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"Coup" in Venezuela ends in disaster

Maduro has stated that what occur the other day is NOT going to go unpunished.

Maduro has to be very careful. If he starts committing atrocities, the U.S. will intervene and then that will be the end of his regime. I'm sure he and the Russians are aware of this. Maduro's best chance is to push back against the protesters with non-lethal means, as he has been doing.

I'm curious as to what a coordinate, military response by the U.S., Colombia and Brazil might look like. If the U.S. is obligated to intervene, this American wants the Colombians, Brazilians and possibly others to be there with us.

I can envision a scenario where American units go in and wherein Maduro is basically a hostage in a compound, refusing to surrender. Meanwhile, outside, the Venezuelan military decides they're not going to surrender their lives for a two-bit dictator that is likely to flee to Russia, etc. Meanwhile, and regardless of what Maduro does, Venezuela begins anew with new leadership.

The U.S. is NOT going to tolerate Maduro and his collection of international goons for much longer. He should get while the getting is good. Take some gold and fly to Cuba and retire on the beach. Or, get obliterated by a bunker buster.
Trump´s international goons have already realized that Maduro is staying. How about the war mongers? What army is going to intervene?

Your prognostication will not age well.
"SANTIAGO, April 15 (Xinhua) -- The Lima Group on Monday rejected military intervention in Venezuela, saying that it favors pursuing a negotiated solution to the country's crisis.

The group "rejects any threat or course of action that implies a military intervention in Venezuela," said an official statement issued by foreign ministers of the bloc after a gathering in Santiago.

The members of the group support a peaceful solution "led by Venezuelans themselves," the statement added.

The meeting came as Canada announced new sanctions against 41 members of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government it holds "responsible for the deterioration of the situation" in the South American country."
Lima Group rejects military intervention in Venezuela - China.org.cn

So again, what army? They will get "rebels", right?
Maduro has stated that what occur the other day is NOT going to go unpunished.

Maduro has to be very careful. If he starts committing atrocities, the U.S. will intervene and then that will be the end of his regime. I'm sure he and the Russians are aware of this. Maduro's best chance is to push back against the protesters with non-lethal means, as he has been doing.

I'm curious as to what a coordinate, military response by the U.S., Colombia and Brazil might look like. If the U.S. is obligated to intervene, this American wants the Colombians, Brazilians and possibly others to be there with us.

I can envision a scenario where American units go in and wherein Maduro is basically a hostage in a compound, refusing to surrender. Meanwhile, outside, the Venezuelan military decides they're not going to surrender their lives for a two-bit dictator that is likely to flee to Russia, etc. Meanwhile, and regardless of what Maduro does, Venezuela begins anew with new leadership.

The U.S. is NOT going to tolerate Maduro and his collection of international goons for much longer. He should get while the getting is good. Take some gold and fly to Cuba and retire on the beach. Or, get obliterated by a bunker buster.
Trump´s international goons have already realized that Maduro is staying. How about the war mongers? What army is going to intervene?
Maduro's only hope is to try to get safe haven from Soros so he can join in the 2020 democrat candidate Clown Car
And here is his ad!

Maduro had better goggle 'Manuel Noriega' and find out what happened to him... Grab some booty and hit the road...

Pretty amazing that some here appear to be on Maduro's side on this.

Not surprising, really, but amazing.
I find the amazing thing to be the unabashed appetite for regime change. Now that's really amazing.
What makes you think that Millions of folks whose votes were cancelled are gonna give up?

Well, Americans obviously have...

Ignoring the crowing from the Syrian Propaganda Ministry, our problem with Venezuela has been they picked a form of government that we didn't like, have confirmed it several times through elections, and we've done everything we can to undermine it, from supporting coups to waging economic war on them.

Maduro has to be very careful. If he starts committing atrocities, the U.S. will intervene and then that will be the end of his regime. I'm sure he and the Russians are aware of this. Maduro's best chance is to push back against the protesters with non-lethal means, as he has been doing.

Tell you what, why don't you march down to a recruiting station and sign up for the military, instead of having some poor kid do it.

I'm curious as to what a coordinate, military response by the U.S., Colombia and Brazil might look like. If the U.S. is obligated to intervene, this American wants the Colombians, Brazilians and possibly others to be there with us.

Why would we be "obligated" to intervene in an internal matter (that we largely caused by encouraging the Coup Plotters to start with?) The thing is, the last thing Columbia and Brazil want is to go back to the bad old days when the Gringos invaded countries.

