COVID-19’s Biological Politics

With so much current excitement, the post intended for this thread was placed in the "wrong" thread. It can be viewed, here:
Post #106

For those who have Robert Service's book on Russian history, please turn now to the Khlysty passage.
Those who have read Service know that he as expert on the subject does not monkey around. According to Service, the Khlysty sect performed self-castration, and the pathology swerves extremely close to the Old Believers of British Columbia, Talackova territory. What will Trump have to say about this during the GOP debates?

Wiki sanitizes the subject.
'....The New Israel sect that descended from the Khlysts still exists today in Uruguay.(1)
(1) Shubin, Daniel H. (2004) A History of Russian Christianity, Vol. III The Synod Era and the Sectarians - 1725 to 1894, Algora Publishing.'

Thus the Talackovan Babine labret links Uruguayan tembeta neighbors to the Khlysty.
Metabiota Files, continued

Genital mutilation, religious castrations, will go into the GOP debate files. There is no Biden family member who has closer links to Chinese communist virus labs than Hunter Biden. Chan and Ridley in their book, Viral, document the CCP link, though fail to mention the Biden part of this link. The Biden part precisely connects to Metabiota @ Nanaimo, British Columbia.
Metabiota Files, Miss Universe Trannies and Trump's Penis, etc. continued

Pleased to announce that Dr. Peter McCullough has officially established a transgender critique.

No other Biden family member comes as close to links with communist Chinese virus labs than does Hunter Biden. Chan and Ridley make the Chinese communist connection but conveniently fail to make the Hunter Biden connection to the same virus:

'In May 2015, a scientific collaboration between the Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan and Utrecht University in The Netherlands published a study showing that the creation of a furin cleavage site in the spike of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Coronavirus conferred increased ability to enter cells and trigger fusion.

As the name implies, this virus gives pigs diarrhoea and has recently caused devastating epidemics on farms in Asia and America....By changing just one amino acid in the spike, the scientists rendered the viruses capable of triggering fusion in cells. The authors concluded that introducing furin cleavage sites into a coronavirus in the lab could help a virus to infect more cell types both in a Petri dish and in an animal.'
(Chan and Ridley, Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19, p. 208)

Chan and Ridley's virus is the same one linked to Hunter Biden's Metabiota @ Nanaimo, British Columbia, not far from the birthplace of Trump's Miss Universe tranny contestant, Jenna Talackova, interviewed by Barbara Walters in 2012.
Biden Investigation: The Hynansky Connection

Hunter Biden's Metabiota collected the same virus that Chinese communists manipulated in the Huazhong lab. Chan and Ridley failed to document the Hunter Biden link to this virus.

Chan and Ridley, "Viral"

pp. 123-124 Youth in the Wild. In parallel with the work of WIV scientists, another Wuhan laboratory als got into bat virus hunting. At the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a laboratory less than three hundred metres from the Huanan Seafood Market, Dr. Tian Junhua, and expert on pathogens carried by ticks and mosquitoes, began sampling bats in Hubei Province.

....According to a profile in the Yangtze River Commercial Daily in 2017, Dr. Tian graduated from Huazhong Agricultural University, majoring in plant protection in 2004, before joining the Department of Disinfection and Vector Control of the Wuhan CDC.
....Dr. Tian is a co-author with Dr. Zhang Yongzhen in Shanghai on the Nature paper reporting the first genome sequences of SARS2, in which Dr. Tian is reported to have 'performed the epidemiological investigation and sample collection.' Although his laboratory did not itself carry out genomic sequencing, there is no doubt that bat samples were brought to the Wuhan CDC.'

p. 158 The First BSL-4 Lab in China....Nearby is Huazhong Agricultural University, which has collaborated on experiments manipulating pig coronaviruses.

p. 208 In 2009*, a team at Cornell University introduced a furin cleavage site into the SARS spike at the S1/S2 junction....In May 2015, a scientific collaboration between the Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan and Utrecht University in the netherlands published a study showing that the creation of a furin cleavage site in the spike of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Coronavirus (PEDV) conferred increased ability to enter cells and trigger fusion.

p. 289 It was left to other teams of scientists in China, Canada and France to say 'Hey, look - this is the first sarbecovirus with a furin cleavage site, which might explain why it is so highly infectious.'

Across town from the WIV, scientists at another Wuhan research institute, the Huazhong Agricultural University, had also recently collaborated with Dutch scientists to insert such a site into the spike of a live porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus. It is a remarkable coincidence at the very least that the first sarbecovirus with a furin cleavage site showed up in one of the few gin joints in all the world where the knowledge and capabilities exist for inserting one into a coronavirus.'

* Chan and Ridley fail to make the 2006 Montana lab connection that inserted a furin cleavage site into SARS1, and furin-like sites were recorded in ticks on Long Island at least as early as 2008.
The Metabiota Files, continued

One Hynansky link to Biden is the mu-opioid receptor. The closest Biden link to Chinese communists manipulating coronaviruses in the lab is for Hunter Biden's Metabiota collecting of PEDV in Laos. For this chron, notice that the Barbara Walters tranny-Trump video of 2012 is comparable with the 2012 testimony to the U.S. Senate by The Jesuit Elf, Anthony Fauci, for "Dual Use (26 Ap 2012)."

Post #3,180 Metabiota Laos Collections 2010-2103 / PEDV
To weaponize anthrax automatically implicates its furin cleavage site (FCS), Ft. Detrick.
Biden Investigation, continued

In this thread, Hunter Biden's Metabiota investment has already been linked to PEDVC GoF by the Chinese communists. The latter now mouth off about a virus that is closest yet to SARS2, further linking to Biden's Metabiota, because the bat genus changes from what most duped by the media regard as the reservoir genus, Rhinolophus. The Chinese "new" genus is here:

2 May 2023 Bat CoV CD35 / Hipposideros
'....strongly suggesting that the furin cleavage site is of natural origin.'

So what?
Chinese in post #2,178 also tried to do it: Faux FCS, Rixey says "Good catch!"

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