County clerks invoke religious freedom to ignore law on same-sex marriage

They all took an oath (on a Bible I assume) to uphold the law. They should lose their job and someone willing to uphold the law should take their place.

They would then have been fired due to religious beliefs. That's illegal

Nope they should be fired for failing to perform their job duties. State issued Marriage licenses have nothing to with religious beliefs.

Sure it does, religious beliefs don't stop at an entry to a building. You all opened this can of worms, fun, eh?
Good for the county clerks........ :thup:
i do have a certain respect for someone that will take an action based on strongly held personal beliefs that they know will badly for them.

those clerks, if they ever refuse a license to a same sex couple, will lose their jobs. they must know that.

i think they are wong and actly wrongly, but i have to admire the strength of their convictions

As government agents they cannot allow their personal views to impact their work. To me that this the issue, and it really isn't negotiable.

They should be either fired, or moved to another job that does not require them to interact with the public.
i don't think it's a point of contention between liberals and conservatives that the government services we receive should not be based on how acceptable the clerk administering those services finds us to be.

For this "conservative" government has to be blind and neutral.

That being said they are the only ones who should have to be "blind". I am also partial to requiring certain services like food stores, emergency medical care, and hotels to be required to be blind, but my give on that gets less and less the more progressives try to ruin people for not thinking like they do.
Whatever is tripping up gay marriage in various places right now, is simply temporary.

You won the right to wed, you are no longer empowered by victimhood, move along now or find something new to scream about.

Don't worry, they will find new victimhood. Some people just need to be special little oppressed flowers.
The language of the 1st Amendment could not more clear.

And today I believe was the first time we have heard a presidential candidate use the words "by force".

For all things there is a breaking point.
you think the first amendment protects the clerks from issuing the licenses?

It guarantees the free expression of religion. They do not lose that guarantee over an arbitrary cultural decision by five, two of whom should have been recused.

That said, the clerks will likely acquiesce or be fired. But that will not be by a very long shot the end of it.
‘I don’t stand alone': County clerks invoke religious freedom to ignore law on same-sex marriage

Remind you of anything?


A little bit of history repeating itself.

Several county clerks in Kentucky have decided to stop issuing marriage licenses altogether, citing religious objections to the ruling – although they have been directed by the state’s Democratic governor and attorney general to follow the law or face potential Class A misdemeanor charges for official misconduct.

“It’s hard, I will tell you that,” said Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who admits she has not yet been asked to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple. “What has happened is that five lawyers have imposed their personal view of what the definition of marriage should be on the rest of us, and I, as a Christian, have strong views, too — and I know I don’t stand alone.”


Love the sinner, hate the sin. Yeah right.
If they don't want to do their jobs then fire every one of them right on the spot.
The language of the 1st Amendment could not more clear.

And today I believe was the first time we have heard a presidential candidate use the words "by force".

For all things there is a breaking point.
you think the first amendment protects the clerks from issuing the licenses?

It guarantees the free expression of religion. They do not lose that guarantee over an arbitrary cultural decision by five, two of whom should have been recused.

That said, the clerks will likely acquiesce or be fired. But that will not be by a very long shot the end of it.
so you believe the first amendment gives a government employee the right to deny another citizen access to government services based on religious belief?

that's idiotic.
‘I don’t stand alone': County clerks invoke religious freedom to ignore law on same-sex marriage

Remind you of anything?


A little bit of history repeating itself.

Several county clerks in Kentucky have decided to stop issuing marriage licenses altogether, citing religious objections to the ruling – although they have been directed by the state’s Democratic governor and attorney general to follow the law or face potential Class A misdemeanor charges for official misconduct.

“It’s hard, I will tell you that,” said Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who admits she has not yet been asked to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple. “What has happened is that five lawyers have imposed their personal view of what the definition of marriage should be on the rest of us, and I, as a Christian, have strong views, too — and I know I don’t stand alone.”


Love the sinner, hate the sin. Yeah right.
If they don't want to do their jobs then fire every one of them right on the spot.

So back when this happened the clerk should have been fired, right? I seem to recall the left rallying behind this clerk.

Emboldened by Utah ruling, Colorado clerk issues gay marriage licenses

Emboldened by Utah ruling Colorado clerk issues gay marriage licenses Reuters
They all took an oath (on a Bible I assume) to uphold the law. They should lose their job and someone willing to uphold the law should take their place.

They would then have been fired due to religious beliefs. That's illegal

So Muslims employed by the state can refuse to do anything that goes against Muslim law? And Budhists?

Kristians, you are going to cram your religion down everyone else's throat, get used to it. Your religion doesn't trump everything else in society.

These people will soon be told, either you do your job or find another. Let's see how many actually DO have the strength of their convictions. I'm guessing it will be a very small number.
‘I don’t stand alone': County clerks invoke religious freedom to ignore law on same-sex marriage

Remind you of anything?


A little bit of history repeating itself.

Several county clerks in Kentucky have decided to stop issuing marriage licenses altogether, citing religious objections to the ruling – although they have been directed by the state’s Democratic governor and attorney general to follow the law or face potential Class A misdemeanor charges for official misconduct.

“It’s hard, I will tell you that,” said Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who admits she has not yet been asked to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple. “What has happened is that five lawyers have imposed their personal view of what the definition of marriage should be on the rest of us, and I, as a Christian, have strong views, too — and I know I don’t stand alone.”


Love the sinner, hate the sin. Yeah right.
If they don't want to do their jobs then fire every one of them right on the spot.

