Countries and gun deaths

I got as far as socialist germany under hitler. If you tell lies that big then there's not point in reading any more.
Well the difference between Socialism and National Socialism, isn't very much.

Nazis were Nationalistic Socialists, so actually the term National Socialist was most fitting.

North Korea is democratic. It says so in the name.
...and you believe.

No, I don't. I just point out the myth of the "it's all in the name" argument.
I got as far as socialist germany under hitler. If you tell lies that big then there's not point in reading any more.
Well the difference between Socialism and National Socialism, isn't very much.

Yes it is. It's enourmous. In all but a few minor areas its polar opposite.
That is laughable and shows an inability to recognize reality.

Both systems in practice (not in a textbook LOL) are nearly the same. It is elitism on steroids leading to enormous mass murder and terrible suffering.

You say "in practice" when you mean "in my opinion"
Again that clearly indicates a lack of knowledge.

Again showing a clear lack of anything
I got as far as socialist germany under hitler. If you tell lies that big then there's not point in reading any more.
You think Hitler was a big supporter of individual freedom and Liberty?

That's Libertarian.
Hitler was a Right-Wing Socialist. (Socially far more right-wing, but economically much more Socialist)

Really? Are you saying socialism leads to economic success? Because Nazi Germany turned a country that was flkat broke in to a near world beating economic superpower in a decade.

I'm actually a Fascist, and I know that Fascism is a form of Socialism, because it manages the economy for National Interest.
I support that, it's better than Corporations managing the economy for Multicultural profit interest.

Yes, Fascism achieves the best economic growth.
Look at Franco's Spain achieving the #1 economic growth in Europe, and #2 in the World in the Spanish Miracle.

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