Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains

Most of the world population is on decline with the exception of Africa and the Middle East.

Yes decline even in south east Asia and South America and Central America.

So the rich people won long before this.
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains

Some folks online are saying America will burn in one hour. Others are saying the Vatican is going to get lifted towards the heavens on a giant flaming mushroom. Unfortunately I am too busy to worry about death & destruction as I am trying my best to wake up a sleeping American constituency so they can take their country back from the Federal Reserve Banksters.
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains

I wouldn't doubt it one bit, just look at all the ominus players in play.
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains


Finally! Good job !

At least One person is thinking and researching, rather than guessing.
This explains it all. None of it is random....all of it is planned to bring about Transformation.

People have been so thoroughly deduced by Hollywood etc to accept this that it is now a Cult following.
Speak against it, make fun of your knowledge , and they get verbally abusive or even violent. Don't TOUCH their Cult !!!

Agenda21 Made Simple - What it Really means For You and Your Family
Last edited:
Bill gates came out and said you'll all need multiple doses ...of his super safe anti cold virus vaccine
Yeah his mark of the beast vaccine, where the mark is injected into the veins. Is Gates a doctor or epidemiologist ? Nope, so what's his role in the bullcrap ?
He's the head manipulation zar. He has the whole world(almost) on windows and where everyone (almost)is in his database already.No vaccine/no patch-disactivated. "For everyones safety" UPDATE ALERT: Please post most recent vaccine number before Windows can activate.
It'll be miles ahead of national id or SS #
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains


Finally! Good job !

At least One person is thinking and researching, rather than guessing.
This explains it all. None of it is random....all of it is planned to bring about Transformation.

People have been so thoroughly deduced by Hollywood etc to accept this that it is now a Cult following.
Speak against it, make fun of your knowledge , and they get verbally abusive or even violent. Don't TOUCH their Cult !!!

Agenda21 Made Simple - What it Really means For You and Your Family

sorry what is the problem with Hollywood and what does Hollywood have to do with it.
Bill gates came out and said you'll all need multiple doses ...of his super safe anti cold virus vaccine
Yeah his mark of the beast vaccine, where the mark is injected into the veins. Is Gates a doctor or epidemiologist ? Nope, so what's his role in the bullcrap ?
He's the head manipulation zar. He has the whole world(almost) on windows and where everyone (almost)is in his database already.No vaccine/no patch-disactivated. "For everyones safety" UPDATE ALERT: Please post most recent vaccine number before Windows can activate.
It'll be miles ahead of national id or SS #
Probably right..
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains


Finally! Good job !

At least One person is thinking and researching, rather than guessing.
This explains it all. None of it is random....all of it is planned to bring about Transformation.

People have been so thoroughly deduced by Hollywood etc to accept this that it is now a Cult following.
Speak against it, make fun of your knowledge , and they get verbally abusive or even violent. Don't TOUCH their Cult !!!

Agenda21 Made Simple - What it Really means For You and Your Family

sorry what is the problem with Hollywood and what does Hollywood have to do with it.
What is the problem with Hollywood ?? There are to many to list. Just like everything else, it's been highjacked over the years.
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains


Finally! Good job !

At least One person is thinking and researching, rather than guessing.
This explains it all. None of it is random....all of it is planned to bring about Transformation.

People have been so thoroughly deduced by Hollywood etc to accept this that it is now a Cult following.
Speak against it, make fun of your knowledge , and they get verbally abusive or even violent. Don't TOUCH their Cult !!!

Agenda21 Made Simple - What it Really means For You and Your Family

sorry what is the problem with Hollywood and what does Hollywood have to do with it.

Oh right, Hollywood, that Ultra Conservative bastion of Right Wing ideology. My bad
Covid-19 has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic "Covid-19 is the keyword for the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with the goal of the global seizure of power by the NWO

We are all contemporary witnesses of the greatest concerted action ever in human history. Under the pretext of a virus pandemic (planned for decades) the world is to be completely transformed. Media and politicians have been bought and bribed by the NWO, the executive body of this super plan - and most likely threatened with death in persistent cases if they don't play along. And as we see: they all play along. Their Judas wages are a lot of money - and a (temporary) power, which they will have to hand over to a tiny elite at the latest when their preparations are completed, which we currently have to endure by means of completely nonsensical measures such as compulsory masks, curfews, shutting down world industry and contact blocks. Nonsense, because the 'corona pandemic' does not at any point stand out from the past waves of influenza, which we have survived perfectly well over the past decades without such measures.

