COVID-19(LXO)-Mutation 83


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The 83rd (identified) mutation since December 2019 is far less sever and what 80% of new cases are here in the US. It will not be stopped by the vaccines currently in production. Just like SARS the deadly strain is dieing out. This viruses behavior is normal when a population reaches 'herd immunity'' levels. Very few hospitalizations and almost no deaths, as even with increased numbers of those contracting, those rates continue to decline.

It appears our CDC has missed a lot of those who were A-Symptomatic.

FOX News is the source, link when available.
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completely useless thread provided by perfessor billyboob. at least wait until you can try to source your claims.
I linked to the data which supports my claims .

l guess you're too ignorant to use brain cells
you linked to a CDC page hub, you twat. that is not how you source claims.

you even announced that the link will be to FOX NEWS. dayum, that's dumb.

useless drivel provided by a bona fide idiot playing a doctor on the internet.

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