Countries warn their citizens about traveling the the United States!

About 80 million people visited the U.S. in 2018, so apparently not too many people are taking warnings like this very seriously.
The United States is far more xenophobic than the United Kingdom because the United States is more capitalist. The capitalist class system causes competition for jobs, and a lack of security. So minorities, and foreigners are more likely to be scapegoated under a capitalist regime.
Scotland chose to join England in the acts of union in 1707. Ireland joined England in the acts of union in 1801.The English used capitalism against Celts. Ireland had enough food to feed themselves during the Irish potato famine. Protestant farmer capitalists shipped the food away from Ireland, and into England.

You talk completely out of your arse...

I've told you already: I have EXPERIENCED the xenophobia here and in England btw...and none of that ever happened to me in Canada, the US or Australia while I lived there...period.

The socialist shit show here depresses wages and regulates businesses into are scarce and pay is hit...opportunities for advancement are scarce as well...

Scotland's largest employer? The NHS! yes, the national healt service is Scotland's largest employer....pull your fucking uneducated head out of your arse, you embarress yourself...."professor"...LOL

Scotland didn't choose to join England...they had to, going broke due to their colonial ambitions (Nova Scotia and that central American adventure that backfired)..learn your history

and Ireland had NO surplus potatoe stock during the femine....and your bullshit comment about that is just plain ignorant...
The United States has more xenophobic mass shootings than all of Europe does. Capitalism causes xenophobia over security, and jobs.
Most Scots were basically just English, and Viking settlers called lowland Scots they were Protestant, and wanted to keep down the Catholic highland Scots who are basically just Irish settlers from the Medieval era who conquered the Picts.
I didn't say Ireland had a surplus of potatoes. There were many other foods. The capitalist lords of Ireland shipped all other foods that could have fed starving Irish for their capitalist profits.
Most groups in America have more murder than their overseas counterparts. Because of gun availability. The best example is how many newer arrival Asians in the United States have a higher murder rate than their Asian countries. Yes, many Republicans boast about Asians as not being very criminal. That is true to an extent. But in their own Asian countries the murder rate is even lower.
sure China, the people are being murdered by their own regime...they don't need to kill each know, the socialist dictatorship hates competition!
How many Americans were killed by their own regime in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea?
People are afraid of the United States because of xenophobic Trump supporters with guns. How many did antifa kill? Now how many did Nazis kill? How many is the United States military killing? The United States is aggressive. Mexico is a typical example of a small government failure. They can't even control the cartels, or get their people educated. The class system is huge. People are hungry. Cuba is much better shape.

Poeple in the US and world wide are afraid of antifa thugs...In Germany antifa sets cars alight and smashes up inner cities every 1st of May....they bomb places and beat up everyone, who dares to disagree with them....oppostion politicians for example.

Antifa are brown shirts using the usual Nazi tactics, employed by the SA..disgusting

Antifa is also abroad busy, fighting on the PKK side in Syria.

Your thug army is a terrorist organisation and will lead to a fascist regime, as you thugs like....and the socialist regimes (Nazi, Soviet or Maoist) have killed millions and continue to do so still...forced oragan harvest in China....I guess you like that, eh?

Cuba is such a fucking success, the people flee from there, facing sharks and the ocean...

Your socialist shit show has long since been demasked as what it is....
Antifa is necessary to fight Fascism. They haven't killed anybody.

They aren't fighting fascism, they by there tactics are fascists.
Antifa has been fighting fascism for many decades.

Antifa then has changed how they operate. They are now what they were fighting and they are now violent, as been proven over and over again.
How many Americans were killed by their own regime in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea?
what horse shit argument is that?

you mean because of war? how many Germans, Russians, French, British and Americans have been killed by the Nationalsocialists and their war? or by the soviet union? Or by Mao's actions?

Letting people starve in Russia or China is OK with you I guess?

Americans died because America fought the wars necessary to keep the free world free...and I am greatful for that!

Their sacrifice was not in vain and is quite a bit different from an arrogant socialist leader killing his own people because they order "a great leap forward" like Mao or Stalin....

get your priorities straightened out!
How many Americans were killed by their own regime in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea?
what horse shit argument is that?

you mean because of war? how many Germans, Russians, French, British and Americans have been killed by the Nationalsocialists and their war? or by the soviet union? Or by Mao's actions?

Letting people starve in Russia or China is OK with you I guess?

Americans died because America fought the wars necessary to keep the free world free...and I am greatful for that!

