COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Bringing the science facts forward: an RGD motif occurs at SARS2 spike position 405-407.

RGD Motif / Parkinson's Disease

Jun 2019 Cairo / Hydroxychloroquine / Anti-Parkinson's Potential
'....HCQ successfully ameliorated PD motor dysfunction in spite of the fact that both autophagy and apoptosis were deregulated through Nurr1. modulation.'

@TheJikky 10h+, BioAnon posts about HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120:

@ 11 Dec

When investigating the intriguing fact that Beluga disintegrin is cleaved by both furin and PCSK7, we made an HIV-1 gp160 connection that is comparable with BioAnon's gp120, which Twitter page indeed shows the furin cleavage site in proximity to gp120.

Here is the gp160 study linking PCSK7:

There is a neurocognitive disorder linking HIV-1 infection to Beluga's PCSK7 cleaving, and we have already mentioned thrombin recently in this thread:

2015 HIV-1 Neurocognitive Disorder
' cleaved by thrombin....furin and PC7 interact with PAR1....'

Next is a troponin link to azithromycin, recalling that azithromycin physically binds to the SARS2 furin catalytic pocket:

Increased Troponin Levels / Azithromycin

Digressing further on the tropomodulin study that links to amino acid sequences very reminiscent of the SARS2 furin cleavage motif (RRAR) at position 681-4,

Jul 2004 Tropomodulin / Furin-Like Sequences
'....In a transgenic model, overexpression of the Tmod in the heart leads to a dilated cardiomyopathic phenotype. This requirement for stoichiometric stability has led to speculation that regulated tropomodulin expression is necessary to maintain stabilized actin filament structures in cardiac muscle cells.
The accumulation of Tmod in the nucleus hampers the normal myogenic process in C2 cells.
We have been studying functional peptide domains of the E-Tmod (erythrocyte membranes)....nemaline myopathy....'

So before going into detail about the Tmod sequences similar to furin cleavage sites, this linking report:

1998 Neshiva U., Bronx, New York / HIV-1-Associated Nemaline Myopathy
Yes, thanks. Those details were noticed. TheJikky somewhere states the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as being linked to Team Halo.

So, furin is a subtilisin-like proprotein convertase:

A 'subtilisin-like' Pubmed search retrieved the Team Halo connection, which is a Gates Foundation connection to malaria, automatically linking HCQ:

Sep 2022 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine / Subtilisin-Like / Malaria

The previous month, China:

Aug 2022 / China / PCSK9 Subtilisin-Like Kexin Type 9
'....lipid-lowering agents....'

The anti-SARS2 effects of such statins as rosuvastatin link to this lipid-lowering phenomenon of PCSK9.
This is from Jikky:

Claire, thank you. You boldly went where no man has gone: smuggling a USMB photo into the Twitter concentration camp. Hope it was successful, we reading them, they reading us.

There seems to be no RGD sequence in the SARS1 spike, and what Twitterists may want to notice is that what coronavirologists knew in 2008 about Parkinson's (post #1,540) links to Dr. Quay's page we first noticed the RGD sequence of the Chinese military virus ZC45. ZC45 is doing the same thing that 229E does, especially noting the deletions after the RGD sequence:

Dr. Quay's Twitter page 24 Aug 2022
ZC45 sequence: RGDP---, (3 amino acid deletions)

HCov-229E, mentioned in the PD post (#1, 540), positions 341-343: RGDCKG----- (5 amino acid deletions)

This could be a modus operandi of the virus rather than a coincidence.

Twitterist Brook Jackson's inquiry about Pfizer's hidden troponin results may link genetically to those who are more susceptible to the coronavirus spike than other "vaccinees." How valid is the troponin-tropomodulin assemblage?
Bearing in mind that ZC45 Chinese military virus is neurotropic in rats and considering the Parkinson's excerpt (post #1,540), we should cite the references as they occur in the body of the text. Thusfar, we see no RGD motifs in OC-43 or bovine coronavirus spikes.

postencephalitic parkinsonism (35. Fishman PS et al, (1985) Infection of the Basal Ganglia by a Murine Coronavirus, Science 229:877).

a report of antiviral antibodies (34. Fazzini E. et al, (1992) Cerebrospinal Fluid Antibodies to Coronavirus in Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Mov. Disord. 7:155)

and HCoV RNAs (23. Cristallo A, et al (1997) Human Coronavirus Polyadenylated RNA Sequences in Cerebrospinal Fluid from Multiple Sclerosis Patients, New Microbiol. 20:105)

three out of three were positive for HCoV-229E, one for HCoV-OC-43 (5. Arbour N, et al, (2000) Neuroinvasion by Human Respiratory Coronaviruses and Association with Multiple Sclerosis, J. Virol. 74: 8913).

Outside this excerpt, the link to bovine coronavirus, which may have jumped into humans: p. 314 'Thus, HCoV-OC43 could be a human-adapted strain of BCoV (108.Vijgen L, et al (2005) Complete Genomic Sequence of Human Coronavirus OC-43: Molecular Clock Analysis suggests a Relatively Recent Zoonotic Coronavirus Transmission Event, J. Virol. 79: 1595)
Because we are unable to communicate with Twitter, those who can may wish to smuggle in a photo of USMB to show them. USMB keyword search function may be of assistance to those Twitterists interested in specific terms.
Here is a most revealing chain of emails that Fauci would have preferred they stay hidden. Thankful to the efforts of non-corrupt journalists doing the necessary leg work we can learn using primary documents of Fauci’s trickery.

