Court allows Christian baker Jack Phillips to sue Colorado for anti-religious hostility

If there are so many willing to do gay wedding cakes, why are LGBT militants targeting Christian (but oddly not Muslim) bakers?

Have you tried Middle Eastern food? It's horrible!

Forced conversion to the cult's deviant sex value system?

I don't know, why did all those uppity blacks insist on drinking out of white people's water fountains when there perfectly functional colored water fountains?

Except that it’s behavioral instead, crosswired via associative condition; stemming from the normal procreative drive we are all born with.
No more than drug addiction which also starts as a choice & then reinforced to become a reflexive habit of associative stimulus/pleasure seeking via conditioning.

So one more time, when did you decide to be Straight?

Or are you still working on that?
So one more time, when did you decide to be Straight?

Or are you still working on that?
We are all born straight. The reproductive drive stems from ancient genes to seek the opposite gender. Some crosswire those urges onto dead bodies the same gender, children, inanimate objects etc. We call those adopted orientations “kinks” for a reason. Something originally straight was kinked via conditioning.
We are all born straight. The reproductive drive stems from ancient genes to seek the opposite gender. Some crosswire those urges onto dead bodies the same gender, children, inanimate objects etc. We call those adopted orientations “kinks” for a reason. Something originally straight was kinked via conditioning.

Or genetics? Or maybe what you consider a kink, most of us just consider a preference.

Now, I have a real thing for Asian chicks. I'm not sure why. Certainly not my upbringing, I never even met any Asians until I was 14. some people (Racists) would consider that to be immoral or a "kink". Racially mixed marriages were even considered illegal until the 1960's.

My Great Grandfather married a Native American Woman, which was considered quite the scandal in the day.

People are just attracted to what they are attracted to. And as long as the mind their own business and aren't hurting anyone, it's really none of your business.

That you spend so much energy hating on gay people is kind of bewildering... unless you take into account that science has proven most homophobes are fighting down latent homosexual tendencies... THen your posts all make sense.
Try to sell that to the court. I’m not buying it.

Kind of don't have to. No sensible person still thinks homosexuality is a "choice". The term "lifestyle choice' has largely dropped from the lexicon, and has been replaced with "Sexual orientation'. you've already lost the battle for the language, buddy.

So either the court will rule it will be okay to discriminate on the basis of not just sexual orientation, but race and religion as well, or they won't open that can of worms.

So one more time, when did you decide to be Straight?

Or are you still working on that?
We are all born straight. The reproductive drive stems from ancient genes to seek the opposite gender. Some crosswire those urges onto dead bodies the same gender, children, inanimate objects etc. We call those adopted orientations “kinks” for a reason. Something originally straight was kinked via conditioning.

^^ the determination & sifting of race vs behavior will be pivotal to the baker’s case.

When does someone decide to be sexually drawn to children or dead bodies, or with whips & bondage? Let me guess, those were all “born that way”. :lmao:
We are all born straight. The reproductive drive stems from ancient genes to seek the opposite gender. Some crosswire those urges onto dead bodies the same gender, children, inanimate objects etc. We call those adopted orientations “kinks” for a reason. Something originally straight was kinked via conditioning.

Why is it you can't argue against homosexuality without bringing other things in?

Point is, in nature, animals have both homosexual and heterosexual sex. They aren't kinks, it just kind of happens.

^^ the determination & sifting of race vs behavior will be pivotal to the baker’s case.

When your only arguments are "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad", you really don't have much of a case.

When does someone decide to be sexually drawn to children or dead bodies, or with whips & bondage? Let me guess, those were all “born that way”.

Hey, lots of normal straight people are into the whole "whips and chains" thing. There are all sorts of things people are 'in to"... I don't judge.

Corpses and kids, um, yeah, that involves issues of consent.

So let's agree that all things that happen between CONSENTING ADULTS are acceptable and have no effect on your life.

Why is it you can't argue against homosexuality without bringing other things in?

Point is, in nature, animals have both homosexual and heterosexual sex. They aren't kinks, it just kind of happens.
So fucking a dead body & developing a sexual orientation towards that preference “just kind of happens”? Is that the scientific phrase for a conditioned habit derived originally from a genetic hardwire to procreate?

Why is it I can’t discuss homosexuality without mentioning other kinks? Because the 14th Amendment MUST be fair to ALL deviant sexual orientations once it is applied to just some.
So fucking a dead body & developing a sexual orientation towards that preference “just kind of happens”? Is that the scientific phrase for a conditioned habit derived originally from a genetic hardwire to procreate?

Wouldn't know, haven't spent much time thinking about necrophilia... have you?

Why is it I can’t discuss homosexuality without mentioning other kinks? Because the 14th Amendment MUST be fair to ALL deviant sexual orientations once it is applied to just some.

Well, no... because not all orientations are deviant...

If everyone involved is a CONSENTING ADULT, it's not deviant.
Well, no... because not all orientations are deviant...

If everyone involved is a CONSENTING ADULT, it's not deviant.
Using the procreative drive to attempt copulation with the same gender (often dressed like & posturing like stereotypes/indicators of the opposite gender...??) is indeed the epitome of a deviant sexual orientation. Except maybe copulating with a sheep.

Courts have ruled that the dead can neither consent nor not consent. What if adult brothers & sisters consent? Is their orientation not also protected re: marriage?
Using the procreative drive to attempt copulation with the same gender (often dressed like & posturing like stereotypes/indicators of the opposite gender...??) is indeed the epitome of a deviant sexual orientation. Except maybe copulating with a sheep.

Courts have ruled that the dead can neither consent nor not consent. What if adult brothers & sisters consent? Is their orientation not also protected re: marriage?

Since the underlying action is illegal, no.

Now, even though some states allow first cousins to marry, there actually is a valid argument that can be made for incest laws - that they have a higher percentage of producing deformed offspring.
Now, even though some states allow first cousins to marry, there actually is a valid argument that can be made for incest laws - that they have a higher percentage of producing deformed offspring.
Do you hate brother/sister oriented Americans??

Who says other couples can’t be predicted to produce deformed kids based on gene testing?

Your an incestiphobe hiring behind prejudice assuming all their kids would be deformed. What if they marry & adopt? What a bigoted hater you are.
Do you hate brother/sister oriented Americans??

Who says other couples can’t be predicted to produce deformed kids based on gene testing?

Your an incestiphobe hiring behind prejudice assuming all their kids would be deformed. What if they marry & adopt? What a bigoted hater you are.

Like I said, if you want to advocate to change the laws, have at it.
Like I said, if you want to advocate to change the laws, have at it.

I’m not the one trying to gain coverage for just some deviant sexual orientations but not others under the 14th Amendment. You are.

Have at it. Good luck.

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