Countries warn their citizens about traveling the the United States!

Several countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the US because of gun violence and a crises with human rights. Great, the US has joined third world
as places not to go because of safety issues.
\Counties who's government's have warned their citizens about traveling to the US, include Germany, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Venezuela. Japan has told it's citizens to staystay alert when traveling in the US.
To add to the pile on, Amnesty International issued a warning worldwide.

Amnesty International @amnestyusa

Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
Whoopee, we're up there with Somalia.
Amnesty International issues warning about travel to US amid 'high levels of gun violence'

Your desperation is duly noted! :D

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.

By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
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How many Scottish are shooting up synagogues? The United States is typical of capitalist states. They become xenophobic because of class competition. The different groups fighting for jobs, and money end up wanting to kill each other to better themselves. That is why there is so many xenophobes, guns, Trump supporters, and Nazis in the United States.
Scots murder each other with knives....that's why the've banned carring knives're talking out of your ass again!

Suchj a stupid idiot that you are..

Here, wages are low, opportunities are few and people are jealous of each other leading to have no clue, kiddo...go back to school
Most of what these idiots call "Gun Violence" are SUICIDES. The rest are inner city Black on Black violence in ghettos nationwide. Don't commit suicide, and stay out of the DRUG TRADE and ghettos, and no worries.
How many Scottish are shooting up synagogues? The United States is typical of capitalist states. They become xenophobic because of class competition. The different groups fighting for jobs, and money end up wanting to kill each other to better themselves. That is why there is so many xenophobes, guns, Trump supporters, and Nazis in the United States.
Scots murder each other with knives....that's why the've banned carring knives're talking out of your ass again!

Suchj a stupid idiot that you are..

Here, wages are low, opportunities are few and people are jealous of each other leading to have no clue, kiddo...go back to school
Scots-Irish inhabit Appalachia. They have a far higher murder rate than Scotland, and northern Ireland they hail from. They are also far more xenophobic in Appalachia, because of capitalist policies promoting competition for jobs between different classes, so Appalachian Scots are more fearful than Scots of Scotland who feel more secure.
Several countries have warned their citizens about traveling to the US because of gun violence and a crises with human rights. Great, the US has joined third world
as places not to go because of safety issues.
\Counties who's government's have warned their citizens about traveling to the US, include Germany, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Venezuela. Japan has told it's citizens to staystay alert when traveling in the US.
To add to the pile on, Amnesty International issued a warning worldwide.

Amnesty International @amnestyusa

Amnesty International today issued a travel warning calling for travelers and visitors to the United States to exercise extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has become so prevalent in the US that it amounts to a human rights crisis.
Whoopee, we're up there with Somalia.
Amnesty International issues warning about travel to US amid 'high levels of gun violence'
Well I don't see anything wrong with that. They should put that sign at every border crossing, and have in engraved on the border wall. And place No Go Zone signs at all ports of entering.
Xenophobia is a symptom of capitalism. Capitalism promotes competition, and class. This creates turmoil where groups compete. The result is where xenophobes lash out at foreigners.
this is even more wanna know about xenophobia?

come here, to the socialist Scotland!
Socialism breeds xenophobia and racism and that's what I have been experiencing here and noweher else...not Australia nor the prairies of Canada and the US....just talking out of your ass isn't convincing

I didn't realize you're from Scotland, our nanny is Scottish. Beautiful country
Why do Americans with guns shoot up the foreigners, and minorities? Are they Trump supporting Nazis? Cuba is well off by Latin American standards. China was the most poor country on the planet. Communism turned it around.

:backpedal:Trump's US hotel revenue are way DOWN due to Declining Tourist travel to the USA! :1041:
I didn't realize you're from Scotland, our nanny is Scottish. Beautiful country
beautiful country but lots of really nasty people...there are good ones, but the poverty and hopelessnes is really biting...I don't enjoy this country

Our nanny is a wonderful person...but she worries about Scotland too. She went home to see her parents a couple of months ago and came back and commented how things are changing
People are afraid of the United States because of xenophobic Trump supporters with guns. How many did antifa kill? Now how many did Nazis kill? How many is the United States military killing? The United States is aggressive. Mexico is a typical example of a small government failure. They can't even control the cartels, or get their people educated. The class system is huge. People are hungry. Cuba is much better shape.

Poeple in the US and world wide are afraid of antifa thugs...In Germany antifa sets cars alight and smashes up inner cities every 1st of May....they bomb places and beat up everyone, who dares to disagree with them....oppostion politicians for example.

Antifa are brown shirts using the usual Nazi tactics, employed by the SA..disgusting

Antifa is also abroad busy, fighting on the PKK side in Syria.

