COVID-19’s Biological Politics

We earlier noted that the Together trial used high doses. Very suspicious.

15 Nov 2022 Together Trial Funding

'....You're never going to guess who funded Together trial which concluded ivermectin was ineffective....Democrat donor Sam Bankman_Fried's bankrupt scam of a company, FTX....'

Kennedy reinforces the pathologies behind the Together trial:

'Dr. Lawrie knew that to make its ivermectin determination, WHO would rely on Hill's study and another study from McMaster University known as the "Together Trial." McMaster was hopelessly and irredeemably conflicted.

NIH gave McMaster $1,081,541 in 2020 and 2021. A separate group of McMaster University scientists was, at that time, engaged in developing their own COVID vaccine - an effort that would never pay dividends if WHO recommended ivermectin as Standard of Care.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was funding the massive "Together Trial" testing ivermectin, HCQ, and other potential drugs against COVID, in Brazil and other locations.

Critics accused Gates and McMaster researchers of designing that study to make ivermectin fail. Among other factors, the study targeted a population that was already heavily utilizing ivermectin, creating a confounding variable (placebo recipients could obtain over the counter ivermectin) that would clearly hide efficacy.

McMaster University researchers would certainly know that a positive recommendation for IVM would cost their university hundreds of millions. The Together Trial organizer was Gate's trial designer, Ed Mills, a scientist with heavy conflicts with Pharma and a reputation as a notorious industry biostitute.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 47)
Fau Chi would have reacted to the approaching rivalry of ivermectin.

Kennedy continues,

'Researchers at Japan's Kitasato Institute published a 2011 paper* describing IVM in terms almost never used for any other drug:

'There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of "Wonder Drug," penicillin and aspiring being two that have perhaps had the greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety, and beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide - especially on hundreds of millions of the world's poorest people.'

Three statues - at the Carter Center, at the headquarters of the World Bank, and at the headquarters of the World Health Organization - honor the development of ivermectin.

*Andy Crump and Satoshi Omura, "Ivermectin, Wonder Drug from Japan: The Human Use Perspective," Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B (10 Feb 2011)

Fau Chi would give testimony to the U. S. Senate on "Dual Use" on 26 Ap 2011, as the Mojing miners were shuffling into the Kunming Hospital.
A review of the binding physics of ivermectin is apropo, especially in comparison to the mRNA vaccine spike.

Fau Chi would have reacted to the approaching rivalry of ivermectin.

Kennedy continues,

'Researchers at Japan's Kitasato Institute published a 2011 paper* describing IVM in terms almost never used for any other drug:

'There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of "Wonder Drug," penicillin and aspiring being two that have perhaps had the greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety, and beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide - especially on hundreds of millions of the world's poorest people.'

Three statues - at the Carter Center, at the headquarters of the World Bank, and at the headquarters of the World Health Organization - honor the development of ivermectin.

*Andy Crump and Satoshi Omura, "Ivermectin, Wonder Drug from Japan: The Human Use Perspective," Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B (10 Feb 2011)

Fau Chi would give testimony to the U. S. Senate on "Dual Use" on 26 Ap 2011, as the Mojing miners were shuffling into the Kunming Hospital.

Unfortunately, it's hard to imagine the Republicans in the House, lead by Nancy's personal Flying Monkey McCarthy, calling Fauxi to task
Unfortunately, it's hard to imagine the Republicans in the House, lead by Nancy's personal Flying Monkey McCarthy, calling Fauxi to task
True. Nevertheless, education of the public has substance. Next, we will link bat coronaviruses to the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal that flows into Maryland: the Appalachian Ridge coronavirus, because its ancestor and the ancestor of hCoV-Nl-63 are the same. Nl-63 came from the Netherlands, home to many vaccine makers, and JoeXi is linked to Maryland.

Thus too, we will review what has been posted about Hunter Biden's link to Metabiota and the African coronavirus linked to Malacomys (USMB search) for the female California epidemiologist: as yet unpublished verification of both monkeypox and coronavirus in the same African Malacomys. The responsible (irresponsible) authors ar Dutch.
Readers have noticed BioAnon_1vy_ at Twitter in this thread, an account that now does not exist. Either the Twitter gestapo is taking out the most potent pages on SARS2 origins or BioAnon simply left.

We have mentioned Sam Bankman-Fried. Here is another photo:
'@ 15h Next week, New York Times in partnership with WEF partner Accenture is supposed to be hosting a live event with Sam Bankman-Fried. Sitting next to him will be Zelenskiy....'
The Democrat party is in the middle of the fraud,
@ 14 Nov

Sam's Mom

Geography of Appalachian Ridge Coronavirus

Readers may note that there is a triangle, with JoeXi's alma mater at Newark, Delaware one of the points:

Newark, Delaware

The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal ends at Cumberland, Maryland.

Cumberland, Maryland

The Appalachian Ridge Coronavirus was found here, completing the geographical triangle:

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park

A pertinent study for ARCov2 states,
'We used Roche 454 sequencing to determine the viral sequence present in bat fecal samples from big brown bats captured in the Saratoga National Historical Park in New York (New England CoV [NECov]) and tricolored bats from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park in Maryland (Appalachian Ridge Cov strain 2 [ARCov2]).
NL63 originated from the same ancestor, predicting that a potential cross-species transmission event occurred about the time that Columbus arrived in North America.'

Another version of the URL:

This trajectory will lead to The Netherlands and to cancers.
The Democrat party is in the middle of the fraud,
@ 14 Nov

Sam's Mom

Geography of Appalachian Ridge Coronavirus

Readers may note that there is a triangle, with JoeXi's alma mater at Newark, Delaware one of the points:

Newark, Delaware

The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal ends at Cumberland, Maryland.

Cumberland, Maryland

The Appalachian Ridge Coronavirus was found here, completing the geographical triangle:

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park

A pertinent study for ARCov2 states,
'We used Roche 454 sequencing to determine the viral sequence present in bat fecal samples from big brown bats captured in the Saratoga National Historical Park in New York (New England CoV [NECov]) and tricolored bats from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park in Maryland (Appalachian Ridge Cov strain 2 [ARCov2]).
NL63 originated from the same ancestor, predicting that a potential cross-species transmission event occurred about the time that Columbus arrived in North America.'

Another version of the URL:

This trajectory will lead to The Netherlands and to cancers.

Most of FTX "donations" (Payoffs) to democrats went to a PAC dedicated to pandemics
Most of FTX "donations" (Payoffs) to democrats went to a PAC dedicated to pandemics
This is a very interesting trajectory to investigate; so to find out more about this PAC connection. The Ukrainian biolabs question also remains. So far, we are having trouble pinpointing the spike sequences of the Appalachian Ridge coronavirus of 2004. Only partial sequences are published from 2009 specimens.

Who should be surprised?

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