COVID-19: What Doesn't "Add Up"


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
According to omniscient Google the 9/11/01 terrorists murdered 2,977 people in the span of a few hours, on one day. Of the total number killed 2,605 were American Citizens, while the remaining 372 were foreign nationals present in the continental United States for various reasons. Our government's response to the deaths of less than 3,000 people on U.S. soil was the invasion of two sovereign nations, the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops, and the slaughter of as many as three or four hundred thousand foreign citizens, the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, which also sparked two primary wars which America prosecuted for nearly two decades. Our government also, in response to the events of 9/11/01, enacted some of the most invasive and draconian domestic surveillance policies in U.S. history.

Now, please keep the above in mind as you read on.

On or around some approximate date in January 2020 The People's Republic of China unleashed a clearly weaponized respiratory viral strain, the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, from deep within its own borders. Within the span of one month's time this Chinese biological weapon spread to every corner of planet earth, even effecting the lungs of people in the remotest corners of our world. To date close to 10% of America's entire population has been infected by this Chinese biological weapon and it has murdered nearly 500,000 Americans, if one believes official sources.

For the sake of this post let us assume the official COVID-19 death toll of 442,000 Americans is accurate. In addition to those nearly half a million Americans killed by a Chinese biological weapon, tens and tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs, suffered unimaginable levels of depression, watched the minds of their children degrade and stagnate, and witnessed or experienced directly the closure of over 110,000 domestic small businesses. Add to all of that the imposition of strict and psychologically damaging lockdowns, Physiologically damaging mask mandates and social distancing orders, and the restriction of free movement and commerce by our own state and local governments, for going on over a year straight.

All in all the damage done to America at every level, from federal and local economies to the destruction of individual American lives and livelihoods has been exponentially more devastating than the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In fact, one could make an educated case for comparison of the Chinese COVID-19 attack on America to a nuclear strike on American soil. In the end, if it ever ends, one could logically argue the damage wrought on all of America will be more severe than any full nuclear weapon exchange, not taking into account the effects of radioactive fallout over time.

Right. So in response to the terrorist murder of less than 3,000 American Citizens back in 2001 our government at that time invaded two sovereign nations and itself murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent foreign citizens, which in hindsight, seems like quite the bit of revenge overkill. However, in response to the biological weapon attack murder of nearly half a million American Citizens and the maiming of our entire national infrastructure and possibly permanent fucking up of our American way of life, our government took no punitive military action against China, none at all.

Instead, in response to China's 2020 biological attack on America, America's allies, and the rest of the world, our government attacked us—its own people; punished us rather than China with severe quarantine and isolation and lockdown mandates which further damaged every aspect of our Nation and its people, and that damage is ongoing to this moment. So China initiates an attack on America at least equivalent to nuclear weapon strikes on several of our major cities and it skates off into the sunset without any repercussion or consequence beyond being made fun of on cable news by our former President.


You bet.

But even if China's release of COVID-19 on America and the rest of the world was accidental, there exists ample historical precedent for a very punitive military response from at least America and Her allies, such as NATO. Had China unwittingly launched a dozen nuclear weapons at America, America would have retaliated in-kind regardless of Chinese government intent at the time of launch.

Just to be clear and reinforce my position: China unleashes a global biological weapon attack killing an estimated 2.4 million innocent people around the world and the collective response of Western Nations, America included, is to take punitive measures not against China, but against their own citizens. Go figure, right?

But, I suppose we peons of the world aren't supposed to question our "elected" masters or our god Google.

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun . . . "
Terry Jacks (Seasons in the Sun)
According to omniscient Google the 9/11/01 terrorists murdered 2,977 people in the span of a few hours, on one day. Of the total number killed 2,605 were American Citizens, while the remaining 372 were foreign nationals present in the continental United States for various reasons. Our government's response to the deaths of less than 3,000 people on U.S. soil was the invasion of two sovereign nations, the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops, and the slaughter of as many as three or four hundred thousand foreign citizens, the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, which also sparked two primary wars which America prosecuted for nearly two decades. Our government also, in response to the events of 9/11/01, enacted some of the most invasive and draconian domestic surveillance policies in U.S. history.

Now, please keep the above in mind as you read on.

On or around some approximate date in January 2020 The People's Republic of China unleashed a clearly weaponized respiratory viral strain, the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, from deep within its own borders. Within the span of one month's time this Chinese biological weapon spread to every corner of planet earth, even effecting the lungs of people in the remotest corners of our world. To date close to 10% of America's entire population has been infected by this Chinese biological weapon and it has murdered nearly 500,000 Americans, if one believes official sources.

For the sake of this post let us assume the official COVID-19 death toll of 442,000 Americans is accurate. In addition to those nearly half a million Americans killed by a Chinese biological weapon, tens and tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs, suffered unimaginable levels of depression, watched the minds of their children degrade and stagnate, and witnessed or experienced directly the closure of over 110,000 domestic small businesses. Add to all of that the imposition of strict and psychologically damaging lockdowns, Physiologically damaging mask mandates and social distancing orders, and the restriction of free movement and commerce by our own state and local governments, for going on over a year straight.

