Court strikes down Arizona law defunding Planned Parenthood

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Planned Parenthood is the largest Abortion provider in the country, they make lot's of money off of them. That money shouldn't be forcibly taken from people who don't agree with the mass killing of babies. They should be off of taxpayer funding

There are a lot of things tax dollars are used for that I don't personally approve of, but I can't do anything about it. You can do a Henry David Thoreau and simply refuse to pay taxes as a protest against them being used for abortions. He went to jail for refusing to pay taxes because they were being uses to fund the Mexican-American war.

Other than that and exercising your right for peaceful protest and individual vote, there isn't much you can do. But calling women who believe in the right to abortion, as it is the law, calling women who are pro-choice whores, that is beyond the pale. I don't call women who don't believe in abortion filthy names and I don't deserve to be called any either.
Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Every day shows like Maury showcase women who bring on 3- 10 different people who could be they baby's daddys.. those turn out wrong and they admit it could have been someone else.. all the while they have 5- 7 more kids soaking up social service handouts by different fathers. IF THE WHORE FITS, WEAR IT so shove your sanctimonious propaganda.

First, I don't have any children. And why on Earth would you assume everyone who is pro-choice or has ever been to Planned Parenthood is a whore?
Second, I don't waste my time watching programs lke Maury.
Third, if these women have 5-7 kids by different men, they are certainly not getting abortions for birth control: they are apparently not using any birth control, so using them as an example of how terrible abortion is doesn't make any sense.
Fourth, the one here who is being sanctimonious is you: apparently you are so pure and righteous you think you are in a position to look down your nose and attack others for just about anything.

"There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" ~ James 4:12
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Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Every day shows like Maury showcase women who bring on 3- 10 different people who could be they baby's daddys.. those turn out wrong and they admit it could have been someone else.. all the while they have 5- 7 more kids soaking up social service handouts by different fathers. IF THE WHORE FITS, WEAR IT so shove your sanctimonious propaganda.

First, I don't have any children.
Second, I don't waste my time watching programs lke Maury.
Third, if these women have 5-7 kids by different men, they are certainly not getting abortions for birth control: they are apparently not using any birth control, so using them as an example of how terrible abortion is doesn't make any sense.
Fourth, the one here who is being sanctimonious is you: apparently you are so pure and righteous you think you are in a position to look down your nose and attack others for just about anything.

You demand my tax dollars to fund the slaughter of children and meltdown like a panty-clad transvestite when called out on it?! :lol::eusa_boohoo: Yes, WHORES, SLUTS.. nasty biatches who spread for any and everything.. then conveniently kill their kid because they can't keep their legs closed. I call that a slut.
Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Planned Parenthood is the largest Abortion provider in the country, they make lot's of money off of them. That money shouldn't be forcibly taken from people who don't agree with the mass killing of babies. They should be off of taxpayer funding

It would have been nice to not have money forcibly taken from me to fund the Iraq War.
Planned Parenthood Founder in her own words

"...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." (No, not Hitler and Mengele, but Democrat Hero Margaret Sanger)

"Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit…

Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth."

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Planned Parenthood Founder in her own words

"...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." (No, not Hitler and Mengele, but Democrat Hero Margaret Sanger)

"Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit…

Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth."

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

This has no relation to the current day Planned Parenthood. Using these quotations is like quoting the Bible on stoning adulterous women and saying it represents modern day Christianity.
Planned Parenthood Founder in her own words

"...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." (No, not Hitler and Mengele, but Democrat Hero Margaret Sanger)

"Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit…

Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth."

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

This has no relation to the current day Planned Parenthood. Using these quotations is like quoting the Bible on stoning adulterous women and saying it represents modern day Christianity.

Margaret Sanger in drag^^^ Go pedal your baby murder agenda elsewhere.. it doesn't wash here amongst those who value the life of a child.
I actually don't have a problem with government funds being used to keep liberals from reproducing.

We need to cull the retard herd by any means available.
I actually don't have a problem with government funds being used to keep liberals from reproducing.

We need to cull the retard herd by any means available.

An innocent child paying for the stupidity, irresponsibility of a liberal or anyone else for that matter, by being slaughtered is never acceptable.
I actually don't have a problem with government funds being used to keep liberals from reproducing.

We need to cull the retard herd by any means available.

I think to assume that only liberals get abortions is extremely naive. In fact, I imagine that about as many non-liberals get abortions as do liberals. It really isn't a political issue when it comes down to it, to being put in that position. It is an individual woman's decision and her poltics may go out the window when she is faced with the situation of an unplanned pregnancy or a pregnancy that will result in a serious threat to her own health or a baby that is tragically deformed or disabled. To think the true life situations are as superficial as politics lacks depth of understanding.
Planned Parenthood Founder in her own words

"...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." (No, not Hitler and Mengele, but Democrat Hero Margaret Sanger)

"Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit…

Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth."

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

This has no relation to the current day Planned Parenthood. Using these quotations is like quoting the Bible on stoning adulterous women and saying it represents modern day Christianity.

Really? Then why are so many abortion clinics found in black neighborhoods? Just good business sense for those urchins who claim to be doctors.

Ginsberg herself admitted that Roe vs. Wade had a lot to do with keeping inferior populations under control.
People can go somewhere else to get cancer screenings and such.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the left is remarkable.

It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?
I actually don't have a problem with government funds being used to keep liberals from reproducing.

We need to cull the retard herd by any means available.

An innocent child paying for the stupidity, irresponsibility of a liberal or anyone else for that matter, by being slaughtered is never acceptable.

Don't get me wrong Lady...

In my eyes abortion is one of the most monstrously savage things human beings do. It goes against the natural instinct to kill the young even to preserve the self. I don't know how we can call ourselves civilized while so many millions are being butchered.

That said, someone sick enough to allow it to happen to them should not be breeding, if even breathing. I can only hope we defeat the left someday so thouroughly that we won't even need a law against it, because there won't be anyone depraved enough to have the operation done to them.
I actually don't have a problem with government funds being used to keep liberals from reproducing.

We need to cull the retard herd by any means available.

I think to assume that only liberals get abortions is extremely naive. In fact, I imagine that about as many non-liberals get abortions as do liberals. It really isn't a political issue when it comes down to it, to being put in that position. It is an individual woman's decision and her poltics may go out the window when she is faced with the situation of an unplanned pregnancy or a pregnancy that will result in a serious threat to her own health or a baby that is tragically deformed or disabled. To think the true life situations are as superficial as politics lacks depth of understanding.

The sort of sick bitch that would kill her own child is the sort of person I don't want breeding, I don't want them around. They're more likely than not liberal and very rarely an actual conservative with morals. People make mistakes, or shit happens to them, sure.

The sort of people who I want around don't get abortions, they tend to be moral and conservative. If they make mistakes or shit happens, they deal with the cards they're dealt and drive on. They're not so self centered that the life of a baby is meaningless.

Leftist sociopaths like you can find nothing more important in life than your own immediate gratification, regardless of who has to die for it.
It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?

In almost all instances, abortion is merely after-the-fact birth control.
Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?

In almost all instances, abortion is merely after-the-fact birth control.

I dont get your point. How does that make a woman a whore if she gets one?
It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?

Classless is lying on a table while a strange man or woman shoves a hose up in to your vagina and slaughters your own child..

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