invoked global warming in her contribution to a five minute celeb filled video trying to emphasize the importance of voting.

Haven't scrolled through the thread yet i will, but there's guys who think Ann Coulter is attractive?

All my guy friends think that Hollywood, bilimic, 80 pound woman look is a disgusting look.
I think in Coulter's case it's not a look, it's just her genes. I think she's based in NYC more than Hollywood...

"Ann Hart Coulter (born December 8, 1961) worked as a lawyer for the Senate Judiciary Committee before appearing on MSNBC in 1996 as a legal consultant. "

Ann Hart Coulter was born December 8, 1961 in New York City. She and her two older brothers were raised in New Canaan, Connecticut. Coulter has described her family as "upper middle class" and her attorney father a "union buster."
Coulter graduated with honors from Cornell University in 1984 and received her law degree at University of Michigan Law School, where she was an editor of The Michigan Law Review.
Coulter served as a law clerk in Kansas City for Pasco Bowman II of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. After briefly working in private practice in New York City, Coulter went to work for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 1995, handling crime and immigration issues for Sen. Spencer Abraham of Michigan."

"She owns both a condominium in Manhattan and a house in Palm Beach, Florida."

I see her skinny assertiveness as more of an East coast sort of hard edged professionalism based scrawniness, than the hollywood anorexic sort....

Ann Coulter Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
this thread passes for political discourse in our country today. but my "what are we gonna do about our national debt" threads usually get less than 20 responses.

Also worth noting....the left thinks actresses are the epitome of liberal intelligence.
This gut churning trio of gross reached an unprecedented level of infamy when they used a concert to criticize President Bush's invasion of Iraq, and lament that he was from their home state. Active in such pussy liberal organizations as and Habitat for Humanity, they had a bumpy four years until they finally managed to push back in the face of changing public sentiment of the war, coupled with a hit song that won a Grammy for song of the year, while receiving another Grammy for record of the year for the record on which the song was released. Which just goes to prove that all of the entire entertainment industry really is a bunch of left wing loonies.

This gut churning trio of gross reached an unprecedented level of infamy when they used a concert to criticize President Bush's invasion of Iraq, and lament that he was from their home state. Active in such pussy liberal organizations as and Habitat for Humanity, they had a bumpy four years until they finally managed to push back in the face of changing public sentiment of the war, coupled with a hit song that won a Grammy for song of the year, while receiving another Grammy for record of the year for the record on which the song was released. Which just goes to prove that all of the entire entertainment industry really is a bunch of left wing loonies.


They are attractive.
This ugly twit has received awards for her contributions to advance gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender issues and awareness, has been active in trying to "save the dolphins," and other feel-good humanitarian charities. She invoked global warming in her contribution to a five minute celeb filled video trying to emphasize the importance of voting.


Man I love Jennifer Aniston, I have had a crush on her for years.

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