COVID-19’s Biological Politics

We'll remind readers that we've also posted this:

The Russian article (post # 1,357) reveals that there is indeed a furin "ghost" in SARS-CoV, discovered in 2006, Missoula, Montana. In June of that year, Badger2 visited (now deceased) Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, above Missoula at Hamilton. The conversation was about ticks. There is also a Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Museum in Hamilton.

Recalling what we've already posted on the RGD motif, surprisingly, it links to the main vector of RMSF, the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis.

'....Dermacentor variabilis....'

Disintegrins / Dermacentor variabilis / RGD Motif
'....May 2012, published online 26 Ap 2012....'

The day of publication of the disintegrin study, Fau Chi was testifying to the U.S. Senate on 'Dual Use.' It is also the second day that the mojiang miners were shuffling into the Kunming Hospital, recalling that UNC Chapel Hill's Ralph Baric received the bat coronavirus RsSHC014 from Peter Daszak, et al, collected in 2011 near Kunming, Yunnan.

We have posted the 1988 Ft. Detrick study for chloroquine increasing the potency of bungarotoxin from the Chinese krait, Bungarus multicinctus. This next disintegrin contains an RGD motif and inhibits fibrinogen:
'....disintegrin triflavin from Habu Pit Viper Protobothrops flavoviridis....positions 49-51 'RGD'....inhibits fibrinogen interaction with platelets.'

Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 15 shows an RGD motif at positions 484-486. Human TGF-beta also contains an RGD motif at positions 642-644 whereas pig at 485-487 is 'RGR.'
Note that the RGD-containing peptide from Protobothrops is named trimestatin.
The disintegrin study continues,

'Variabilin. This protein is present in the salivary glands of the hard tick, Dermacentor variabilis, and inhibits platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen, and thrombin receptor peptide SFLLRNP. It also blocks platelet adhesion to fibrinogen. Variabilin is a 4-cysteine, 5 kDa (kilodalton) disintegrin containing an RGD motif, but the primary sequence shows little homology to most disintegrins except Ixodegrin from Ixodes scapularis.'

So variabilin from Dermacentor variabilis, vector of RMSF, similar to Ixodegrin from the vector of Lyme disease, Ixodes scapularis. Dr. Willy Burgdorfer was the discoverer of the spirochete that causes Lyme disease.

In Hamilton of 2006, Badger 2 also was pleased to meet Burgdorfer's friend who also stopped by that day, Dr. Robert N. Philip, author of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Anatomy of a Pestilence.

As will be shown, the RGD motif acts as a switch, so when we see this motif on Dr. Quay's Twitter page (24 Aug) for the bat coronavirus, ZC45, it prompts further research.
An interesting page which mentions Daszak @ 1h:
'10. Daszak should publish....'

In the article, "Cave Full of Bats in China," Daszak speaks: "This cave, for example, is located 60 km from the city of Kunming in the Yunnan Province of China."

Daszak speaks with forked tongue. The virus Daszak and Shi gave to Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, came from the edge of an expressway on the (outskirts [italics]) of Kunming. There is a (shopping center [it.]) not far away:

Having mentioned this expressway location in 2021 at USMB, this 23 Jan 2022 post gives the coordinates:

Post #17
'....Collection date 18 Ap 24.67 N 102.60 E....Wuhan Institute of Virology, Eco Health Alliance....Rhinolophus sinicus....'
RGD Switch Mechanism
(continued from posts #1,361 & 1,363):

'....In resting platelets, the integrin is in a "low affinity" state characterized by a highly bent conformation that keeps the binding site for the RGD sequence hidden. On platelet activation, "inside out" signaling events lead to a conformational switch where the integrins undergo complex structural rearrangements and change into a "high affinity" state, acquiring an extended conformation and being able to expose the RGD binding site.

Because many integrins bind adhesive protein in an RGD-dependent manner, it is possible that additional binding sites may regulate which RGD-containing proteins bind to a particular integrin.