Their sacrifice was not in vain and is quite a bit different from an arrogant socialist leader killing his own people because they order "a great leap forward" like Mao or Stalin....

get your priorities straightened out!
If we want to talk about famines under communist regimes. Why not talk about famines under capitalist regimes? India has had the most famine under Raj India. Where the British empire gauged India of its resources to sustain the Capitalist lords of England, India and also to help the British East India company.
The United States has more xenophobic mass shootings than all of Europe does. Capitalism causes xenophobia over security, and jobs.
Most Scots were basically just English, and Viking settlers called lowland Scots they were Protestant, and wanted to keep down the
I didn't say Ireland had a surplus of potatoes. There were many other foods. The capitalist lords of Ireland shipped all other foods that could have fed starving Irish for their capitalist profits.
where the fuck do you get that "history" from?

it smells like shit, so it must come straight from your ass!

The Vikings didn't settle in the low country/borders region!
They held Orkney, the Shettlands and the isles to the west...the isle of Mull or Aran were centers...
Quite the opposite of "the low lands" really? have you told the Scots? don't do it, they will use those knives on you I've told you about! LOL

"English" is not even that long around as name for the people....and the people in Northumberland (many with Viking roots) did not see themselves as English to this day!

The Irish didn't conquer anything in Scottland in the medieval picts were long gone by've watched too much "brave"
If we want to talk about famines under communist regimes. Why not talk about famines under capitalist regimes? India has had the most famine under Raj India. Where the British empire gauged India of its resources to sustain the Capitalist lords of England, India and also to help the British East India company.

don't shift the goal post antifa commie....

How come Soviet Russia was never able to sustain itself and relied heavily on grain imports from the capitalist west? didn't know that?

They only recently achieved self sustainability....due to our sanctions on them btw...

as for your India argument:
Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on climate: a favorable southwest summer monsoon is critical in securing water for irrigating crops.[4] Droughts, combined with policy failures, have periodically led to major Indian famines, including the Bengal famine of 1770,
yeah dude....600 million people to feed and a very tempermental leftists just can't grasp reality on any level, eh?

Sure, they don't suffer as much nowadays...cause CAPITALISM has invented the tools, methods and machinery of a successful modern agricultural industry and a globally connected market
The United States has more xenophobic mass shootings than all of Europe does. Capitalism causes xenophobia over security, and jobs.
Most Scots were basically just English, and Viking settlers called lowland Scots they were Protestant, and wanted to keep down the
I didn't say Ireland had a surplus of potatoes. There were many other foods. The capitalist lords of Ireland shipped all other foods that could have fed starving Irish for their capitalist profits.
where the fuck do you get that "history" from?

it smells like shit, so it must come straight from your ass!

The Vikings didn't settle in the low country/borders region!
They held Orkney, the Shettlands and the isles to the west...the isle of Mull or Aran were centers...
Quite the opposite of "the low lands" really? have you told the Scots? don't do it, they will use those knives on you I've told you about! LOL

"English" is not even that long around as name for the people....and the people in Northumberland (many with Viking roots) did not see themselves as English to this day!

The Irish didn't conquer anything in Scottland in the medieval picts were long gone by've watched too much "brave"
Lets get back on topic. Why is America more xenophobic than the United Kingdom? The United States voted in Trump. The United Kingdom hates Trump for being so xenophobic.
There are articles on lowland Scots, and its Scots language. Some from Scandinavia, and Northumbria did settle in the lowlands of Scotland.
Scottish Lowlands - Wikipedia
Scots language - Wikipedia
Several countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the US because of gun violence and a crises with human rights. Great, the US has joined third world
as places not to go because of safety issues.
\Counties who's government's have warned their citizens about traveling to the US, include Germany, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Venezuela. Japan has told it's citizens to staystay alert when traveling in the US.
To add to the pile on, Amnesty International issued a warning worldwide.

Amnesty International @amnestyusa

Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
Whoopee, we're up there with Somalia.
Amnesty International issues warning about travel to US amid 'high levels of gun violence'

GOOD...STAY HOME!!! We don't need any more Democrat wienies.
The United States has more xenophobic mass shootings than all of Europe does. Capitalism causes xenophobia over security, and jobs.
Most Scots were basically just English, and Viking settlers called lowland Scots they were Protestant, and wanted to keep down the
I didn't say Ireland had a surplus of potatoes. There were many other foods. The capitalist lords of Ireland shipped all other foods that could have fed starving Irish for their capitalist profits.
where the fuck do you get that "history" from?

it smells like shit, so it must come straight from your ass!

The Vikings didn't settle in the low country/borders region!
They held Orkney, the Shettlands and the isles to the west...the isle of Mull or Aran were centers...
Quite the opposite of "the low lands" really? have you told the Scots? don't do it, they will use those knives on you I've told you about! LOL

"English" is not even that long around as name for the people....and the people in Northumberland (many with Viking roots) did not see themselves as English to this day!

