Court blocks trump's wall finance plan!

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‘Gillam cited the separation of powers between the Legislative and Executive branches outlined in the Constitution, and particularly Congress's power of the purse, in making that determination.

“The position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds ‘without Congress’ does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,” he wrote.’

Correct. all honesty, America has never seen the invasion level it is seeing today.
So, things are not really "the same". A different response is needed in extreme circumstances.
A non-answer.
Should the Americans decide they've had enough, do you honestly think the government could stop them?
Give me the numbers to support your contention.

Billy, I like your faith. Keep it.

But that's my point. I do not believe that Americans, at least not in anywhere near sufficient numbers, have it in them to do anything.
They will continue to do nothing right to the bitter end. It's just the nature of the beast.

Maybe you live in an isolated enclave of Patriots who talk the talk but really, the government has far more firepower and the power of technology, law enforcement and military.
Some might resist but most will comply. Again, human nature.

Can you cite some examples of how Americans have shown a willingness to fight back? I haven't even seen any significant protests. How come millions of people haven't already said "enough" and marched on Washington? What are they waiting for?

I don't have the answers, but I do see the lack of willingness to defend the Constitution. That's painfully obvious.

All that was required for evil men to prevail, was for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

I live just a bit outside the Beltway. Protest is a Leftist thing.

The government does not have more firepower. The military does. Do you in this time believe the military whose members have sworn to defend the United States would side with the Progressives who are trying to destroy it? Recent research among the military indicates not.

Do you think police entities, who live in the communities would dare to join with them, placing not only themselves but their families in grave danger?

This is no threat from me, but mere observation.

There are well over 100,000,000 armed citizens measured against 3,200.000 military personnel. A good number of them are military trained. If even half resist it's a turkey shoot.

There is a vast difference between allegiance to a sitting government and allegiance to the Republic, and all things have a breaking point.
A decent, non emotionally distraught rebuttal. I knew it could happen someday.

When I see evidence to the contrary, I'll change my mind.
I think we The People are being "played", as usual.

That so many Americans keep looking to Politicians in DC to restore America is just amazing to me.
Dc is where there are and where they will stay. Problem is politicians are neither businessmen nor public servants in their present positions. They may have been earlier on but at this level it’s all about getting re-elected from the moment you are elected AND serving those who helped get you elected or can help.
I live 10 minutes north of it. There are some stout and sturdy men in it but mostly a lot of power hungry, unsavory wimps. Congress used to be a part time service position. Now it’s a money and power bestower. THAT is what must get changed but it’s too beneficial to too many powerful people. Trump is trying to do good for the American People. I truly believe that and young, naive and inexperienced I am not.
The fiefdoms win. The courts are a fiefdom. Police, Corrections, Justice are fiefdoms. One side or the other. Honor, Integrity and Character is different when used as a member of a fiefdom and not an individual. A person who was a Cop and runs a public safety school can use a backhand slap at a graduating student with a spouse and kids there with no remorse. And definitely acted the same way when working the streets and abusing others when younger. After all, the person he would mess with would be outnumbered ten to fifteen to one if he acted up. Years later when the streets neighborhood had enough, and the numbers reversed for his safety this person would not be there for his own as his azz puckered up. Good police ar thrown in with people like this and many others because they do nothing within their fiefdoms in enough numbers to curtail it. People like this guy are little diks. And there are many. Another story is correctional officers turning on a fellow employees who then resigned. the former employee years later typed in messages on his computer to meet him at stores and places. He did not know that the fiefdoms had access from the subjucated. And did not know they were showing up in the beginning. Then got pizzed a bit knowing some were showing up like there was going to be a beatdown. Egos in fiefdoms and showing resistance is not allowed by the purveyors of power. These people even spread the word on him to residents and places of business in the region. And the fool citizens fell right in line. When outnumbering an individual, the fiefdom will win. However again not one of these people showed up when BLM was outnumbering the likes of them. These people had little diks when it mattered. The power of numbers is true. There are many stories of people screwed over in man ways from many directions of politics and the like. To those who want change. The change you want may come with a price. salaries, benefits, pensions and those collecting pensions must be reduced from these people for you to win. The good among them will suffer along with the good not affiliated with their fiefdoms. Add all of the issues we have today with the borders/no borders views and there are problems.
I live just a bit outside the Beltway. Protest is a Leftist thing.

Well, you live in the hot seat so I 'll give you that.
What other way is there for the people to peacefully let politicians and other govt officials know they are displeased ?
Is protest a "leftist" thinkg only because only the left cares enough to protest? Maybe the right collectively doesn't care enough to protest?

The government does not have more firepower. The military does. Do you in this time believe the military whose members have sworn to defend the United States would side with the Progressives who are trying to destroy it? Recent research among the military indicates not.

This has been discussed before. I do believe the general consensus was that there are more than enough Progressives in the military and enough people that lean Left to
tow the line. In addition, the threat of losing benefits, paychecks etc is a powerful deterrent. Just as there are plenty of local and state cops more than willing to violate your Constitutional rights.