When activated, integrin alpha II beta3 mediates platelet adhesion, aggregation, and spreading on the exposed ECM (extracellular matrix) of the injured vessel wall as well as thrombus formation by promoting crosslinking between adjacent platelets through if main ligand fibrinogen, or a high shear rates through vWF (von Willebrand Factor).

In some pathologic conditions, platelet activation and coagulation may lead to thrombotic vessel occlusion with obstruction of blood flow and subsequent tissue damage, as in myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke.'
On Washburne's page, Daszak's Eco Health Alliance:

' @ 2h: Koopman's department is partner in Eco Health. It used to say "closely involved in the EHA." It turns out, Koopman's department collaborates with EHA, who proposed to make infectious clones at the WIV.'

A sleight-of-hand we see for Daszak are the unreported spike proteins of some rat coronaviruses, though they do report on the RdRp of the same viruses. We have yet to find the spike sequences for this Daszak-collected virus before the Chinese military collected ZC45:

' Daszak, et al....collected May 2016....'

There are three entries for Rattus flavipectus coronavirus, all Daszak et al, and no other entries for the spike sequences. The spike sequences also do not appear at Uniprot. The importance of the spike sequences are obvious when we link resistance to rodenticides and warfarin anticoagulants to vitamin K epoxide reductase, for sooner or later we arrive at Alzheimer's and the precise Alzheimer's mutations in the presenilin protein: alanine-to-valine, which includes early-onset (26 years of age) Alzheimer's

This Alzheimer's mutation trajectory links to unpublished Chinese studies for vitamin K epoxide reductase:

Clicking on the "publications" at the above Uniprot page will retrieve no published documents, though the names of the authors are mentioned. This is where we'll precisely zero in on the details.

May 2010 Houston, Texas / Rattus flavipectus Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase
The warfarin (rodenticide) link to Alzheimer's and the alanine-to-valine mutations:

vkorc1 / Alzheimer's / Warfarin
The mutations are here:

The similar mutations are here:
Post #16
Thus we're interested in the provenance of this rat, Rattus tanezumi flavipectus, which at first glance seems to be a Japanese rat.
From Matt Wridley's Twitter page....
COVID Origin Case Reopened
'....On Twitter, which unlike Facebook, never censored speculation about a possible leak....'

DARPA is the link to Facebook.

Kennedy, P 409:

'In addition to creating the Internet, DARPA developed GPS, stealth bombers, weather satellites, pilotless drones, and the M16 rifle. DARPA was perhaps the largest funder of gain-of-function research, outstripping even Dr. Fauci's NIH in some years. In 2017alone, DARPA laundered at least $6.5 million through Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance to fund experiments at the Wuhan lab.

DARPA funded additional gain-of-function experiments at Ft. Detrick and other biosecurity research at Battelle's laboratory at St. Joseph, Missouri. Beginning in 2013, DARPA also financed key technologies for Moderna vaccine.

In 2002, DARPA set off a firestorm among human rights advocates from the Left and Right by creating a comprehensive data mining system under President Reagan's National Security Advisor, Admiral John Poindexter.
Public protests forced DARPA to scuttle the project, but critics have accused the agency of using the technology to help launch Facebook.

By remarkable coincidence, DARPA shut down its Facebook-like project LifeLog, a venture that involved MIT contractors, the very same month - February 2004 - that Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook just a thirty-minute walk up the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on the campus of Harvard University.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 409)
We can link Alzheimer's valine (post # 1,370) to prions and rapidly progressive dementia: Jikky
'@ 20 h: There is a further problem when spike RNA enhanced for g-quadriplexes co-locates with Glycine-zipper-rich spike protein - prionopathy.'

