COVID-19’s Biological Politics

In post #1,421, the DOD contract, HDTRA114C0104, states: 'start date: 10 Feb 2014.'
Biden Investigation, continued

It is unknown just when Russia will get back to investigating bio-labs in Ukraine, though McGregor says that Ukraine is about to be annihilated:
Biden Investigation, continued

Charles Rixey has documented Long COVID apraxia, and shows that Robert Garry was wrong about RaTG13:
'....@ 19 Nov: Meme Dump Part 2 video....Here Garry claims that RaTG13 and RmYN02 were only sequenced *after* the pandemic started!.'

Garry is incorrect. RaTG13 was collected (at Tongguan [= Mojiang copper mine]) on 24 Jul 2013

As will be shown, Hunter Biden's link to Metabiota links to Robert Garry.
In post # 1,427, scroll below "Meme Dump Part 2" to find the video: 'CD8....Bryce_Nickels had already found some of the most astounding sound bites, but there are still more to come....Here Garry claims that RaTG13 and RmYN02 were only sequenced *after* the pandemic started!'

Garry is linked to Metabiota's Mary C. Guttieri and USAMRIID/Ft. Detrick:
Note that the fusion peptide also links to Fau Chi's freudian slip in his video due to the VSV. That would be the SARS2 mutation @ D614G.
So Guttieri and Garry were publishing two months after RaTG13 was collected in Yunnan.
Biden Investigation, continued:

Where Fauci mentions MI5, JFK Jr. (The Real Anthony Fauci) will mention MI6. Musk mentions Supotnitsky in posts # 1,356 & an excerpt from the Russian investigator is in post #1,357 for the furin cleavage ghost. Fau Chi already knew that furin was at one time in SARS1. Because the furin ghost also is in CoV-NL63, it links to the Appalachian Ridge Coronavirus (ARCoV2) as reported earlier in this thread. Since the spike of ARCoV2 is unpublished, it too may sport a furin ghost around position 667 of the spike protein, realigning the geography of the FCS to America:

Finally they are asking the right questions. JFK Jr. has already mentioned Neil Ferguson. It's a shame all Americans do not have a copy of The Real Anthony Fauci.

'....Look into Ralph Baric's relationship with Beth Israel Deaconess. Something tells me you will find COVID origins there....Do any of these emails and documents reference @CMO_England, @MattHancock, Neil Ferguson or @uksciencechief? Would love to know if they do.'

www. Should the House Investigate Origin of COVID?
'2,000 voters: 71% yes, 29% no.'
Patents for Mary C. Guttieri also include Robert Garry:
'....Antibodies Expressed in Insect Cells, Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Army.'

JFK Jr. also mentions moth-cell culturing in The Real Anthony Fauci. We have yet to determine if the same moth in the patents (Trichoplusia) links to the moth cells for Bill Gates, et al in vaccine making.
Before posting the JFK Jr. excerpt, the original NYT article comes with a pay-identity wall which is linked here:
Seattle Times Jul 16 2020

The article does not mention moth cells.
Sleepy Dusty Delta Day

Post #1,436 links rhabdoviruses, of which family both rabies and VSV are members. Thus, another example that points to Fau Chi's mistaken freudian slip during his catholic-mafia-sponsored video:

3 Jun 2021, Post #406: Fau Chi's Freudian Slip

Not that Fau Chi's freudian slip (mistake) is precisely at the point on the SARS-2 spike protein that links to VSV: the mutation D614G increases VSV pseudoparticle production, as we've already shown on this thread.

Note that Indiana VSV not only links to ebola vaccine and SARS2 mutation D614G, is also links to the vector of VSV, Lutzomiya shannoni, a Western Hemisphere sandfly, the genus named after Frank Lutz (Handbooks of Insects). Badger's copy of the book has long-since disappeared (1962), though it links to sandflies in Crimea and Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV), as will be shown.

By default, this is the connection to lassa hemorrhagic fever and the Guttieri-Garry assemblage, above, as will be shown.
A review of possible ebola links to SARS2 mutation E484K is in order:

19 Mar 2021 Post #302
Post #305 of this thread is an ebola link to SARS2 E484K, because ebola vaccine is based on VSV, a virus vectored by a Western Hemisphere sandfly. Thus called for is more scrutiny of the Old World phlebotomines, especially due to the investigative work of Dilyana Gaytandzheiva (Bulgaria-Georgia, The Lugar Center @ Tbilisi [USMB search]) and sandfly vectors of disease in Georgia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Crimea, etc.

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