Court Denies Teen’s Wish to Refuse Cancer Treatment

But why does she have to take chemotherapy as her medical treatment what if she wants to do holistic healing or alternaitve medicine?

If she wishes to try those methods, she may as well put the noose around her neck right now. I understand she is scared, but she needs to suck it up and accept that unless she chemo, she will die.
That's what they told me. I would die. I still refused it. Been 2 years so far, cancer free.

you had the same type of cancer?

think not
She has no she experienced cancer, you fuckwad. It doesn't matter what you think, Graciecunt is a survivor.
Oh, so NOT the same type of cancer

buzz off troll breath
A cancer survivor is a cancer survivor. I hate that graciecunt...but she beat a horrific malady.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

Yes, it has a high success rate in this particular type of cancer. Also, sometimes chemo and radiation is only used for palliative therapy, to shrink a tumor, etc. Such as a tumor in your esophagus that is interfering with your ability to swallow food or to breathe. Chemotherapy is not always meant to be curative.

This is all completely dependent upon the type of cancer and how advanced the cancer is. There are times when doctors do not recommend chemo or radiation, and they recommend that the patient be on hospice. I type about that PLENTY of times. Sometimes, it's the patient who wants to have every treatment available.

I agree that it should be a patient's choice, but this girl just sounds like perhaps she is not right, and I imagine that going through a traumatic situation can do that to a person, especially one so young, but the chances are she will be cured from the chemo.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

Yes, it has a high success rate in this particular type of cancer. Also, sometimes chemo and radiation is only used for palliative therapy, to shrink a tumor, etc. Such as a tumor in your esophagus that is interfering with your ability to swallow food or to breathe. Chemotherapy is not always meant to be curative.

This is all completely dependent upon the type of cancer and how advanced the cancer is. There are times when doctors do not recommend chemo or radiation, and they recommend that the patient be on hospice. I type about that PLENTY of times. Sometimes, it's the patient who wants to have every treatment available.

I agree that it should be a patient's choice, but this girl just sounds like perhaps she is not right, and I imagine that going through a traumatic situation can do that to a person, especially one so young, but the chances are she will be cured from the chemo.
I do not believe the government should ever force anyone to use a medical procedure, against their will.

No exceptions.

Allowing the government to do this, is granting them too much power and when the scumbags in government obtain too much power, history tells us watch out.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

Yes, it has a high success rate in this particular type of cancer. Also, sometimes chemo and radiation is only used for palliative therapy, to shrink a tumor, etc. Such as a tumor in your esophagus that is interfering with your ability to swallow food or to breathe. Chemotherapy is not always meant to be curative.

This is all completely dependent upon the type of cancer and how advanced the cancer is. There are times when doctors do not recommend chemo or radiation, and they recommend that the patient be on hospice. I type about that PLENTY of times. Sometimes, it's the patient who wants to have every treatment available.

I agree that it should be a patient's choice, but this girl just sounds like perhaps she is not right, and I imagine that going through a traumatic situation can do that to a person, especially one so young, but the chances are she will be cured from the chemo.
I do not believe the government should ever force anyone to use a medical procedure, against their will.

No exceptions.

Allowing the government to do this, is granting them too much power and when the scumbags in government obtain too much power, history tells us watch out.

Okay, but apparently, according to the laws in that particular state, she is still a minor and is a ward of the state.
I think the mother is absolutely nuts. If that was my daughter, I would insist she receive the treatments. Sure, it might be uncomfortable, but a lot of things in life are going to be. I would say, take your medicine, girly, and you will thank me later someday when you are grown up, married and have a family of your own to love and care about.
The court found that the girl was not mature enough to understand the nature and consequences of her decision and further found that the girl was being unduly influenced by her mother. I heard mother make a statement about the poisons of chemo. She had no real objection except that it puts poison in the body. It seemed not to matter at all that such treatment might work. Mother definitely has an agenda and doesn't mind her daughter dying for it. The court made the right call. In a few months the girl will be 18, the course of chemo will be over and she will be in remission or not. She can make her decision then.
wtf does this have to do with the legal question(s)?
I didn't address the legal part. I addressed the fact people around here spout off about shit without actually reading the story.

without actually reading the thread -- you spouted shit. some of our posts were on the legal aspects

Politico :cuckoo: adding warm diarrhea in a dixie cup and trying to pass it off as cool shit
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

The success rate of chemo depends on the type and stage of cancer so to claim it's 5% is idiotic and misleading. Some cancers can be cured, others managed as a chronic condition with years of decent-quality of life. Many treatments go beyond just chemo to kill cancer, but chemo to stimulate immune system, or marshalling different aspects of the body organic to attack the cancer. Treatments are generally "silenced" (ie NOT validated) because they are snake oil. Medical treatments have very stiff protocols to pass before they are accepted as treatments. Snake oil treatments do not - they require only "testimonials" for evidence.

It's a person's free choice as to what they wish for treatment - but they at least ought to have accurate information in order to make an informed choice.

