COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Biden Investigation, continued

Kennedy's Moth Cells Excerpt
'Kadlec was also generous to Bill Gates, arranging a $1.6 billion grant - the largest to date - from Operation Warp Speed to Gates's biotech selection, Novavax. Although the company, based in Gaithersburg, Maryland, had never brought a vaccine to market in the thirty-three-year history, and was then on the verge of collapse, Gates and his obedient minions at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) had placed a bet on Novavax's technology, using moth cells to pump out crucial molecules at a faster rate than typical vaccines.

Kadlec's generosity with his Warp Speed wampum caused Novavax's stock to surge 30%. John J. Trizzino, Novavax's chief business and financial officer, said the company did nothing inappropriate but acknowledged that it used its connections to Gates to help win the deals.'
(JFK Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 401)
We start to collect the examples of RGD motifs, already mentioned in this thread, from SFTSV and other phleboviruses, because this study proves the virus causes fibrin deposition:

A Japanese cat infected with SFTSV shows an RGD motif:

So this RGD to compare is from the bat coronavirus, ZC45, mentioned earlier, and shown on Quay's page (24 Aug 2022).
We usually find an english translation for a certain report. Not this time:

29 Nov 2022 Greece: RFK Jr. and Children's Health Defense
Biden recently mentions MI5. RFK Jr. mentions Farrar's link to MI5 (The Real Anthony Fauci). On Feb 1 Farrar learns SARS2 is likely lab made. Same day he alerts powerful Chinese official Zhu Chen! Next days they lock steps with China to cover up the origin: Holmes joins PLA pangolin study, Shi denies a lab leak and Andersen flipflops.

Ebright shows the letter:

'House letter 11/30/22'
Steven Massey is currently reviewing the RaTG13 literature for Rhinolophus affinis.

We are collecting data on phleboviruses which will link to the Biden investigation and Ukrainian bio labs. This one is a phlebovirus of bats, these phleboviruses can cause fibrin clots:

Mar 2014 Malsoor Virus, A Novel Bat Phlebovirus is Closely Related to Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome

The Abb's Head Phlebovirus (Scotland) is vectored by Ixodes uriae. This tick can also vector coronaviruses as was shown on Skye's thread, post #83:
Steven Massey is currently reviewing the RaTG13 literature for Rhinolophus affinis.

We are collecting data on phleboviruses which will link to the Biden investigation and Ukrainian bio labs. This one is a phlebovirus of bats, these phleboviruses can cause fibrin clots:

Mar 2014 Malsoor Virus, A Novel Bat Phlebovirus is Closely Related to Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome

The Abb's Head Phlebovirus (Scotland) is vectored by Ixodes uriae. This tick can also vector coronaviruses as was shown on Skye's thread, post #83:
Ukrainian Luger Labs? You mean “research facilities”
Ukrainian Luger Labs? You mean “research facilities”
The Lugar lab is smack dab in the middle of sandfly country and infantile leishmaniasis. When was the lab created? As per Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's original investigation (and videos), we will review. The biolabs map for Ukraine should be reposted. There are sandfly histories for Odessa, southern Ukraine and Crimea and southern Russia (Perfil'ev, Fauna of the U.S.S.R. Diptera: Phebotomidae)

Pappataci fever (sandfly fever) was known as "the soldier's disease," large outbreaks on British ships in 1799."
Aug 2020 Ixodes uriae / Cat Flea / Coronavirus

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