Couple of Libtard's flee restaurant because black gent sitting near them wears TRUMP HAT!!!

I'm surprised that they didnt MELT as they rushed to get away from that awful TRUMP, you can't make this shit up!

Any sane person would not sit near a person with a rumpy hat in any restaurant. I myself would have not even sat down upon seeing such brazen ignorance.

Why? I would'nt have a problem sitting at the same table with someone wearing a Hillary shirt. I think Hillary is a lying scumbag but I respect the fact not everyone may have the same belief. Why the fuck should I hate them and why the fuck should you instantly judge someone like ...'upon seeing such brazen ignorance'? it's astounding the depth partisanship can divide people
I'm surprised that they didnt MELT as they rushed to get away from that awful TRUMP, you can't make this shit up!

Any sane person would not sit near a person with a rumpy hat in any restaurant. I myself would have not even sat down upon seeing such brazen ignorance.

Why? I would'nt have a problem sitting at the same table with someone wearing a Hillary shirt. I think Hillary is a lying scumbag but I respect the fact not everyone may have the same belief. Why the fuck should I hate them and why the fuck should you instantly judge someone like ...'upon seeing such brazen ignorance'? it's astounding the depth partisanship can divide people

For me it is the man not the politics, as he has no clue on that issue. Also anyone who would wear such a hat in public deserves the ridicule they get.
No, an opportunity for you to prove you are. I see you refused.
I've nothing to prove my friend. Sounds like you do though.

All I needed to know about you has been proven. You're the one that claimed I made up a situation. Given the opportunity to repeat it, you ran like a black from a paternity test.
What? How the fuck did you get that from this exchange?

Just to be clear, I truly believe you are lying about this ridiculous and unbelievable stroy you told. Maybe I didn't stress it enough the first time but that's only because I'm used to conservitards making shit up.

So yes. You made up the situation .

Just to be clear, whether or not you believe doesn't change the fact that it happened. That's the problem with you left wing pussies. You think you know more about a situation than those directly involved in it.

I've offered you the chance for a similar situation and you ran like a coward. Tells me you believe it but have to give yourself an excuse. So, yes, you're a fucking snowflake. Melt away, boy.
Lol, still don't believe you.

Still doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. It doesn't change facts. Facts aren't based on whether or not you believe but that they are facts.

I bet you're one of those that thinks a subjective opinion by a transgender freak is more valid than objective biology related to gender.
I'm surprised that they didnt MELT as they rushed to get away from that awful TRUMP, you can't make this shit up!

Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head… If they can’t control someone they wet their bed.
I'm surprised that they didnt MELT as they rushed to get away from that awful TRUMP, you can't make this shit up!

Yep, progressives are control freaks, Spineless fuckers and are the very definition of intolerance... second only to Muslims.
Lol, More threats!

Aren't you just the toughest guy on the playground!

No, an opportunity for you to prove you are. I see you refused.
I've nothing to prove my friend. Sounds like you do though.

All I needed to know about you has been proven. You're the one that claimed I made up a situation. Given the opportunity to repeat it, you ran like a black from a paternity test.
What? How the fuck did you get that from this exchange?

Just to be clear, I truly believe you are lying about this ridiculous and unbelievable stroy you told. Maybe I didn't stress it enough the first time but that's only because I'm used to conservitards making shit up.

So yes. You made up the situation .
Says a control freak
Non sequiter.

Try to stay on topic.
No, an opportunity for you to prove you are. I see you refused.
I've nothing to prove my friend. Sounds like you do though.

All I needed to know about you has been proven. You're the one that claimed I made up a situation. Given the opportunity to repeat it, you ran like a black from a paternity test.
What? How the fuck did you get that from this exchange?

Just to be clear, I truly believe you are lying about this ridiculous and unbelievable stroy you told. Maybe I didn't stress it enough the first time but that's only because I'm used to conservitards making shit up.

So yes. You made up the situation .
Says a control freak
Non sequiter.

Try to stay on topic.
That is the topic, progressives want to control everyone they disagree with... fact
I've nothing to prove my friend. Sounds like you do though.

All I needed to know about you has been proven. You're the one that claimed I made up a situation. Given the opportunity to repeat it, you ran like a black from a paternity test.
What? How the fuck did you get that from this exchange?

Just to be clear, I truly believe you are lying about this ridiculous and unbelievable stroy you told. Maybe I didn't stress it enough the first time but that's only because I'm used to conservitards making shit up.

So yes. You made up the situation .
Says a control freak
Non sequiter.

Try to stay on topic.
That is the topic, progressives want to control everyone they disagree with... fact

That's not the topic I was commenting on.....
I'm surprised that they didnt MELT as they rushed to get away from that awful TRUMP, you can't make this shit up!

Any sane person would not sit near a person with a rumpy hat in any restaurant. I myself would have not even sat down upon seeing such brazen ignorance.

Let me know what restaurants you frequent. If all I have to do is put on a Trump hat to get you to run away, I would love the opportunity to do so.
I'm surprised that they didnt MELT as they rushed to get away from that awful TRUMP, you can't make this shit up!

Any sane person would not sit near a person with a rumpy hat in any restaurant. I myself would have not even sat down upon seeing such brazen ignorance.

Why? I would'nt have a problem sitting at the same table with someone wearing a Hillary shirt. I think Hillary is a lying scumbag but I respect the fact not everyone may have the same belief. Why the fuck should I hate them and why the fuck should you instantly judge someone like ...'upon seeing such brazen ignorance'? it's astounding the depth partisanship can divide people

For me it is the man not the politics, as he has no clue on that issue. Also anyone who would wear such a hat in public deserves the ridicule they get.

That's really stupid.
During the 2016 campaign, a couple of early 20 something pussies ran like cowards in a similar situation. My daughter went into a Starbucks while I waited outside in the car. While she was in line, those snowflakes made negative comment about, although not directly to her but loud enough for her to hear and know they were addressing, her Trump shirt. When I went in wearing mine, I asked those pussies if they had any comments about mine. Interesting how quickly they left without saying a word.
Same happens when a large black guy shows up in a Police uniform and the comments die down.
First hand experience on this post. Happens many times in Black places also.

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