My boss has beat colon cancer twice through chemo and surgury and is now ten years out. Yes, the chemo left some permanent problems - neuropathy for example, but he does not regret it and every year cancer free is a gift. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, and including in a lymphnode. She opted to enroll in a study that was looking at different chemo/surgical/radiation protocols. 15 years later she is still cancer free. Again - it could come back and chemo has some permanent side effects, but she has no regrets and she made informed decisions. Every year is a gift. Quite often heart disease, diabetes, highblood pressure, immune mediated diseases and mental illness' - can't be "cured" but they can be managed for a long time with quality of life. Some cancers will fall into that category. Some cancers will be cured, but to claim that chemo is a "failed therapy" is just plain ignorant.
"It's a person's free choice as to what they wish for treatment - but they at least ought to have accurate information in order to make an informed choice."

nuf said


No doubt, but when you are a very young and impressionable person and have a whacky mother/authority figure, who is the person you SHOULD be able to trust more than anyone, putting paranoid thoughts into your head, then there might be a problem. Yes, 18 is legally an adult, but that certainly does not mean that the person who is 18 is thinking like an adult yet and might be very dependent upon mom and her decisions.

I have to wonder what kind of mom would make such a decision? To me, that is really messed up, that the mom would rather her daughter die from cancer (ALSO very awful - could possibly even be WORSE than the chemo treatments) rather than have the treatment. That's just nutty.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

The success rate of chemo depends on the type and stage of cancer so to claim it's 5% is idiotic and misleading. Some cancers can be cured, others managed as a chronic condition with years of decent-quality of life. Many treatments go beyond just chemo to kill cancer, but chemo to stimulate immune system, or marshalling different aspects of the body organic to attack the cancer. Treatments are generally "silenced" (ie NOT validated) because they are snake oil. Medical treatments have very stiff protocols to pass before they are accepted as treatments. Snake oil treatments do not - they require only "testimonials" for evidence.

It's a person's free choice as to what they wish for treatment - but they at least ought to have accurate information in order to make an informed choice.

My boss has beat colon cancer twice through chemo and surgury and is now ten years out. Yes, the chemo left some permanent problems - neuropathy for example, but he does not regret it and every year cancer free is a gift. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, and including in a lymphnode. She opted to enroll in a study that was looking at different chemo/surgical/radiation protocols. 15 years later she is still cancer free. Again - it could come back and chemo has some permanent side effects, but she has no regrets and she made informed decisions. Every year is a gift. Quite often heart disease, diabetes, highblood pressure, immune mediated diseases and mental illness' - can't be "cured" but they can be managed for a long time with quality of life. Some cancers will fall into that category. Some cancers will be cured, but to claim that chemo is a "failed therapy" is just plain ignorant.

Thank you, Coyote. That was a very informative and good post. :)
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

The success rate of chemo depends on the type and stage of cancer so to claim it's 5% is idiotic and misleading. Some cancers can be cured, others managed as a chronic condition with years of decent-quality of life. Many treatments go beyond just chemo to kill cancer, but chemo to stimulate immune system, or marshalling different aspects of the body organic to attack the cancer. Treatments are generally "silenced" (ie NOT validated) because they are snake oil. Medical treatments have very stiff protocols to pass before they are accepted as treatments. Snake oil treatments do not - they require only "testimonials" for evidence.

It's a person's free choice as to what they wish for treatment - but they at least ought to have accurate information in order to make an informed choice.

My boss has beat colon cancer twice through chemo and surgury and is now ten years out. Yes, the chemo left some permanent problems - neuropathy for example, but he does not regret it and every year cancer free is a gift. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, and including in a lymphnode. She opted to enroll in a study that was looking at different chemo/surgical/radiation protocols. 15 years later she is still cancer free. Again - it could come back and chemo has some permanent side effects, but she has no regrets and she made informed decisions. Every year is a gift. Quite often heart disease, diabetes, highblood pressure, immune mediated diseases and mental illness' - can't be "cured" but they can be managed for a long time with quality of life. Some cancers will fall into that category. Some cancers will be cured, but to claim that chemo is a "failed therapy" is just plain ignorant.

Wrong. The OVERALL success rate, using standard procedures, is less than 5%. Do not believe anything from the medical establishment. Doing no treatment would likely result in higher success rates.

The focus of mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry is not about finding effective treatments, it is about money.

Dr. Johanna Budwig left us in 2003, at the age of 95, after being nominated six times for the Nobel Prize in medicine. She cured cancers in "terminally ill" patients in her homeland of Germany; even patients that the establishment had surrendered to fate, and claimed were "untreatable". She did not just cure specific or rare cancers. She cured all types of cancer, and she did it relatively quickly, cheaply, easily, and permanently; using only non-toxic ingredients, which had no adverse effects. Her medicine actually made her patients stronger. Her cure rate was over 90%, including the worst terminal cases. Dr. Budwig's success greatly contrasts the fact that the life-long cure rate of standard procedures averages less than 4%, and that the standard therapies are known to fuel future cancers and other diseases.
The Industry-Suppressed Budwig Protocol or How To Cure Cancer With Cottage Cheese

And if the chemo and radiation does not kill you, while they are giving it to you, it likely will later in life.
Cancer survivors have higher death risk for decades Reuters
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

The success rate of chemo depends on the type and stage of cancer so to claim it's 5% is idiotic and misleading. Some cancers can be cured, others managed as a chronic condition with years of decent-quality of life. Many treatments go beyond just chemo to kill cancer, but chemo to stimulate immune system, or marshalling different aspects of the body organic to attack the cancer. Treatments are generally "silenced" (ie NOT validated) because they are snake oil. Medical treatments have very stiff protocols to pass before they are accepted as treatments. Snake oil treatments do not - they require only "testimonials" for evidence.