Your thug army is a terrorist organisation and will lead to a fascist regime, as you thugs like....and the socialist regimes (Nazi, Soviet or Maoist) have killed millions and continue to do so still...forced oragan harvest in China....I guess you like that, eh?

Cuba is such a fucking success, the people flee from there, facing sharks and the ocean...

Your socialist shit show has long since been demasked as what it is....
Antifa is necessary to fight Fascism. They haven't killed anybody.

They aren't fighting fascism, they by there tactics are fascists.
Scots-Irish inhabit Appalachia. They have a far higher murder rate than Scotland, and northern Ireland they hail from. They are also far more xenophobic in Appalachia, because of capitalist policies promoting competition for jobs between different classes, so Appalachian Scots are more fearful than Scots of Scotland who feel more secure.

Scottish? are you out of your mind? what fucking racism is that? you belief that people, whose ancestors came hundred+ years from Scotland are still Scottish?

again: how stupid are you?

as for Apalachia: yes, that's what white privilege looks like and yes, desperation creates friction and desperate people...just look at Glasgow!
The failure of capitalism created a socialist moloch here....the break down of the once biggest ship building industry world wide, with only one struggling shipyard left....

Now everyone is on government programs, rampant violence and drug abuse...fuck, in the past 3 month, 5 people overdosed in homeless shelters here in Striling
How many Scottish are shooting up synagogues? The United States is typical of capitalist states. They become xenophobic because of class competition. The different groups fighting for jobs, and money end up wanting to kill each other to better themselves. That is why there is so many xenophobes, guns, Trump supporters, and Nazis in the United States.
Scots murder each other with knives....that's why the've banned carring knives're talking out of your ass again!

Suchj a stupid idiot that you are..

Here, wages are low, opportunities are few and people are jealous of each other leading to have no clue, kiddo...go back to school
Scots-Irish inhabit Appalachia. They have a far higher murder rate than Scotland, and northern Ireland they hail from. They are also far more xenophobic in Appalachia, because of capitalist policies promoting competition for jobs between different classes, so Appalachian Scots are more fearful than Scots of Scotland who feel more secure.

Talk about bigotry, stereotyping and prejudice. Got any other hate and bigotry you want to spread?
Our nanny is a wonderful person...but she worries about Scotland too. She went home to see her parents a couple of months ago and came back and commented how things are changing

Scotland is a perfect example of a failed state...traditionally, it never grew together...Culloden: more Scots fought the Jacobites than for them...the isles: Viking heritage and all, yet they never felt like they belonged to the greater piece....England just had to come in and scoop it up...screwing over the Scottish king after the union of, the once proud Scots are a bunch of hand out low lives....the Barnet formula saves them for now, cause they run a 10% budget deficit...but everything is over regulated to hell..wanna buy liquer after 9pm? tough look....more than 2 packages of anti-cough medicine? really is a shit show par excellance
Why do Americans with guns shoot up the foreigners, and minorities? Are they Trump supporting Nazis? Cuba is well off by Latin American standards. China was the most poor country on the planet. Communism turned it around.

How insane are you?

Communism turned China around? HAHAHAHAHAHA...they had that shit for 50 years and were piss poor..China is a (very dangerous) socialist-capitalist hybrid and the Capitalist part turned it around for them...

Communism leads to ruin...just ask the Soviet Union you tool.

No, the only Nazi fascists that I see are, people like you
Xenophobia is a symptom of capitalism. .......

That is about as ignorant as it gets.
Our nanny is a wonderful person...but she worries about Scotland too. She went home to see her parents a couple of months ago and came back and commented how things are changing

Scotland is a perfect example of a failed state...traditionally, it never grew together...Culloden: more Scots fought the Jacobites than for them...the isles: Viking heritage and all, yet they never felt like they belonged to the greater piece....England just had to come in and scoop it up...screwing over the Scottish king after the union of, the once proud Scots are a bunch of hand out low lives....the Barnet formula saves them for now, cause they run a 10% budget deficit...but everything is over regulated to hell..wanna buy liquer after 9pm? tough look....more than 2 packages of anti-cough medicine? really is a shit show par excellance

Sad, I never realized all that. England meddled far too much in Scotland and love for them
Sad, I never realized all that. England meddled far too much in Scotland and love for them

I can't speak too much for Ireland except that the plantations (Queen Elizabeth I) created the Northern Ireland issue, yet for Scotland it's quite clear: the Scots were slow to get their act together and wilfully sold themselves out to the English...a bit what we see today with the left willingly collaborating with foreign powers against their own country...

You bend the knee to Geroge II and whoops, you get a nice castle, taken from a Jacobite lord....and that shit has been going on for a long time..Robert the Bruce (Brave heart) forfeited his English possesions when he opposed Edward I and II....and he was fine with that....not too many after him were that intergre

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