Covid 19

Throughout the country, as pandemics go lets talk about overall death rates. Covid19 has a 2% mortality rate. Like the common flu. Those susceptible to COVID19 are over 80 and would be victim to any disease. It's not a threat to most of us...why the lock down?
We understand the republican/trumper position, the Older Americans do not count. We just do not agree with it. I think trump supports going for herd immunity. This would probably kill off a couple of million more and will not result in immunity and those people (yes many would be older Americans) would have died for nothing. Take precautions. When vaccine is safe and effective, take it. Quit whining because you are not having a good time, especially if you are actually still having a pretty good time and are just whining for other people, because they do not whine loud enough.
You're weak, you're in the process of being weeded out by nature, you are an inferior specimen, good riddance to you, and all like you.... :banana:
Throughout the country, as pandemics go lets talk about overall death rates. Covid19 has a 2% mortality rate. Like the common flu. Those susceptible to COVID19 are over 80 and would be victim to any disease. It's not a threat to most of us...why the lock down?
We understand the republican/trumper position, the Older Americans do not count. We just do not agree with it. I think trump supports going for herd immunity. This would probably kill off a couple of million more and will not result in immunity and those people (yes many would be older Americans) would have died for nothing. Take precautions. When vaccine is safe and effective, take it. Quit whining because you are not having a good time, especially if you are actually still having a pretty good time and are just whining for other people, because they do not whine loud enough.
You're weak, you're in the process of being weeded out by nature, you are an inferior specimen, good riddance to you, and all like you.... :banana:
Probably not. Longevity runs in the family. Most of the men make it to mid to late 80s. Great Grandmother made it to 103, 17 days before 104. I'm planning to linger, as I am still having fun and arranged my finances to cover me well into the future. Good luck with your planning and genetics.
Throughout the country, as pandemics go lets talk about overall death rates. Covid19 has a 2% mortality rate. Like the common flu. Those susceptible to COVID19 are over 80 and would be victim to any disease. It's not a threat to most of us...why the lock down?
We understand the republican/trumper position, the Older Americans do not count. We just do not agree with it. I think trump supports going for herd immunity. This would probably kill off a couple of million more and will not result in immunity and those people (yes many would be older Americans) would have died for nothing. Take precautions. When vaccine is safe and effective, take it. Quit whining because you are not having a good time, especially if you are actually still having a pretty good time and are just whining for other people, because they do not whine loud enough.

Obviously you omit facts when you make statements of that sort.
Fact: Blue State and Cities are using the Chinese Covid to lock down their people and the economy;
Fact: Most deaths per capita from Covid-19 in Deep Blue States (Counties and Cities).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New York City has a coronavirus death rate of 284 per 100,000; the rest of the state has a rate of 81 per 100,000. The average COVID-19 death rate for the entirety of the U.S. is roughly 65 per 100,000. (For more on how New York City skews COVID-19 data in the U.S., see this Heritage Backgrounder.)
This evidence suggests that as new locations in the U.S. experienced surges in COVID-19 cases throughout this pandemic, death rates remained lower.

So you are in one of the 10 cities? You are on lock down. I am not, where I live. Ours just recommends masking, distancing and sanitizing in public, while they still require it in government buildings. Fine, was in the court house 2 weeks ago for tags, registration and stickers. I masked. No big deal. That is how it is here. If it is not like that where you are. You chose poorly.
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Yes, formerly from New York, City.... I now live in a Red County in North Carolina. To date we've had 76 death due to Covid since it began,
Some businesses require masks, but there is no lock down and our economy is starting to recover nicely....Rather than those Blue Counties that are suppressing their citizens.....with lock downs...
Throughout the country, as pandemics go lets talk about overall death rates. Covid19 has a 2% mortality rate. Like the common flu. Those susceptible to COVID19 are over 80 and would be victim to any disease. It's not a threat to most of us...why the lock down?
We understand the republican/trumper position, the Older Americans do not count. We just do not agree with it. I think trump supports going for herd immunity. This would probably kill off a couple of million more and will not result in immunity and those people (yes many would be older Americans) would have died for nothing. Take precautions. When vaccine is safe and effective, take it. Quit whining because you are not having a good time, especially if you are actually still having a pretty good time and are just whining for other people, because they do not whine loud enough.

Obviously you omit facts when you make statements of that sort.
Fact: Blue State and Cities are using the Chinese Covid to lock down their people and the economy;
Fact: Most deaths per capita from Covid-19 in Deep Blue States (Counties and Cities).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New York City has a coronavirus death rate of 284 per 100,000; the rest of the state has a rate of 81 per 100,000. The average COVID-19 death rate for the entirety of the U.S. is roughly 65 per 100,000. (For more on how New York City skews COVID-19 data in the U.S., see this Heritage Backgrounder.)
This evidence suggests that as new locations in the U.S. experienced surges in COVID-19 cases throughout this pandemic, death rates remained lower.

So you are in one of the 10 cities? You are on lock down. I am not, where I live. Ours just recommends masking, distancing and sanitizing in public, while they still require it in government buildings. Fine, was in the court house 2 weeks ago for tags, registration and stickers. I masked. No big deal. That is how it is here. If it is not like that where you are. You chose poorly.
<iframe width="545" height="409" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yes, formerly from New York, City.... I now live in a Red County in North Carolina. To date we've had 76 death due to Covid since it began,
Some businesses require masks, but there is no lock down and our economy is starting to recover nicely....Rather than those Blue Counties that are suppressing their citizens.....with lock downs...

We have had about the same number here in Madison County, TN, although infections going back up, as they are across the state. TN is lingering around 10th in the nation on overall and new infections. Schools opened limited schedule to those that wanted in person classes. They are going to full 5 day/Wk on Monday and students that requested distance learning, but have since changed their mind are invited back week after next. I do not know how long they will keep them open if Covid makes a noticeable spike above the spike we are having again, but we will see.
Is the lockdown necessary? Given the overall mortality rate is 2% or less?
Actually more like 3%, but t much higher among older folks. You wanna sacrifice grandma?

Those that are particularly vulnerable need to stay home and be cautious. My mom is 93, she lives with my wife and I and for the last several winters she and my father only went out if need be, other than that they stayed home because it was flu season and why risk it?

The lockdowns don't seem to help much, Sweden still has an economy and didn't lockdown and is no worse of than the rest of us. We were told to wear masks to help slow the spread, I see 99% of people masked up and it doesn't seem to slow anything down. I do wonder when medical people 30-100 years from now, look back at 2020, what they would think? Are we going to look as ridiculous as those that promoted blood letting?

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