So back when this happened the clerk should have been fired, right? I seem to recall the left rallying behind this clerk.

Emboldened by Utah ruling, Colorado clerk issues gay marriage licenses

Emboldened by Utah ruling Colorado clerk issues gay marriage licenses Reuters
From your own link.

"A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Denver ruled on Wednesday that Utah cannot ban same-sex couples from marrying, pushing the issue of gay marriage a step nearer the U.S. Supreme Court."
Whatever is tripping up gay marriage in various places right now, is simply temporary.

You won the right to wed, you are no longer empowered by victimhood, move along now or find something new to scream about.

Don't worry, they will find new victimhood. Some people just need to be special little oppressed flowers.

It appears kristians are the never ending only oppressed segment of society, according to them.
Whatever is tripping up gay marriage in various places right now, is simply temporary.

You won the right to wed, you are no longer empowered by victimhood, move along now or find something new to scream about.

Don't worry, they will find new victimhood. Some people just need to be special little oppressed flowers.

It appears kristians are the never ending only oppressed segment of society, according to them.

Your derision of people of faith is noted.
They all took an oath (on a Bible I assume) to uphold the law. They should lose their job and someone willing to uphold the law should take their place.

They would then have been fired due to religious beliefs. That's illegal

Nope they should be fired for failing to perform their job duties. State issued Marriage licenses have nothing to with religious beliefs.

Sure it does, religious beliefs don't stop at an entry to a building. You all opened this can of worms, fun, eh?
Religious beliefs cannot interfere with your job or you will soon be looking for a new one.
The language of the 1st Amendment could not more clear.

And today I believe was the first time we have heard a presidential candidate use the words "by force".

For all things there is a breaking point.
you think the first amendment protects the clerks from issuing the licenses?

It guarantees the free expression of religion. They do not lose that guarantee over an arbitrary cultural decision by five, two of whom should have been recused.

That said, the clerks will likely acquiesce or be fired. But that will not be by a very long shot the end of it.
so you believe the first amendment gives a government employee the right to deny another citizen access to government services based on religious belief?

that's idiotic.

Try reading the words of my response and you'll know what I believe. Get the nurse to help you.

(Gawd, what is it with Lefties and non-comprehension?)
They all took an oath (on a Bible I assume) to uphold the law. They should lose their job and someone willing to uphold the law should take their place.

They would then have been fired due to religious beliefs. That's illegal

Nope they should be fired for failing to perform their job duties. State issued Marriage licenses have nothing to with religious beliefs.

Sure it does, religious beliefs don't stop at an entry to a building. You all opened this can of worms, fun, eh?

No it doesn't. My wife and I were never asked about our religion when we got married by a Justice of the Peace. You want religion in your marriage? Okay, I don't care. Doesn't affect me or my wife in any way. Two girls or guys want to get married, same thing, I don't care. Doesn't affect me or my wife in any way.
Good for the county clerks........ :thup:
i do have a certain respect for someone that will take an action based on strongly held personal beliefs that they know will badly for them.

those clerks, if they ever refuse a license to a same sex couple, will lose their jobs. they must know that.

i think they are wong and actly wrongly, but i have to admire the strength of their convictions

Strength of convictions, or stupidity of thoughts?
They would then have been fired due to religious beliefs. That's illegal

wrong again, sassafras...

It's a Class A misdemeanor in Kentucky — first-degree official misconduct — if "a public servant ... refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office."

Attorney General Jack Conway said in a statement: "Any clerk that refuses to issue marriage licenses is opening himself or herself to potential legal liability and sanctions."

County clerks who won't give a marriage license to qualified applicants of any sexual orientation can expect a civil-rights lawsuit, said Bill Sharp, legal director of the Kentucky chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"We think the governor's directive to the clerks was consistent with the Supreme Court's decision, and the court's decision was final," Sharp said. "The county clerks' duty includes issuing marriage licenses to anyone who is qualified to apply for one. The fact that they might personally disagree with those qualifications is irrelevant."

Lexington KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader
Whatever is tripping up gay marriage in various places right now, is simply temporary.

You won the right to wed, you are no longer empowered by victimhood, move along now or find something new to scream about.

Don't worry, they will find new victimhood. Some people just need to be special little oppressed flowers.

It appears kristians are the never ending only oppressed segment of society, according to them.

Your derision of people of faith is noted.
Stop pouting.
They all took an oath (on a Bible I assume) to uphold the law. They should lose their job and someone willing to uphold the law should take their place.

They would then have been fired due to religious beliefs. That's illegal

Nope they should be fired for failing to perform their job duties. State issued Marriage licenses have nothing to with religious beliefs.

Sure it does, religious beliefs don't stop at an entry to a building. You all opened this can of worms, fun, eh?

No it doesn't. My wife and I were never asked about our religion when we got married by a Justice of the Peace. You want religion in your marriage? Okay, I don't care. Doesn't affect me or my wife in any way. Two girls or guys want to get married, same thing, I don't care. Doesn't affect me or my wife in any way.

Nobody is asking couples about about their religion, the thread is about a clerk's religious beliefs. Your attempt at deflection has failed
Whatever is tripping up gay marriage in various places right now, is simply temporary.

You won the right to wed, you are no longer empowered by victimhood, move along now or find something new to scream about.

Don't worry, they will find new victimhood. Some people just need to be special little oppressed flowers.

It appears kristians are the never ending only oppressed segment of society, according to them.

Your derision of people of faith is noted.
Stop pouting.

Who's pouting? I'm a lapsed Catholic at best, however I will call out bigots where I see them.

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