Do you think police entities, who live in the communities would dare to join with them, placing not only themselves but their families in grave danger?
This is no threat from me, but mere observation.

Understood. Still, yes, I have met many police officers who apparently have more allegiance to "The State", their shiny badge and the power the badge gives them than protecting individual rights. It happens often and is very common. Power corrupts.

There are well over 100,000,000 armed citizens measured against 3,200.000 military personnel. A good number of them are military trained. If even half resist it's a turkey shoot.
There is a vast difference between allegiance to a sitting government and allegiance to the Republic, and all things have a breaking point.

As the Left passes more and more gun control laws and more and more laws allowing confiscation and more laws restricting ownership to a shrinking number of citizens, I think a breaking point will occur where most people will turn them in when fced with serious threats of government persecution. They don't have to get "all" the guns...just most of them. And I think most people would opt to just hand them over as happened in other countries. People are people. They will consider their comfort, pay and family first.

That said. i admire your faith. But I think it may not be based on reality.
Trump has 3 for 3 major court loses and this historical moment to recall:

Trump is just another player in the big Establishment Dog & Pony Show......

I maintain that NO ONE in washington is actually For The People.
We The People were sold out over 100 years ago. DC works for the deep Pocketed establishment.
what a load of bullshit ........

Not to be mean, but since you believe what Democrats say only, you may be quite practiced at tasting it....even if you don't realize it.
You're just a confused little Snowflake.

Some day you'll grow up and see things more clearly.
The RINO tried to get out of town with new spending but no Wall funding again? One Patriot saved it? Thats all we have left?
well with the argument of Trump attempting to exceeds the Executive Branch’s lawful authority and the land owners who are not to keen on giving up there land to the government sounds like

When Texas landowners are lawyering up for the fight now Trump is going against some of his own constituents.

They say "Don't mess with Texas"

and is taking government land a conservative talking point - government overreach
A non-answer.
Should the Americans decide they've had enough, do you honestly think the government could stop them?
Give me the numbers to support your contention.

Billy, I like your faith. Keep it.

But that's my point. I do not believe that Americans, at least not in anywhere near sufficient numbers, have it in them to do anything.
They will continue to do nothing right to the bitter end. It's just the nature of the beast.

Maybe you live in an isolated enclave of Patriots who talk the talk but really, the government has far more firepower and the power of technology, law enforcement and military.
Some might resist but most will comply. Again, human nature.

Can you cite some examples of how Americans have shown a willingness to fight back? I haven't even seen any significant protests. How come millions of people haven't already said "enough" and marched on Washington? What are they waiting for?

I don't have the answers, but I do see the lack of willingness to defend the Constitution. That's painfully obvious.

All that was required for evil men to prevail, was for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

Liberals march, protest, riot when they get pissed off. Republicans take out their anger on election day.

Trump is not only proof that we are sick of liberalism, but we're sick of the professional politicians and establishment on the right as well. Trump was a protest vote on what's happening to our country that nobody is doing anything about.

Will the RNC finally wake up and listen to their constituents instead of just giving us lip service now? Who knows, but I can say I think we started a brand new path.
Will be overturned. Trump is well within his authority.

A nickel short and a day late. Tens of millions of illegals already here. Today this is no longer America.
What good would a 20 foot solid wall across the entire border do at this point?
As soon as the Left regains power they'll just build bridges over it or knock it down.

It really is too late.

If a wall is built and Democrats are willing to destroy billions of dollars of wall, they would be playing into our hands. For years they've been telling us they are not for open borders, kind of like they are not for the elimination of guns. But destroying a wall would be just the evidence we would need to convince this country what the Democrats are really all about.

A day late and a dollar short? Not really. In spite of who's here already, the criminal element keeps coming back after deportation, and those are the ones that are raping and killing Americans. A wall would prevent them from coming back. So even if it only saves the lives of ten Americans a year, it's well worth the money unless you're a Democrat. If you're a Democrat, those who are murdered are just casualties of war.
well with the argument of Trump attempting to exceeds the Executive Branch’s lawful authority and the land owners who are not to keen on giving up there land to the government sounds like

When Texas landowners are lawyering up for the fight now Trump is going against some of his own constituents.

They say "Don't mess with Texas"

and is taking government land a conservative talking point - government overreach

No it is not, the president is supposed to protect this country from illegal rapist killer Mexicans.

well with the argument of Trump attempting to exceeds the Executive Branch’s lawful authority and the land owners who are not to keen on giving up there land to the government sounds like

When Texas landowners are lawyering up for the fight now Trump is going against some of his own constituents.

They say "Don't mess with Texas"

and is taking government land a conservative talking point - government overreach

No it is not, the president is supposed to protect this country from
"illegal rapist killer Mexicans'



But it is quite obvious those who live at the boarder are not worried about

illegal rapist killer Mexicans

all rapist are not Mexicans or illegal aliens
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