Coulter tore into Trump, once her idol, with "unprecedented ferocity": people were right to vote for him, wanted wall, Trump too stupid to get it done

Simply putz,she's a constant attention seeking Political
slut.Far surpassing a mere gadfly.Obvioulsy cannot stand
being ignored.Some woman in politics are like that.
Hillary being the Queen Bee.
Her method of acting cutesy no longer draws attention.
Her provocative nature is no longer provocative.
She's Not pretty or tough.At least Marjorie Taylor Greene
it the real deal.She could with one deep breath blow Coulter
off her spindly feet.And then have the necessary manners to
help her back up on her feet and try being friends.
From what I can tell,Coulter has no friends.All her own doing.
Coulter makes her money feeding the masses affected by political division and hate by providing them with what they have been conditioned to want to hear - more division and hate.

CNN's Don Lemon targeted Niki Haley by spewing misogynistic hate intended only for her.

His hatred for the right overwhelmed his ability to think clearly, so when he opened his mouth he caused a serious case of 'friendly fire', attacking not only Haley but all women her age and older.

The Left is so filled with hate they can not contain it and therefore often lashes out irrationally, attacking / insulting / name-calling. Case in point - 'Orange bafoon'.

Unfortunately Coulter is kept afloat and in the limelight because people buy her books, pay to see her speak, and watch her in interviews instead of rejecting division and hatred.

Her division and hatred is the same type of propaganda Democrats continue to push as a distraction and to keep the nation divided, fighting against each other instead of focused on the real source of our problems - them and those like them.
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Coulter makes her money feeding the masses affected by political division and hate by providing them with what they have been conditioned to want to hear - more division and hate.

CNN's Don Lemon targeted Niki Haley by spewing misogynistic hate intended only for her.

His hatred for the right overwhelmed his ability to think clearly, so when he opened his mouth he caused a serious case of 'friendly fire', attacking not only Haley but all women her age and older.

The Left is so filled with hate they can not contain it and therefore often lashes out irrationally, attacking / insulting / name-calling. Case in point - 'Orange bafoon'.

Unfortunately Coulter is kept afloat and in the limelight becauae people buy her books, pay to see her speak, and watch her in interviews instead of rejecting division and hatred.

Her division and hatred is the same type of propaganda Democrats continue to push as a distraction and to keep the nation divided, fighting against each other instead of focused on the real source of our problems - them and those like them.
What hurt { smarted } Lemon was he did not specify what kind of
Woman OVER 50 are not in their Prime.He made a generalized
smat alecky comment that Woman in General { particularly those
Woke leftist types } did not take lightly.
Therefore he needed to be taken down as a lesson.
It's be like an up and coming Actor being interviewed and
mentioning his all time favorite actors.Every one a Big Republican.
His career would be instantaneously put on hold.
Coulter makes her money feeding the masses affected by political division and hate by providing them with what they have been conditioned to want to hear - more division and hate.

CNN's Don Lemon targeted Niki Haley by spewing misogynistic hate intended only for her.

His hatred for the right overwhelmed his ability to think clearly, so when he opened his mouth he caused a serious case of 'friendly fire', attacking not only Haley but all women her age and older.

The Left is so filled with hate they can not contain it and therefore often lashes out irrationally, attacking / insulting / name-calling. Case in point - 'Orange bafoon'.

Unfortunately Coulter is kept afloat and in the limelight becauae people buy her books, pay to see her speak, and watch her in interviews instead of rejecting division and hatred.

Her division and hatred is the same type of propaganda Democrats continue to push as a distraction and to keep the nation divided, fighting against each other instead of focused on the real source of our problems - them and those like them.
Plus the Irony.She was a BiG supporter of Mitt Romney.
Of course so was Ms.Laura Ingraham.But Ingraham wised-up as
to the Real Mitt Romney as did most Republicans.
What hurt { smarted } Lemon was he did not specify what kind of
Woman OVER 50 are not in their Prime.He made a generalized
smat alecky comment that Woman in General { particularly those
Woke leftist types } did not take lightly.
Therefore he needed to be taken down as a lesson.

I forget who it was now, maybe Hillary, who during a debate asked the moderator if he was planning to ask the men in the debate the same question.

The question, like Lemon's comment,was something sexist no moderator would ever ask a male.

Lemon suggested at age 51(?) Haley was 'past her prime' - too old - to run for Presisent, yet we have a senile, dementia-ravaged, cognitively impaired 80yo President ... who is considering running again in 2024....

...not to mention the female version of Biden in Feinstein in Congress.

Good grief.
I forget who it was now, maybe Hillary, who during a debate asked the moderator if he was planning to ask the men in the debate the same question.

The question, like Lemon's comment,was something sexist no moderator would ever ask a male.

Lemon suggested at age 51(?) Haley was 'past her prime' - too old - to run for Presisent, yet we have a senile, dementia-ravaged, cognitively impaired 80yo President ... who is considering running again in 2024....

...not to mention the female version of Biden in Feinstein in Congress.

Good grief.
NOT According to Hugh Hewitt.That Biden does not suffer Dementia.
He's just an old man that's infirmed.Hewitt believes Biden's
physician when he says Biden does not have Dementia.I guess
that also covers that Biden dint need an MRI for his Physical
at Walter Reed last week.Or Biden's refusal to take a Cognition test.
Hewitt is such a goof.Then again he went to Harvard.
I'm on to Hewitt.He's playing both sides.He bawled out an elderly
caller when she questioned whether or not We { The United States }
holds Political Prisoners.Hewitt quickly assured her { Guaranteed }
that We don't Hold Citizens as Political Prisoners.Yeah,right Wonder
Boy from Warren,O.I guess that explains the shenanigans of the
January 6th Stasi Hearings and arrests.No Due Process,jailed w/o
a hearing,visitors and put in solitary in probably the filthest jail
in the Country.For in most cases mere Tresspassing.No one charged
with Insurrection.

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