Rapidly Progressive Dementia
'....In the 41 cases that we reviewed, the V/V carriers (valine/valine) appeared to have a younger age of onset and shorter disease duration compared with the M (methionine)/ V (valine) and M/M carriers.'
The URL as we found it:

Another version:
So recently,the groundwork has been lain for more scrutiny of prionopathies and female cancers connected to the toxic spike of SARS2.
At Jikky's we see that the discourse links to prefusion stability of the spike protein, and that cathepsin (mentioned previously in this thread) is also shown. The stabilization of the HR1 region we have already posted on. It is precisely linked to the Omicron N969K mutation, the first vaccine-linked mutation to arise in SARS2:

@11 Nov
' When all the vaccine manufacturers (bar AZ) decided to use a "a proline substitution to keep the spike in its prefusion conformation" they didn't tell you that this idea was published as a lab experiment with MERS in 2017 and was never tested in a clinical trial, did they?'
Kennedy has done a great job, though naturally misses a few things:

'Triumph of the Military/Intelligence Complex: Intelligence Agencies and COVID-19.

In November 2020, the British spy agency MI6 announced that its spooks would be surveilling foreigners all over the world (presumably including Americans) who questioned official orthodoxies about COVID-19 vaccines. Declaring the launch of an "offensive cyber-operation to disrupt anti-vaccine propaganda," the Foreign Branch hinted that it would henceforth target individuals who asked awkward or impudent questions about vaccines or questioned official COVID proclamations or countermeasures.
According to the The Times, "The spy agency is using a toolkit developed to tackle disinformation and recruitment peddled by the Islamic state. A government source assured the paper they weren't kidding around: "CGHQ has been told to take out anti-vacciners online and on social media. There are ways they have used to monitor and disrupt terrorist propaganda."
Intelligence community alumni and active officers occupy key positions in the international agencies that promote global vaccinations. For example, President Biden's director of USAID is former WHO Ambassador Samantha Power. Power is an imperialist war hawk who as President Obama's National Security Advisor persuaded him to intervene militarily in Libya.

She has declared that her primary goal at USAID is to "restore US prestige by getting American-made vaccines 'into arms' around the world."
Event 201'a fourth simulation anticipated the the manipulation and control of public opinion and muzzling any colloquy about artificially enhanced pathogens.
What follows are thumbnail portraits of some of the participants in this aspect of the operation, along with accounts of their specific comments and actions:

Dr. George Gao, the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control (CCDC), worried about how to suppress the inevitable "rumors" that the virus is laboratory generated: "People believe, 'This is manmade'....[and that] some pharmaceutical company made the virus." Two months after speaking those words, George Gao himself would lead the Chinese effort to tamp down rumors of lab creation. Gao also orchestrated the Chinese government drive to vaccinate a billion Chinese citizens.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 427, 430)

Kennedy does mention the connection to WIV's Shi, Eco Health's Dazsak:

1. Gao was appointed in Ap 2011.

2. Shi, Daszak, et al, collected the virus given to Baric on 18 Ap 2011, RsSHC014, near an expressway south of Kunming, which would link bat coronaviruses to definite, rapid spread to most any urban location, including Wuhan.

Gao received a Janssen Medical Pharma award on 11 Dec 2015, at the Fourth Military Medical University in Xi'ian, Shaanxi. Janssen is a division of Johnson & Johnson. This award was given close to the publishing of Baric's disturbing gain-of-function paper in 2015 (see Sorensen and Dalgleish).
Errata: Kennedy does not mention 1. or 2. in his book.

E.C. Holmes (Sydney, Australia), links to his co-author, Yong-Zhen Zhang, also of the Beijing CDC. We are thus interested in Zhang's papilloma virus studies and the monitoring of rural women for cervical cancer in Yunnan, not far from where RsSHC014 was collected (see post # 1, 376).

For those with amino acid knowledge of the SARS2 spike, there is a tryptophan (W) difference in the spike of the expressway-collected virus, possibly pointing to human adaption capabilities. Baric would absolutely not fail to notice this tryptophan.

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