For governments know very well that their actions have nothing to do with a pandemic that never actually existed. For they are privy to a plan whose dimensions go beyond the imagination of even the brightest people - if they have never dealt with it before or only casually. It is the implementation of the NWO plan Agenda 21 - which the vast majority of people have never heard of and which is dealt with in detail in the following article by Grace Van Berkum.

Many media will probably know about this agenda. But the media are owned and/or controlled by the NWO - and are doing exactly what they were told to do in the Bilderberg conferences: they are keeping quiet.

- Agenda 21, created in 1992, was implemented by NGOs funded from abroad and by groups such as the Open Society Foundation (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

- One of the main objectives of the Agenda 21 initiative is that each local government should develop its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, the goals of sustainable development are included in the more recent Agenda 2030.

Research this as well. The official name is: "UN-AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT".

- The World Economic Forum was founded to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 (COVID Action Platform). It was founded in 1971. 50 years ago.

- Bill Gates is affiliated with both parties, the UN and also the World Economic Forum (Authors)

"A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society". (in reference to the Agenda 2030 written in 2015)

- Agenda 2030 action plan, which was drawn up by the UN and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity, because "we are too many". It is propagated by the elites as a way to "save the planet" and implemented by governments worldwide.

- "This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and revitalize our systems of cooperation, not only for short-term benefits, but to address our deep-rooted risks", (declared at the World Economic Forum in January 2020)

- "The current huge overpopulation, which is now far beyond global sustainability, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate through contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be compensated for in the present by reducing the numbers currently in existence. This must be done by all necessary means'. UN Declaration

- "A world population of 250-300 million people, i.e. a decline of 95% from today's level, would be ideal". Ted Turner, UN

- "Isn't it the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations will collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to make it happen?"
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the United Nations Earth Summit Chairman, while making an official statement (2015)

- "We have to address the problem of global warming. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will do the right thing in economic and environmental policy". Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Mr President, note that Mr Wirth cares about the economy as much as he cares about the environment!

"The world today has 7.7 billion people "That rises to about nine billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could perhaps reduce that figure by 10 or 15 per cent". ~Bill Gates

"For Bill Gates, vaccines are strategic philanthropy that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition to control a global Vac-ID company) and gives him dictatorial control over global health policy - the spearhead of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates' obsession with vaccines seems to be fuelled by the messianic conviction that he is destined to save the world with technology, and by a God-like willingness to "experiment with the lives of the lesser people. ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The majority of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elites when they were able to exploit our work and enjoy the fruits of humanity's talents. A third of the work done by humans today will be replaced by software, robots and intelligent machines by 2025, according to a forecast by Gartner, a research and consulting firm for information technology.

Robots do not require food or health benefits, nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robots to replace humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, Google's director of technology. Kurzweil believes that robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality by 2029. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

By 2030 there will no longer be 100% natural babies. All babies will be programmed. (this was stated in a video from the WEF). And then this bizarre statement, which I have checked four times. He wrote this in his book in 1978:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she promises to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she takes a LUCIFERICAL initiation". - David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative

The Agenda 2030 for "Transforming the World" should be built on the ruins and devastation of the world economy to take control of our lives. It is moving rapidly toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states, controlling individual actions and eradicating private property from the face of the earth. Its goal is to make us all "equal" in the same chains


Finally! Good job !

At least One person is thinking and researching, rather than guessing.
This explains it all. None of it is random....all of it is planned to bring about Transformation.

People have been so thoroughly deduced by Hollywood etc to accept this that it is now a Cult following.
Speak against it, make fun of your knowledge , and they get verbally abusive or even violent. Don't TOUCH their Cult !!!

Agenda21 Made Simple - What it Really means For You and Your Family

sorry what is the problem with Hollywood and what does Hollywood have to do with it.
What is the problem with Hollywood ?? There are to many to list. Just like everything else, it's been highjacked over the years.

Thank you.
Can you believe an American would say something THAT stupid?
Hopefully he's not American

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