All in all the damage done to America at every level, from federal and local economies to the destruction of individual American lives and livelihoods has been exponentially more devastating than the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In fact, one could make an educated case for comparison of the Chinese COVID-19 attack on America to a nuclear strike on American soil. In the end, if it ever ends, one could logically argue the damage wrought on all of America will be more severe than any full nuclear weapon exchange, not taking into account the effects of radioactive fallout over time.

Right. So in response to the terrorist murder of less than 3,000 American Citizens back in 2001 our government at that time invaded two sovereign nations and itself murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent foreign citizens, which in hindsight, seems like quite the bit of revenge overkill. However, in response to the biological weapon attack murder of nearly half a million American Citizens and the maiming of our entire national infrastructure and possibly permanent fucking up of our American way of life, our government took no punitive military action against China, none at all.

Instead, in response to China's 2020 biological attack on America, America's allies, and the rest of the world, our government attacked us—its own people; punished us rather than China with severe quarantine and isolation and lockdown mandates which further damaged every aspect of our Nation and its people, and that damage is ongoing to this moment. So China initiates an attack on America at least equivalent to nuclear weapon strikes on several of our major cities and it skates off into the sunset without any repercussion or consequence beyond being made fun of on cable news by our former President.


You bet.

But even if China's release of COVID-19 on America and the rest of the world was accidental, there exists ample historical precedent for a very punitive military response from at least America and Her allies, such as NATO. Had China unwittingly launched a dozen nuclear weapons at America, America would have retaliated in-kind regardless of Chinese government intent at the time of launch.

Just to be clear and reinforce my position: China unleashes a global biological weapon attack killing an estimated 2.4 million innocent people around the world and the collective response of Western Nations, America included, is to take punitive measures not against China, but against their own citizens. Go figure, right?

But, I suppose we peons of the world aren't supposed to question our "elected" masters or our god Google.

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun . . . "
Terry Jacks (Seasons in the Sun)
I believe the virus release was in direct response to Trumps trade battle/tariffs which the Chinese were feeling. Also, Trump's actions were contradictory to the globalization that the World Economic Forum is trying to accomplish. The "great reset" is an effort to do away with nations in favor of a "one-world government" with a digital currency similar to bitcoin. My guess is that they will digitize the CCP yuan. If you think the past year has been nuts, hold on, we are in for a hell of a ride. Better learn Mandarin.
According to omniscient Google the 9/11/01 terrorists murdered 2,977 people in the span of a few hours, on one day. Of the total number killed 2,605 were American Citizens, while the remaining 372 were foreign nationals present in the continental United States for various reasons. Our government's response to the deaths of less than 3,000 people on U.S. soil was the invasion of two sovereign nations, the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops, and the slaughter of as many as three or four hundred thousand foreign citizens, the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, which also sparked two primary wars which America prosecuted for nearly two decades. Our government also, in response to the events of 9/11/01, enacted some of the most invasive and draconian domestic surveillance policies in U.S. history.

Now, please keep the above in mind as you read on.

On or around some approximate date in January 2020 The People's Republic of China unleashed a clearly weaponized respiratory viral strain, the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, from deep within its own borders. Within the span of one month's time this Chinese biological weapon spread to every corner of planet earth, even effecting the lungs of people in the remotest corners of our world. To date close to 10% of America's entire population has been infected by this Chinese biological weapon and it has murdered nearly 500,000 Americans, if one believes official sources.

For the sake of this post let us assume the official COVID-19 death toll of 442,000 Americans is accurate. In addition to those nearly half a million Americans killed by a Chinese biological weapon, tens and tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs, suffered unimaginable levels of depression, watched the minds of their children degrade and stagnate, and witnessed or experienced directly the closure of over 110,000 domestic small businesses. Add to all of that the imposition of strict and psychologically damaging lockdowns, Physiologically damaging mask mandates and social distancing orders, and the restriction of free movement and commerce by our own state and local governments, for going on over a year straight.

All in all the damage done to America at every level, from federal and local economies to the destruction of individual American lives and livelihoods has been exponentially more devastating than the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In fact, one could make an educated case for comparison of the Chinese COVID-19 attack on America to a nuclear strike on American soil. In the end, if it ever ends, one could logically argue the damage wrought on all of America will be more severe than any full nuclear weapon exchange, not taking into account the effects of radioactive fallout over time.

Right. So in response to the terrorist murder of less than 3,000 American Citizens back in 2001 our government at that time invaded two sovereign nations and itself murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent foreign citizens, which in hindsight, seems like quite the bit of revenge overkill. However, in response to the biological weapon attack murder of nearly half a million American Citizens and the maiming of our entire national infrastructure and possibly permanent fucking up of our American way of life, our government took no punitive military action against China, none at all.

