Court halts South Carolina plan for firing squad execution

When the SCOTUS reinstated the death penalty in 1972, the first execution was by firing squad in Utah.
Firing squad scares the F out of me

But it allows you to die like Michel Ney did, giving the order to fire.

On 6 December 1815, Ney was condemned, and on 7 December 1815 he was executed by firing squad in Paris near the Luxembourg Gardens. He refused to wear a blindfold and was allowed the right to give the order to fire, reportedly saying:

Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her ... Soldiers, fire![23]
The South Carolina Supreme Court has issued a temporary stay halting the state from carrying out plans for its first-ever firing squad execution.

my opinion is that only serial killers should get teh death penalty

and then only if they cannot be locked up for life.. I used to say Get rid of them asap but the Catholic Church has the wisdom on this issue...

and I accept all that the Catholic Church OFFICIALLY teaches

(which excludes something like 80% of what Francis may "proclaim" off the cuff)
my opinion is that only serial killers should get teh death penalty

and then only if they cannot be locked up for life.. I used to say Get rid of them asap but the Catholic Church has the wisdom on this issue...

and I accept all that the Catholic Church OFFICIALLY teaches

(which excludes something like 80% of what Francis may "proclaim" off the cuff)
That's nice.
I would just bet that Mr. Moore and his attorney knew this was gonna happen.
Pretty darn slick.

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