It's a person's free choice as to what they wish for treatment - but they at least ought to have accurate information in order to make an informed choice.

My boss has beat colon cancer twice through chemo and surgury and is now ten years out. Yes, the chemo left some permanent problems - neuropathy for example, but he does not regret it and every year cancer free is a gift. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, and including in a lymphnode. She opted to enroll in a study that was looking at different chemo/surgical/radiation protocols. 15 years later she is still cancer free. Again - it could come back and chemo has some permanent side effects, but she has no regrets and she made informed decisions. Every year is a gift. Quite often heart disease, diabetes, highblood pressure, immune mediated diseases and mental illness' - can't be "cured" but they can be managed for a long time with quality of life. Some cancers will fall into that category. Some cancers will be cured, but to claim that chemo is a "failed therapy" is just plain ignorant.

Thank you, Coyote. That was a very informative and good post. :)
This should tell you something about traditional cancer treatments....

75% of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves
Research using polls and questionnaires continue to show that 3 of every 4 doctors and scientists would refuse chemotherapy for themselves due to its devastating effects on the entire body and the immune system, and because of its extremely low success rate. On top of that, only 2 to 4% of all cancers even respond to chemotherapy or prove to be "life extending," yet it is prescribed across the board for just about every kind of cancer.
75 of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves -
Chemo does exactly what its designed to do: Bring Large Sums of Money to Hospitals and Big Pharma.
The issue here is the state FORCING someone to do something.

And besides, chemo is a failed treatment that seldom works, but it does generate lots of wealth for the medical establishment.

You are wrong. Chemo is VERY effective in treating Hodgkin's. :rolleyes-41: I get a real kick out of you armchair physicians who have NO clue what you are talking about. Lol! Where did you get your medical degree, a Cracker Jack box?

Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Seattle Children s Hospital
Chemo generally has a success rate of about 5%...and the establishment considers success when one is cancer free for only 5 years after treatment.

It may be effective on Hodgkins, but on most cancers it not only does not work, it often kills the patient.

I tend not to believe any claims by establishment healthcare.

Please research the Budwig Protocol....Dr. Budwig had over 90% success rate on all types of cancers...of course the establishment silenced her. Her treatment involved improving the immune system rather than destroying it, which is what chemo does. She found that cancer can not thrive in a alkaline body, but thrives in an acidic body. Her treatment protocol is very inexpensive to implement...which is why they silenced her.

The success rate of chemo depends on the type and stage of cancer so to claim it's 5% is idiotic and misleading. Some cancers can be cured, others managed as a chronic condition with years of decent-quality of life. Many treatments go beyond just chemo to kill cancer, but chemo to stimulate immune system, or marshalling different aspects of the body organic to attack the cancer. Treatments are generally "silenced" (ie NOT validated) because they are snake oil. Medical treatments have very stiff protocols to pass before they are accepted as treatments. Snake oil treatments do not - they require only "testimonials" for evidence.

It's a person's free choice as to what they wish for treatment - but they at least ought to have accurate information in order to make an informed choice.

My boss has beat colon cancer twice through chemo and surgury and is now ten years out. Yes, the chemo left some permanent problems - neuropathy for example, but he does not regret it and every year cancer free is a gift. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, and including in a lymphnode. She opted to enroll in a study that was looking at different chemo/surgical/radiation protocols. 15 years later she is still cancer free. Again - it could come back and chemo has some permanent side effects, but she has no regrets and she made informed decisions. Every year is a gift. Quite often heart disease, diabetes, highblood pressure, immune mediated diseases and mental illness' - can't be "cured" but they can be managed for a long time with quality of life. Some cancers will fall into that category. Some cancers will be cured, but to claim that chemo is a "failed therapy" is just plain ignorant.

Thank you, Coyote. That was a very informative and good post. :)
This should tell you something about traditional cancer treatments....

75% of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves
Research using polls and questionnaires continue to show that 3 of every 4 doctors and scientists would refuse chemotherapy for themselves due to its devastating effects on the entire body and the immune system, and because of its extremely low success rate. On top of that, only 2 to 4% of all cancers even respond to chemotherapy or prove to be "life extending," yet it is prescribed across the board for just about every kind of cancer.
75 of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves -

I think you are very ignorant about this subject. For one thing, it is elective for adults. They choose. For another thing, the size of the tumor is monitored during chemo and radiation. If the tumor does not show any signs of change (such as shrinking), then they will usually advise the patient to discontinue the chemo because it is not going to be effective.

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