The Irish didn't conquer anything in Scottland in the medieval picts were long gone by've watched too much "brave"
Lets get back on topic. Why is America more xenophobic than the United Kingdom? The United States voted in Trump. The United Kingdom hates Trump for being so xenophobic.
There are articles on lowland Scots, and its Scots language. Some from Scandinavia, and Northumbria did settle in the lowlands of Scotland.
Scottish Lowlands - Wikipedia
Scots language - Wikipedia
You're a clown, fool. Go bawl about imaginary Nazis
Do you worship father Coughlin? He was Irish like you are. He is probably the most famous Irish person in history.

I worship my God only.
Why do so many people from capitalist shitholes try to get into the United States? Jesus is fake. Prove he existed?

Of course He existed and you're going off on tangents...get back to topic
The masses of the capitalist third world are coming to the United States because capitalism is failing the third world. They stay in perpetual poverty, because of a lack of efficiency, lack of equality and lack of education.
In other words, shitholes.
If we want to talk about famines under communist regimes. Why not talk about famines under capitalist regimes? India has had the most famine under Raj India. Where the British empire gauged India of its resources to sustain the Capitalist lords of England, India and also to help the British East India company.

don't shift the goal post antifa commie....

How come Soviet Russia was never able to sustain itself and relied heavily on grain imports from the capitalist west? didn't know that?

They only recently achieved self sustainability....due to our sanctions on them btw...

as for your India argument:
Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on climate: a favorable southwest summer monsoon is critical in securing water for irrigating crops.[4] Droughts, combined with policy failures, have periodically led to major Indian famines, including the Bengal famine of 1770,
yeah dude....600 million people to feed and a very tempermental leftists just can't grasp reality on any level, eh?

Sure, they don't suffer as much nowadays...cause CAPITALISM has invented the tools, methods and machinery of a successful modern agricultural industry and a globally connected market
The Soviet eastern Europe wasn't as antisemitic, and xenophobic as the one post Soviet. At the switch of capitalism eastern Europe gained a bunch of xenophobic Nazis. The Capitalist United States has a bunch of xenophobic Nazis too who shoot up foreigners, minorities, and synagogues.
Russia went from a literacy rate of 24% to a literacy rate of 99% because of the Soviet regime. Soviets even became the leader of scientific patents before Gorbachev, the United States, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland brought the Soviet union down.
The Soviet union had the breadbasket of Europe in its hands in Ukraine, southern, and western Russia, and Poland. The standards of living actually improved under the Soviet regime.
Lets get back on topic. Why is America more xenophobic than the United Kingdom? The United States voted in Trump. The United Kingdom hates Trump for being so xenophobic.
There are articles on lowland Scots, and its Scots language. Some from Scandinavia, and Northumbria did settle in the lowlands of Scotland.
that is YOUR opinion...and it's quite stupid....President Trump is a nationalist, while the European idiots are mostly globalist fascists...sure, they don't like them..but in turn, they aren't being liked by their people...ever heard of the yellow vest protesters?

President Trump isn't xenophobic....he wants controlled immigration....left loons want open border and the end of the west...simple as...and here, in Europe, they have succeeded...that's why Europe is burning.

Italy has voted in nationalists
UK has voted for Brexit and elected Boris Johnson
Germany is shifting towards nationalists like the AFD and only voter fraud has so far kept the corrupyt leftwing elite in power....quite sad btw
France: Macron is at 17% is that for a presidential approval..after so far murdering 14 people and injuring 5000 others in the protests....happy little neo lib turds, eh?

As for Scotland: the SNP is a soicialist nationalist oxymoron of typicalk Scottish making
You're a clown, fool. Go bawl about imaginary Nazis
Do you worship father Coughlin? He was Irish like you are. He is probably the most famous Irish person in history.

I worship my God only.
Why do so many people from capitalist shitholes try to get into the United States? Jesus is fake. Prove he existed?

Of course He existed and you're going off on tangents...get back to topic
The masses of the capitalist third world are coming to the United States because capitalism is failing the third world. They stay in perpetual poverty, because of a lack of efficiency, lack of equality and lack of education.
Are you naturally full of shit or do you practice?
The United States has more xenophobic mass shootings than all of Europe does. Capitalism causes xenophobia over security, and jobs.
Most Scots were basically just English, and Viking settlers called lowland Scots they were Protestant, and wanted to keep down the
I didn't say Ireland had a surplus of potatoes. There were many other foods. The capitalist lords of Ireland shipped all other foods that could have fed starving Irish for their capitalist profits.
where the fuck do you get that "history" from?

it smells like shit, so it must come straight from your ass!