I can envision a scenario where American units go in and wherein Maduro is basically a hostage in a compound, refusing to surrender. Meanwhile, outside, the Venezuelan military decides they're not going to surrender their lives for a two-bit dictator that is likely to flee to Russia, etc. Meanwhile, and regardless of what Maduro does, Venezuela begins anew with new leadership.

Really, with what? Right now, the US only has 11 active duty army divisions, half of them deployed around the world. Where are we going to find the troops to go in.

The one thing that would unite the Venezuelan people is a foreign invasion...

Here's a plan. Have Trump go ahead and tweet on a bunch of unrelated subjects, mock a few celebrities, and distract attention from just how badly Pompeo and Bolton fucked this up.
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This is close to home folks....if that nation blows up we will have a massive immigration crises to deal with...What happens in Valenzuela is more important than what happens in Syria at this point in time....
And its more important than what Barr said about Mueller's stupid witch hunt report....

So Trump fucked this up, and now you are worried about the consequences? Really?
He's a complete psychopath if he thinks thousands of dead protesters is gonna make him invincible.. Only took a couple martyrs in Tianamen Square to change that regimes' outlook on public protests..

Not really. China didn't change into a free expression country after Tianamen Square.

Again, why is this our problem? We were dumb to encourage a coup, but a certain point you cut bait and run. This would be a good time.
Maduro is going. The only question is whether or not he is going to go the easy way or the hard way. The smart ones take some gold and get the hell out of Dodge.

Maduro can expedite his own demise if his forces commit many more of the incidents such as the one you mentioned. Then, we'll be there much quicker.

Okay, I realize you are very keen to send other people's kids off to war.

Did you learn not a fucking thing from Libya? Iraq? Vietnam? I'm just curious if you are truly this dense.

2,000,000% inflation, food shortages, eating pets....the People don't have much to lose. This wont end well for Maduro or the UN

Yes, we've done a very good job at punishing these people for picking a form of government we don't like. But at the end of the day, it's their government. The people did not come out and support the Coup Plotters.

Trump should really be careful. The difference between him and Maduro is Maduro won a legitimate election.
Pretty amazing that some here appear to be on Maduro's side on this.

Not surprising, really, but amazing.

Yes, this crazy idea that when a country elects a president, legitimately elects him by a popular majority, the rest of the world should respect that.

What a crazy idea.

I mean, that's fucking nuts. What happened to the good old days when we sent a bunch of poor kids off to teach them not to do that.

Oh, that's right. Americans got sick of watching their kids come home in boxes.
So, we're dealing with the country sitting on what is being described as the largest proven oil reserves on earth.

That country is located in South / Central America?

It has chosen, a few times, a leftist government?

And now, the U.S. of A., very much notable for unwavering support for the House of Saud, lets itself be seen concerned about upholding democratic principles. In so doing, they support a pretend-president who tried to instigate a military coup, and that is after that exact same U.S. of A. tried to instigate coups before.

After a long, storied history of replacing elected governments veering ever so slightly to the left with ultra-right / military, mass-murderous dictatorships in that region, no one really seems to find "But, but, what about democracy?" to be a bit of a stretch? If the second repetition is a farce, I am at pains to name what the 25th repetition might be.
Here's the underlying problem. IN 2001, the people of Venezuela chose socialism.

Now, not a choice I would make, but then again, I don't live there.

We've spent the last three administrations trying to undermine their government for making a choice we didn't like. From the 2002 attempted coup against Chavez, to yesterday's fiasco.

But we probably won't question it, because we look at Latin America as "our backyard" and other imperialist nonsense.

And live in mortal terror some of those folks might move in from the backyard to the living room.
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Pretty amazing that some here appear to be on Maduro's side on this.

Not surprising, really, but amazing.

Only those that support Putin wish to bring more proxy-wars in our part of the world would support Maduro right to be a dictator...
Okay, I realize you are very keen to send other people's kids off to war.

This is where you're emotional and stupid. I'm predicting what Trump is going to do. I never said that I support an invasion of Venezuela.

And while we're at it, since you are obviously unaware, the Colombians cannot stand the leadership of Venezuela. I will also inform you that the majority of Venezuelans cannot stand the leadership of Venezuela.

As for the legitimacy of Maduro's 2018 election "win", that is in great doubt. Venezuela Is in Crisis. So How Did Maduro Secure a Second Term?

Why do liberals like you consistently align yourselves with the most corrupt, despotic regimes?

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