Countries warn their citizens about traveling the the United States!

You Little Trumpsters all sound alike. You folks are like a choir, you all sing the same song in unison.
The inability to to think pragmatically, is not an asset or isn’t exercise for ones brain.
Just goose-step along in your little Walter Middy world.
The Soviet eastern Europe wasn't as antisemitic, and xenophobic as the one post Soviet. At the switch of capitalism eastern Europe gained a bunch of xenophobic Nazis. The Capitalist United States has a bunch of xenophobic Nazis too who shoot up foreigners, minorities, and synagogues.
Russia went from a literacy rate of 24% to a literacy rate of 99% because of the Soviet regime. Soviets even became the leader of scientific patents before Gorbachev, the United States, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland brought the Soviet union down.
The Soviet union had the breadbasket of Europe in its hands in Ukraine, southern, and western Russia, and Poland. The standards of living actually improved under the Soviet regime.

you sound like a broken record....a very mentally challenged broken record that is....and don't you praise the soviet regime!

You are sick...
The capitalist USA is xenophobic, Russia was way more xenophobic under capitalism than communism. Nazis were very common in Russia before Putin cracked down on Nazism.
The Soviet Union in 1979 was the leader in world patents. Russia as a capitalist country went way down in patents.
Half of American voters agree that Trump is racist.Half of Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist, Poll Shows
HAHAHAHA...sure, we ask a left turd smear merchant "news" outlet...and Hillary is going to win in a landslide, right?

Sorry, after you defended communism and the soviet union, no one takes you and your shit seriously...sorry...and we sure as hell won't belief your lies...the left is smearing President trump for three years now and nothing sticks cause that's the nature of lies...pathetic boy...really pathetic
You Little Trumpsters all sound alike. You folks are like a choir, you all sing the same song in unison.
The inability to to think pragmatically, is not an asset or isn’t exercise for ones brain.
Just goose-step along in your little Walter Middy world.
are you looking into a mirror there, little man? came up with the OP...and you lied in travel warning from Germany or any of NPC "ornage man bad"...keep your horse shit to yourself...I bet you love the fumes

So what does the number of "external violent conflicts" mean and what does it have to do with violent crime?

What does "Military expenditures as a percentage of GDP" have to do with the violent crime rate?

Who, specifically, "measures" the "Level of distrust" and what does that have to do with the violent crime rate?

What does "Ongoing International" conflict have to do with the violent crime rate?

What does "Societal Safety and Security" even mean?

What does "Militarization" mean and what does it have to do with the violent crime rate?

What does "Nuclear and heavy weapons capability" have to do with the violent crime rate?

This is a good one. What does "Financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions" have to do with the violent crime rate of a country? Oh...right it's a UN survey and they consider the money paid to them as an indication of safety. Who could make these things up?

You lied when you said, again, that you had debunked my post on the Violent Crime Rate in our country. Why? You're really desperate, aren't you?
Your graph was just a joke. Mine looks and feels right. The US is safer than Afghanistan, take pride in that.
Half of American voters agree that Trump is racist.Half of Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist, Poll Shows
here, my NPC friend

jump to @15:35 where the leaked memo states, how Baquet, the CEO of the NYT decided that after the Mueller report performed so badly, so paint Trump as racist instead....

You people are quite sick and looking at you commie apologist it becomes clear why you are so rabid.....reality is just of no interest to you...agenda is if that hasn't killed enough people
Last edited:

So what does the number of "external violent conflicts" mean and what does it have to do with violent crime?

What does "Military expenditures as a percentage of GDP" have to do with the violent crime rate?

Who, specifically, "measures" the "Level of distrust" and what does that have to do with the violent crime rate?

What does "Ongoing International" conflict have to do with the violent crime rate?

What does "Societal Safety and Security" even mean?

What does "Militarization" mean and what does it have to do with the violent crime rate?

What does "Nuclear and heavy weapons capability" have to do with the violent crime rate?