The Vikings didn't settle in the low country/borders region!
They held Orkney, the Shettlands and the isles to the west...the isle of Mull or Aran were centers...
Quite the opposite of "the low lands" really? have you told the Scots? don't do it, they will use those knives on you I've told you about! LOL

"English" is not even that long around as name for the people....and the people in Northumberland (many with Viking roots) did not see themselves as English to this day!

The Irish didn't conquer anything in Scottland in the medieval picts were long gone by've watched too much "brave"
Lets get back on topic. Why is America more xenophobic than the United Kingdom? The United States voted in Trump. The United Kingdom hates Trump for being so xenophobic.
There are articles on lowland Scots, and its Scots language. Some from Scandinavia, and Northumbria did settle in the lowlands of Scotland.
Scottish Lowlands - Wikipedia
Scots language - Wikipedia
If we want to talk about famines under communist regimes. Why not talk about famines under capitalist regimes? India has had the most famine under Raj India. Where the British empire gauged India of its resources to sustain the Capitalist lords of England, India and also to help the British East India company.

don't shift the goal post antifa commie....

How come Soviet Russia was never able to sustain itself and relied heavily on grain imports from the capitalist west? didn't know that?

They only recently achieved self sustainability....due to our sanctions on them btw...

as for your India argument:
Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on climate: a favorable southwest summer monsoon is critical in securing water for irrigating crops.[4] Droughts, combined with policy failures, have periodically led to major Indian famines, including the Bengal famine of 1770,
yeah dude....600 million people to feed and a very tempermental leftists just can't grasp reality on any level, eh?

Sure, they don't suffer as much nowadays...cause CAPITALISM has invented the tools, methods and machinery of a successful modern agricultural industry and a globally connected market
The Soviet eastern Europe wasn't as antisemitic, and xenophobic as the one post Soviet. At the switch of capitalism eastern Europe gained a bunch of xenophobic Nazis. The Capitalist United States has a bunch of xenophobic Nazis too who shoot up foreigners, minorities, and synagogues.
Russia went from a literacy rate of 24% to a literacy rate of 99% because of the Soviet regime. Soviets even became the leader of scientific patents before Gorbachev, the United States, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland brought the Soviet union down.
The Soviet union had the breadbasket of Europe in its hands in Ukraine, southern, and western Russia, and Poland. The standards of living actually improved under the Soviet regime.

Do you worship father Coughlin? He was Irish like you are. He is probably the most famous Irish person in history.

I worship my God only.
Why do so many people from capitalist shitholes try to get into the United States? Jesus is fake. Prove he existed?

Of course He existed and you're going off on tangents...get back to topic
The masses of the capitalist third world are coming to the United States because capitalism is failing the third world. They stay in perpetual poverty, because of a lack of efficiency, lack of equality and lack of education.
Are you naturally full of shit or do you practice?
The Soviet eastern Europe wasn't as antisemitic, and xenophobic as the one post Soviet. At the switch of capitalism eastern Europe gained a bunch of xenophobic Nazis. The Capitalist United States has a bunch of xenophobic Nazis too who shoot up foreigners, minorities, and synagogues.
Russia went from a literacy rate of 24% to a literacy rate of 99% because of the Soviet regime. Soviets even became the leader of scientific patents before Gorbachev, the United States, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland brought the Soviet union down.
The Soviet union had the breadbasket of Europe in its hands in Ukraine, southern, and western Russia, and Poland. The standards of living actually improved under the Soviet regime.

you sound like a broken record....a very mentally challenged broken record that is....and don't you praise the soviet regime!

You are sick...
Lets get back on topic. Why is America more xenophobic than the United Kingdom? The United States voted in Trump. The United Kingdom hates Trump for being so xenophobic.
There are articles on lowland Scots, and its Scots language. Some from Scandinavia, and Northumbria did settle in the lowlands of Scotland.
that is YOUR opinion...and it's quite stupid....President Trump is a nationalist, while the European idiots are mostly globalist fascists...sure, they don't like them..but in turn, they aren't being liked by their people...ever heard of the yellow vest protesters?

President Trump isn't xenophobic....he wants controlled immigration....left loons want open border and the end of the west...simple as...and here, in Europe, they have succeeded...that's why Europe is burning.

Italy has voted in nationalists
UK has voted for Brexit and elected Boris Johnson
Germany is shifting towards nationalists like the AFD and only voter fraud has so far kept the corrupyt leftwing elite in power....quite sad btw
France: Macron is at 17% is that for a presidential approval..after so far murdering 14 people and injuring 5000 others in the protests....happy little neo lib turds, eh?

As for Scotland: the SNP is a soicialist nationalist oxymoron of typicalk Scottish making
Half of American voters agree that Trump is racist.Half of Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist, Poll Shows

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