Court strikes down Arizona law defunding Planned Parenthood

Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?

In almost all instances, abortion is merely after-the-fact birth control.

I dont get your point. How does that make a woman a whore if she gets one?

• There are approximately 1.21 million abortions in America each year.

• There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980.

• Each year, about 2% of all women aged 15-44 have an abortion.

• Of the women obtaining abortions in any given year, about 47% of them have had at least one previous abortion.

• By age 45, one third of American women will have had at least one abortion.

• The U.S. has the highest abortion rate (19.4 per 1,000) of any western industrialized nation.

• 88.7% of all abortions take place by the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Abortions In America
Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?

Classless is lying on a table while a strange man or woman shoves a hose up in to your vagina and slaughters your own child..

Actually I would call that desperation not lack of class.
I actually don't have a problem with government funds being used to keep liberals from reproducing.

We need to cull the retard herd by any means available.

I think to assume that only liberals get abortions is extremely naive. In fact, I imagine that about as many non-liberals get abortions as do liberals. It really isn't a political issue when it comes down to it, to being put in that position. It is an individual woman's decision and her poltics may go out the window when she is faced with the situation of an unplanned pregnancy or a pregnancy that will result in a serious threat to her own health or a baby that is tragically deformed or disabled. To think the true life situations are as superficial as politics lacks depth of understanding.

The sort of sick bitch that would kill her own child is the sort of person I don't want breeding, I don't want them around. They're more likely than not liberal and very rarely an actual conservative with morals. People make mistakes, or shit happens to them, sure.

The sort of people who I want around don't get abortions, they tend to be moral and conservative. If they make mistakes or shit happens, they deal with the cards they're dealt and drive on. They're not so self centered that the life of a baby is meaningless.

Leftist sociopaths like you can find nothing more important in life than your own immediate gratification, regardless of who has to die for it.

You are assuming that conservatives have better morals than liberals: that is a very emotional and biased assumption. You also have no idea how many women who may vote as conservatives and identify as political conservatives not only support pro-choice but would have an abortion if they were in a position to have to make that choice. Calling people who are on the left side politically "sociopaths" pretty much indicates the level of your ability to think about this issue rationally.
In almost all instances, abortion is merely after-the-fact birth control.

I dont get your point. How does that make a woman a whore if she gets one?

• There are approximately 1.21 million abortions in America each year.

• There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980.

• Each year, about 2% of all women aged 15-44 have an abortion.

• Of the women obtaining abortions in any given year, about 47% of them have had at least one previous abortion.

• By age 45, one third of American women will have had at least one abortion.

• The U.S. has the highest abortion rate (19.4 per 1,000) of any western industrialized nation.

• 88.7% of all abortions take place by the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Abortions In America

Does anything stand out in your stats in your mind?
You forgot this interesting detail:

• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.

• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.
Shows just how classless some people are. How are you to presume the only way someone gets an abortion is because they are a whore? Are you having mother issues and attacking women because the example your mother set?

Classless is lying on a table while a strange man or woman shoves a hose up in to your vagina and slaughters your own child..

Actually I would call that desperation not lack of class.

Do you believe I am surprised that you're clueless, have no moral barometer, and condone the slaughter of children?
Education Trumps Gender in Predicting Support for Abortion

This is an interesting poll. It shows that college educated women are far more likely to be pro-choice than those with some college and those w/o any college.

It looks like education is a good predictor of the type of woman who is pro-choice; not, as is implied here, the uneducated, baby making machines you cite from the Maury show. In fact, the more educated a woman is, the more likely she is to consider the option of abortion if necessary.

If we look around the world, it is the countries with the most highly educated populace that accepts abortion as a rational and reasonable medical procedure. It is in poor, 3rd world countries that women are having the most babies and not using birth control; and it is in theocracies and strongly religious countries where abortion is either illegal or high restricted.
You forgot this interesting detail:

• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.

• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.

All of these statistics are directly linked to the fact of poverty or low income households.
Classless is lying on a table while a strange man or woman shoves a hose up in to your vagina and slaughters your own child..

Actually I would call that desperation not lack of class.

Do you believe I am surprised that you're clueless, have no moral barometer, and condone the slaughter of children?

No I'm not surprised nor do i care what you think you know about me. Look up into the stars tonight and behold all the fucks I give about what you think.
Do you believe I am surprised that you're clueless, have no moral barometer, and condone the slaughter of children?

No I'm not surprised nor do i care what you think you know about me. Look up into the stars tonight and behold all the fucks I give about what you think.

Which is why you responded back. :lol:

I usually respond when someone asks me a question. I think its rude not to provide a response. I do care what I think of me.
Listen to the leftist trash spew over not getting our tax dollars to fund his lust for sacrificial slaughter, the blood of babies.. All you have to do is read this kind of sick mental whacked out shit and you think Serial killer mindset..

Why do you dopes always copy everything I say - "trash" "spew" -- try coming up with something original and stop ripping me off.

Vomit, garbage, diarrhea, swill, pollution come immediately to mind.

Any better?
It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Unfortunately this type of hateful ugliness is typical of many on the right, a consequence of their fear and ignorance.
You forgot this interesting detail:

• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.

• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.

All of these statistics are directly linked to the fact of poverty or low income households.

Yeah so? It proves that universally despised "doctors" who can't even work in a hospital thrive on death and low IQ, mostly minority scum, to make their profits. I think it's pretty pathetic, albeit predictable, for some female from the retarded EU to defend these cretins.
I dont get your point. How does that make a woman a whore if she gets one?

• There are approximately 1.21 million abortions in America each year.

• There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980.

• Each year, about 2% of all women aged 15-44 have an abortion.

• Of the women obtaining abortions in any given year, about 47% of them have had at least one previous abortion.

• By age 45, one third of American women will have had at least one abortion.

• The U.S. has the highest abortion rate (19.4 per 1,000) of any western industrialized nation.

• 88.7% of all abortions take place by the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Abortions In America

Does anything stand out in your stats in your mind?

One stat that sticks out to me is though the US may have a 19.4 per 1,000 abortion rate, other countries have 18%, etc. It isn't actually in any real sense higher than most other developed nations.
You forgot this interesting detail:

• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.

• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.

All of these statistics are directly linked to the fact of poverty or low income households.

Yeah so? It proves that universally despised "doctors" who can't even work in a hospital thrive on death and low IQ, mostly minority scum, to make their profits. I think it's pretty pathetic, albeit predictable, for some female from the retarded EU to defend these cretins.

I am an American, born and raised in America, parents and grandparents and great grandparents born and raised in America; I lived there for over 50 years. I am not from the EU; I just happen to be living here at the moment. There is nothing to suggest that doctors work in clinics and hospitals in low income areas because they are 'despised' and not wanted in other areas: that's just a self serving fantasy of yours.
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You forgot this interesting detail:

• Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

• Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

• 69% of pregnancies among Blacks are unintended, while that number is 54% among Hispanics and 40% of pregnancies among Whites.

• Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.

All of these statistics are directly linked to the fact of poverty or low income households.

Yeah so? It proves that universally despised "doctors" who can't even work in a hospital thrive on death and low IQ, mostly minority scum, to make their profits. I think it's pretty pathetic, albeit predictable, for some female from the retarded EU to defend these cretins.

How did you discover only despised, incompetent doctors work at Planned Parenthood? Sounds like Rush suggested that to you and you built up a fantasy based on it.

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