Court lifts ban on federal funding for stem cell research

You don't think our government is "Corporate"? Think about it? Not only do the corporations control our government, but our government is corporate in and of itself these days.

I think letting the Federal Government with its current CEO, Barack Obama, running health care is a prescription for an immediate disaster.

Sadly, yes, our government is a puppet for the corporations. Notice how we are forever privatizing profit and making the debt purely public concern. This is why I say that cures will only come from purely scientific (and not profit driven) labs. That's the way it always has been and the way it always will be. Corporations will never do the right thing if it doesn't make them money. Period.
How many liberals are unaware of our debt level?

Why are you happy we will be adding to the debt by funding yet another thing private industry should handle?


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

$14.3 TRILLION in the hole

How many conservatives are unaware how much we spend on medicare, when we should be trying to find cures for the diseases that we spend so much on. ;)

Name me ONE thing that the government has funded that worked out?

How 'bout this series of tubes you're typing on?
I think letting the Federal Government with its current CEO, Barack Obama, running health care is a prescription for an immediate disaster.

That's why I'm all about a free-standing not for profit public co-op. This would work the best for all Americans in this country IMO. And government couldn't get their hands in it to steal the funds.

This is for insurance purposes, obviously. The ridiculous cost of health care is another animal all-together.
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You don't think our government is "Corporate"? Think about it? Not only do the corporations control our government, but our government is corporate in and of itself these days.

I think letting the Federal Government with its current CEO, Barack Obama, running health care is a prescription for an immediate disaster.

Sadly, yes, our government is a puppet for the corporations. Notice how we are forever privatizing profit and making the debt purely public concern. This is why I say that cures will only come from purely scientific (and not profit driven) labs. That's the way it always has been and the way it always will be. Corporations will never do the right thing if it doesn't make them money. Period.

Where you must differ from me then is in your belief of the motive of the government. You must believe their motive is for the good of the people, whereas, I believe their motive is for the good of those in power. I'll take corporate greed over evil power grabbers any day. At least with corporate greed there is some good that comes out of it for society while good is non-existent in the eyes of the political elite.

Edit: and please note, I said nothing about which party or political philosophy was in charge.

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I think letting the Federal Government with its current CEO, Barack Obama, running health care is a prescription for an immediate disaster.

That's why I'm all about a free-standing not for profit public co-op. This would work the best for all Americans in this country IMO. And government couldn't get their hands in it to steal the funds.

This is for insurance purposes, obviously. The ridiculous cost of health care is another animal all-together.

Now, that is a different ball of wax in its entirety. It seemed as if you have been promoting government control.

I'll take corporate greed over evil power grabbers any day.

Wow, you don't see corporate greed as an evil power grabber? At least we VOTE for our representatives, well until corporations can pay for them outright instead of lobbying and stacking regulatory boards. They're getting there. I do not trust anything about corporations and no good whatsoever comes out of their greed. Sorry, but that's the truth.
Now, that is a different ball of wax in its entirety. It seemed as if you have been promoting government control.

Never once have I uttered "health care" and "government control" in the same sentance, and neither has anyone you would probably consider "left". No one listens to us in the first place, and then you've got the Republican propaganda machine going full tilt. Maybe if people would stop screaming and act like adults, we could come up with creative ideas like this. I don't see it happening, though.

I will say this, no matter what, we HAVE to take profit out of the picture if we really want to make health care/health insurance affordable for EVERYONE and more like a utility, which it in essence, has become for most.
I'll take corporate greed over evil power grabbers any day.

Wow, you don't see corporate greed as an evil power grabber? At least we VOTE for our representatives, well until corporations can pay for them outright instead of lobbying and stacking regulatory boards. They're getting there. I do not trust anything about corporations and no good whatsoever comes out of their greed. Sorry, but that's the truth.

No, I don't see corporate greed as an evil power grabber, at least not in the sense of government power grabbing. Corporate greed is for money... cold hard cash. That kind of power affects me much less than the government son of a bitch that wants my soul and to enslave me.

How many conservatives are unaware how much we spend on medicare, when we should be trying to find cures for the diseases that we spend so much on. ;)

Name me ONE thing that the government has funded that worked out?

How 'bout this series of tubes you're typing on?

Really? You believe the government owns all the infrastructure required to operate the internet? Or that they even built it all?
Now, that is a different ball of wax in its entirety. It seemed as if you have been promoting government control.

Never once have I uttered "health care" and "government control" in the same sentance, and neither has anyone you would probably consider "left". No one listens to us in the first place, and then you've got the Republican propaganda machine going full tilt. Maybe if people would stop screaming and act like adults, we could come up with creative ideas like this. I don't see it happening, though.

I will say this, no matter what, we HAVE to take profit out of the picture if we really want to make health care/health insurance affordable for EVERYONE and more like a utility, which it in essence, has become for most.

No, you have not uttered those words together, but that is what the liberals in the government are after... control. Of course, they don't come out and actually say that, but that is exactly what the single payer plan does. It brings the entire health insurance industry under the thumb of the U.S. Government and that ends up with them controlling our lives even more so than they do now.

Oh, and the Republicans don't hate the idea either. They bit the bullet with the Patriot Act. Let the Democrats take this next step.

Corporate greed is for money... cold hard cash. That kind of power affects me much less than the government son of a bitch that wants my soul and to enslave me.

You don't think corporate greed affects you???? Wow, where have you been the last decade:

Iraq = war for $$$$
Enron costing California 30 Billion after duping them into deregulation
Meat industry's biohazard products sickening and killing thousands each year - yet the federal gov't is not ALLOWED to make them recall tainted products or tell us what stores they shipped the shit to...
Wall St. - how is YOUR 401K compared to 2006 riding on the inflated housing bubble
Mortgage lenders - see "House of Cards" on MSNBC
Oil speculators - why do YOU think the price is so high
Corn subsidies - maybe the most evil and useless waste of taxpayer money EVER... and it's killing us

Just to name a few.
Corporate greed is for money... cold hard cash. That kind of power affects me much less than the government son of a bitch that wants my soul and to enslave me.