Instead, in response to China's 2020 biological attack on America, America's allies, and the rest of the world, our government attacked us—its own people; punished us rather than China with severe quarantine and isolation and lockdown mandates which further damaged every aspect of our Nation and its people, and that damage is ongoing to this moment. So China initiates an attack on America at least equivalent to nuclear weapon strikes on several of our major cities and it skates off into the sunset without any repercussion or consequence beyond being made fun of on cable news by our former President.


You bet.

But even if China's release of COVID-19 on America and the rest of the world was accidental, there exists ample historical precedent for a very punitive military response from at least America and Her allies, such as NATO. Had China unwittingly launched a dozen nuclear weapons at America, America would have retaliated in-kind regardless of Chinese government intent at the time of launch.

Just to be clear and reinforce my position: China unleashes a global biological weapon attack killing an estimated 2.4 million innocent people around the world and the collective response of Western Nations, America included, is to take punitive measures not against China, but against their own citizens. Go figure, right?

But, I suppose we peons of the world aren't supposed to question our "elected" masters or our god Google.

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun . . . "
Terry Jacks (Seasons in the Sun)

Fucking Nailed It!!!!!
According to omniscient Google the 9/11/01 terrorists murdered 2,977 people in the span of a few hours, on one day. Of the total number killed 2,605 were American Citizens, while the remaining 372 were foreign nationals present in the continental United States for various reasons. Our government's response to the deaths of less than 3,000 people on U.S. soil was the invasion of two sovereign nations, the deployment of hundreds of thousands of troops, and the slaughter of as many as three or four hundred thousand foreign citizens, the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, which also sparked two primary wars which America prosecuted for nearly two decades. Our government also, in response to the events of 9/11/01, enacted some of the most invasive and draconian domestic surveillance policies in U.S. history.

Now, please keep the above in mind as you read on.

On or around some approximate date in January 2020 The People's Republic of China unleashed a clearly weaponized respiratory viral strain, the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, from deep within its own borders. Within the span of one month's time this Chinese biological weapon spread to every corner of planet earth, even effecting the lungs of people in the remotest corners of our world. To date close to 10% of America's entire population has been infected by this Chinese biological weapon and it has murdered nearly 500,000 Americans, if one believes official sources.

For the sake of this post let us assume the official COVID-19 death toll of 442,000 Americans is accurate. In addition to those nearly half a million Americans killed by a Chinese biological weapon, tens and tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs, suffered unimaginable levels of depression, watched the minds of their children degrade and stagnate, and witnessed or experienced directly the closure of over 110,000 domestic small businesses. Add to all of that the imposition of strict and psychologically damaging lockdowns, Physiologically damaging mask mandates and social distancing orders, and the restriction of free movement and commerce by our own state and local governments, for going on over a year straight.

All in all the damage done to America at every level, from federal and local economies to the destruction of individual American lives and livelihoods has been exponentially more devastating than the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In fact, one could make an educated case for comparison of the Chinese COVID-19 attack on America to a nuclear strike on American soil. In the end, if it ever ends, one could logically argue the damage wrought on all of America will be more severe than any full nuclear weapon exchange, not taking into account the effects of radioactive fallout over time.

Right. So in response to the terrorist murder of less than 3,000 American Citizens back in 2001 our government at that time invaded two sovereign nations and itself murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent foreign citizens, which in hindsight, seems like quite the bit of revenge overkill. However, in response to the biological weapon attack murder of nearly half a million American Citizens and the maiming of our entire national infrastructure and possibly permanent fucking up of our American way of life, our government took no punitive military action against China, none at all.

Instead, in response to China's 2020 biological attack on America, America's allies, and the rest of the world, our government attacked us—its own people; punished us rather than China with severe quarantine and isolation and lockdown mandates which further damaged every aspect of our Nation and its people, and that damage is ongoing to this moment. So China initiates an attack on America at least equivalent to nuclear weapon strikes on several of our major cities and it skates off into the sunset without any repercussion or consequence beyond being made fun of on cable news by our former President.


You bet.

But even if China's release of COVID-19 on America and the rest of the world was accidental, there exists ample historical precedent for a very punitive military response from at least America and Her allies, such as NATO. Had China unwittingly launched a dozen nuclear weapons at America, America would have retaliated in-kind regardless of Chinese government intent at the time of launch.

Just to be clear and reinforce my position: China unleashes a global biological weapon attack killing an estimated 2.4 million innocent people around the world and the collective response of Western Nations, America included, is to take punitive measures not against China, but against their own citizens. Go figure, right?

But, I suppose we peons of the world aren't supposed to question our "elected" masters or our god Google.

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun . . . "
Terry Jacks (Seasons in the Sun)
I believe the virus release was in direct response to Trumps trade battle/tariffs which the Chinese were feeling. Also, Trump's actions were contradictory to the globalization that the World Economic Forum is trying to accomplish. The "great reset" is an effort to do away with nations in favor of a "one-world government" with a digital currency similar to bitcoin. My guess is that they will digitize the CCP yuan. If you think the past year has been nuts, hold on, we are in for a hell of a ride. Better learn Mandarin.

That along with Xiden and the rest of the globullist assholes intent to shutdown Trump.

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