This is a good one. What does "Financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions" have to do with the violent crime rate of a country? Oh...right it's a UN survey and they consider the money paid to them as an indication of safety. Who could make these things up?

You lied when you said, again, that you had debunked my post on the Violent Crime Rate in our country. Why? You're really desperate, aren't you?
Your graph was just a joke. Mine looks and feels right. The US is safer than Afghanistan, take pride in that.
Don't come Tammy!!! MAGA-hat wearing thugs are attacking fags in US cities!
Half of American voters agree that Trump is racist.Half of Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist, Poll Shows
HAHAHAHA...sure, we ask a left turd smear merchant "news" outlet...and Hillary is going to win in a landslide, right?

Sorry, after you defended communism and the soviet union, no one takes you and your shit seriously...sorry...and we sure as hell won't belief your lies...the left is smearing President trump for three years now and nothing sticks cause that's the nature of lies...pathetic boy...really pathetic
Why do half of Americans think Trump is racist? Trump, and capitalism perpetuate American xenophobia, and violence against minorities, and foreigners.
What is wrong with praising the Soviet Union? In 1913 Russia had a life expectancy of 32 years old by 1926 the life expectancy had reached 44 years. In just a few years of communism the life expectancy jumped significantly.
Health in Russia - Wikipedia
Your graph was just a joke. Mine looks and feels right. The US is safer than Afghanistan, take pride in that.
fuck off, tammy turd...fix the acid attacks, knife and gun crime in lodon before pointing to others...oh, I love laughing at victims...probably the ony time you get a hard on....

fucking wanker
Your graph was just a joke. Mine looks and feels right. The US is safer than Afghanistan, take pride in that.
fuck off, tammy turd...fix the acid attacks, knife and gun crime in lodon before pointing to others...oh, I love laughing at victims...probably the ony time you get a hard on....

fucking wanker
If London was in the United States it would have the lowest murder rate of any major city in the United States. Gun control is the answer. Gun availability helps Nazis with guns shoot up synagogues. Xenophobia is sped up through capitalist class, and resentment towards minorities. Xenophobia can lash out because of gun availability.
Several countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the US because of gun violence and a crises with human rights. Great, the US has joined third world
as places not to go because of safety issues.
\Counties who's government's have warned their citizens about traveling to the US, include Germany, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Venezuela. Japan has told it's citizens to staystay alert when traveling in the US.
To add to the pile on, Amnesty International issued a warning worldwide.

Amnesty International @amnestyusa

Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
Whoopee, we're up there with Somalia.
Amnesty International issues warning about travel to US amid 'high levels of gun violence'
If London was in the United States it would have the lowest murder rate of any major city in the United States. Gun control is the answer. Gun availability helps Nazis with guns shoot up synagogues. Xenophobia is sped up through capitalist class, and resentment towards minorities. Xenophobia can lash out because of gun availability.
where do you live, commie boy? behind a fucking bin?

Breaking news (beginning of the year) London overtakes New York in homicide rate...where have you been? hiding under a rock?

London murder rate overtakes New York's

that is the BBC btw...doesn't get more leftist than those twats

oh, btw: and who does all that violence? right! migrants from Africa and the middle east...

No wonder you know live in a parallel world,LOL
Half of American voters agree that Trump is racist.Half of Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist, Poll Shows
HAHAHAHA...sure, we ask a left turd smear merchant "news" outlet...and Hillary is going to win in a landslide, right?