You don't think corporate greed affects you???? Wow, where have you been the last decade:

Iraq = war for $$$$
Enron costing California 30 Billion after duping them into deregulation
Meat industry's biohazard products sickening and killing thousands each year - yet the federal gov't is not ALLOWED to make them recall tainted products or tell us what stores they shipped the shit to...
Wall St. - how is YOUR 401K compared to 2006 riding on the inflated housing bubble
Mortgage lenders - see "House of Cards" on MSNBC
Oil speculators - why do YOU think the price is so high
Corn subsidies - maybe the most evil and useless waste of taxpayer money EVER... and it's killing us

Just to name a few.

I said in the way that government does.

I can go on living my own life despite what corporations do. The government has the power to take everything I have, every right I possess away from me in the matter of a heart beat.

Really? You believe the government owns all the infrastructure required to operate the internet? Or that they even built it all?

Um, yes. It was created for the military during the cold war.

The Invention of the Internet — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

No, a MILITARY communications net was created by DARPA in the 1950. The World Wide Web was created by private citizens and companies. Likewise the infrastructure to support the internet are privately owned.

World Wide Web - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stem cell research is vital to unlocking cures and treatments for MANY conditions that face millions of Americans. :clap2:

I'm sure the religious zealots will be here soon enough, but I'm happy to see this decision.

Court lifts ban on federal funding for stem cell research

I'm not. Why not use adult stem cells? My understanding is that adult stem cells are actually better for science than embryonic. Why not work with adult stem cells rather than destroy life?

Why must our government be so dead set on destroying life? What is it that liberals find so thrilling about destroying life? I'm not talking about you, but our government.

It seems to me that embryonic stem cell research is not something our government should be funding especially when we are trillions of dollars in debt already.


Maybe we should fund something that could maybe find a cure for diseases like alzheimers, that will be a large strain on medicare now that baby boomers are developing the disease every day. ;)

Maybe we SHOULD fund something that could maybe cure Alzheimers, rather than something that has shown no evidence of being able to do so, other than the pie-in-the-sky dreams of liberals.
We are already behind in this department. I guess you guys have no problem with Japan and China passing us by when it comes to medical research.

If Japan and China can come up with any of these miracle "cures" you liberals keep touting from embryonic stem cells - you know, WITHOUT lying about the results - then do let us know, won't you?
Maybe we should fund something that could maybe find a cure for diseases like alzheimers, that will be a large strain on medicare now that baby boomers are developing the disease every day. ;)

Fine! Use Adult Stem Cells! ;)


Why don't we use anything that can find a cure. ;)

Why don't we use anything that CAN find a cure, instead of just using any fucking thing at all? Under your theory, we should be using government money to fund research into the possibility that bleeding with leeches can cure Alzheimer's. There's no proof that it does, but hey! That doesn't mean there won't be someday, right?
How many conservatives are unaware how much we spend on medicare, when we should be trying to find cures for the diseases that we spend so much on. ;)

sorry, that simply does not counter that we are running out of tax money to spend.

What happens if we get cut off? There will be no money to fund anything.

All those dead senoirs and starving children will become a reality.

And there is dead seniors every year from dementia. ;)
A disease that also cost medicare quite a bit of money, and will cost medicare even more with baby boomers developing the disease.

As for there being no cures yet, Immie. I guess we should stop every research project that hasn't found a cure yet. Give me a break, there is no cures. LOL
there is no cures yet, because Cons let there personal beliefs get in the way of science for too long.

We should - and do - stop every other research project that shows little to no promise of a cure. It's only this one, that feeds into the liberals' desire to believe they aren't just coldhearted, selfish baby killers, that must be continued no matter how useless it shows itself to be.

Talk about letting your personal beliefs get in the way of science.
As I understand it, many fertilized embryos are discarded/destroyed by in vitro clinics every year. They could be used for research rather than simply being thrown away (assuming the donor parents consent). If those are the embryonic stem cells used, do you still feel the same disagreement?

I can accept the fact that some people consider human life to begin at conception, but if the embryos are being destroyed anyway, I don't understand being opposed to using them for research. Fertilizing eggs only for research purposes is a different argument.

I am of the same understanding. My concern with your idea about the donor consent is that it becomes a farm and women will be paid to "donate". Sorry, but that is just plain wrong in my humble opinion.

The fact that it is an innocent human life bothers me to no end and that is why I do not believe that the government should be taking part in its destruction.


I understand those concerns, Immie. And they are valid. on the other hand, couples in IVF treatments produce numerous - sometimes more than a dozen - valid embryos and only one or two are used. The remaining few (or ten!) are simply discarded.

And that's the case for each round of IVF. Many times couples do two or three rounds.

And literally thousands of IVF procedures are done around the world every day.

That's tens of thousands of embryos every day that could be dedicated to research without need for a "farm". Embryos that will otherwise be discarded are used to better the life of a person already living. I know it's a difficult issue, but it seems a better use than throwing them away. in my humble opinion (and on this issue, my opinion is very, very humble)

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Most embryos created for IVF are either implanted or stored for possible future use by the parents. Some are discarded; some are donated for medical research; and some are now given for adoption.

The thing people like you who blithely talk about "thousands of embryos that could be dedicated to research" tend to forget is THEY DON'T BELONG TO YOU. Nor do they belong to the government. They are the property of the parents, who get to decide what they want done with the embryos. You can try to convince more people to donate them, if you want, but what you CAN'T do is just barge in and help yourself.

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