Sorry, after you defended communism and the soviet union, no one takes you and your shit seriously...sorry...and we sure as hell won't belief your lies...the left is smearing President trump for three years now and nothing sticks cause that's the nature of lies...pathetic boy...really pathetic
Why do half of Americans think Trump is racist? Trump, and capitalism perpetuate American xenophobia, and violence against minorities, and foreigners.
What is wrong with praising the Soviet Union? In 1913 Russia had a life expectancy of 32 years old by 1926 the life expectancy had reached 44 years. In just a few years of communism the life expectancy jumped significantly.
Health in Russia - Wikipedia
What was life expectancy when your hero Stalin was running things?
Lets get back on topic. Why is America more xenophobic than the United Kingdom? The United States voted in Trump. The United Kingdom hates Trump for being so xenophobic.
There are articles on lowland Scots, and its Scots language. Some from Scandinavia, and Northumbria did settle in the lowlands of Scotland.
that is YOUR opinion...and it's quite stupid....President Trump is a nationalist, while the European idiots are mostly globalist fascists...sure, they don't like them..but in turn, they aren't being liked by their people...ever heard of the yellow vest protesters?

President Trump isn't xenophobic....he wants controlled immigration....left loons want open border and the end of the west...simple as...and here, in Europe, they have succeeded...that's why Europe is burning.

Italy has voted in nationalists
UK has voted for Brexit and elected Boris Johnson
Germany is shifting towards nationalists like the AFD and only voter fraud has so far kept the corrupyt leftwing elite in power....quite sad btw
France: Macron is at 17% is that for a presidential approval..after so far murdering 14 people and injuring 5000 others in the protests....happy little neo lib turds, eh?

As for Scotland: the SNP is a soicialist nationalist oxymoron of typicalk Scottish making
Half of American voters agree that Trump is racist.Half of Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist, Poll Shows

Gee, could that be because of the left wing media screams that lie?

If London was in the United States it would have the lowest murder rate of any major city in the United States. Gun control is the answer. Gun availability helps Nazis with guns shoot up synagogues. Xenophobia is sped up through capitalist class, and resentment towards minorities. Xenophobia can lash out because of gun availability.
where do you live, commie boy? behind a fucking bin?

Breaking news (beginning of the year) London overtakes New York in homicide rate...where have you been? hiding under a rock?

London murder rate overtakes New York's

that is the BBC btw...doesn't get more leftist than those twats

oh, btw: and who does all that violence? right! migrants from Africa and the middle east...

No wonder you know live in a parallel world,LOL
The murder rate of London was less than half of New York in 2017.How London's homicide rate stacks up against major US cities - CNN
Several countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the US because of gun violence and a crises with human rights. Great, the US has joined third world
as places not to go because of safety issues.
\Counties who's government's have warned their citizens about traveling to the US, include Germany, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Venezuela. Japan has told it's citizens to staystay alert when traveling in the US.
To add to the pile on, Amnesty International issued a warning worldwide.

Amnesty International @amnestyusa

Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
Whoopee, we're up there with Somalia.
Amnesty International issues warning about travel to US amid 'high levels of gun violence'

We're like explosion Sweden
The United States has too many Nazis with guns. You don't know when these xenophobic, unhinged gun nuts will shoot up foreigners, or synagogues.

what many sheep in america dont get and from this post it sounds like you are one of them,is that the CIA is the one behind all this,its always some alleged nut, and if you recall, the warren commission said the same thing about oswald,that he was a lone nut behind the assassination and no conspiracy,that JFK was killed by a magic bullet. they have lying to the public ever since then even though the evidence is overwhelming the CIA was behind it all. you REALLY think all these other shooting are all from some lone nut who was crazy also? REALLY?:abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301::cuckoo:

our government and the politicians are the enemy,not guns.:laughing0301::lmao:
Several countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the US because of gun violence and a crises with human rights. Great, the US has joined third world
as places not to go because of safety issues.
\Counties who's government's have warned their citizens about traveling to the US, include Germany, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Venezuela. Japan has told it's citizens to staystay alert when traveling in the US.
To add to the pile on, Amnesty International issued a warning worldwide.

Amnesty International @amnestyusa

Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
Whoopee, we're up there with Somalia.
Amnesty International issues warning about travel to US amid 'high levels of gun violence'

thats because the rest of the country understands what the sheep in america DONT get,that both parties are corrupt and serve the bankers and not the people and that we live in a banana republic and have the most corrupt government in the world.:2up:

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