Edit- this is running on Twitter currently with numerous shares btw.
Claire, thank you. You boldly went where no man has gone: smuggling a USMB photo into the Twitter concentration camp. Hope it was successful, we reading them, they reading us.

There seems to be no RGD sequence in the SARS1 spike, and what Twitterists may want to notice is that what coronavirologists knew in 2008 about Parkinson's (post #1,540) links to Dr. Quay's page we first noticed the RGD sequence of the Chinese military virus ZC45. ZC45 is doing the same thing that 229E does, especially noting the deletions after the RGD sequence:

Dr. Quay's Twitter page 24 Aug 2022
ZC45 sequence: RGDP---, (3 amino acid deletions)

HCov-229E, mentioned in the PD post (#1, 540), positions 341-343: RGDCKG----- (5 amino acid deletions)

This could be a modus operandi of the virus rather than a coincidence.

Twitterist Brook Jackson's inquiry about Pfizer's hidden troponin results may link genetically to those who are more susceptible to the coronavirus spike than other "vaccinees." How valid is the troponin-tropomodulin assemblage?
Your precise info will be shared using your links to studies on Twitter directed to Jikky’s feed for his numerous followers.
Here is a most revealing chain of emails that Fauci would have preferred they stay hidden. Thankful to the efforts of non-corrupt journalists doing the necessary leg work we can learn using primary documents of Fauci’s trickery.

Edit- this is running on Twitter currently with numerous shares btw.
This dynamic is just what's needed to reveal the fraud. Jikky has mentioned some unfamiliar names. Must read.
For Brook Jackson's troponin questions to Pfizer (above), we should add these studies:

Feb 2022 Russia: Troponin False Positives
'....fibrin clots, heterophilic antibodies, alkaline phosphatase, rheumatoid factor, cross-reactions with skeletal troponins....'

Recalling the previous link made to phlebovirus fibrin clots:

27 Nov 2022 Post #77 Phlebovirus Fibrin Clots
'....intravascular fibrin deposition.'

Sandflies vector phleboviruses. VSV-based ebola vaccine links sandfly genus Lutzomiya, a vector of VSV. The precise SARS2 mutation that links increased VSV pseudoparticle production is D614G, the mutation Fau Chi gets backwards in his video (freudian slip).

'....acquisition of a furin cleavage site....reflected in the release of highly sensitive troponin and natriuretic peptides, which are extremely prognostic, in particular, those showing continued rise, along with cytokines such as IL-6.'
We can adjust the chron that links the RGD motifs of the PLA's virus, ZC45, and HCoV-229E, back to 1967.

'The Pre-SARS Era: HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43.....Recent phylogenetic analysis based on the spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) protein genes of HCoV-229E revealed that several different variants, causing different types of respiratory tract infections, were isolated from patients in Australia between 1979 and 2004. The sequencing and analysis of these HCoV-229E variants strongly suggested genetic drift had occurred. However, the similarity among these variants circulating in Australia and other strains identified in other geographical locations during the same period revealed that HCoV-229E has not undergone major recombination since its isolation in 1967. (20. Chibo D, et al (2006) Analysis of Human Coronavirus 229E Spike and Nucleoprotein Genes Demonstrates Genetic Drift Between Chronologically Distinct Strains, J. Gen. Virol. 87:1203).'
(Nidoviruses, ASM Press [2008] p.314)
Attached is a tweet from Jikky.


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Attached is a tweet from Jikky.
Yes, Fau Chi and Gates knew that azithromycin physically attached to the fruin catalytic pocket, directly competing with their "vaccines." Fau Chi then removed azithromycin, as Jikky documents @Twitter. The evidence-based science is here:
We bring this forward especially for the Twitterists, because of what many of them have written about zoonoti Worobey and the Huanan Seafood Market hypothesis. It seems that they did not know about Worobey and the coelacanth, which also links another ancient fish, Myllokunmingia from Kunming, Yunnan and also links two co-authors of each other, EC Holmes and Yong-Zhen Zhang (Beijing CDC). The Kunming Institute of Zoology links these co-authors and Kunming Hospital is where the ill Mojiang miners were admitted.

Post #1,537 Worobey-Han and Coelacanth Foamy Virus

Fau Chi's NIH is linked to this:

Canine Foamy Virus Vector / CD18 Integrin / CLAD

Human LAD / NIH

Human foamy has an RGD motif at positions 294-6

So for the CD18 integrins....
'....The RGD-peptide substantially inhibited the binding of IL-2-stimulated killer cells to COLO (adenocarcinoma cell line), and the combination of this peptide with Mabs to CD18, CD54, and CD2 practically blocked the adhesion.'


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The following link contains study results that were buried, as most know by now along with many others, in order continue the false covid narrative.



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More evidence that testing positive for covid prevented standard care, tried and true, for elderly with pneumonia. Many people died because treatment was withheld. This will come out very badly for those making this decision to change protocol. 3 pills- all these patients needed to survive.

Yes, we see for azithromycin, "not recommended." Azithromycin is a SARS2-specific antiviral antibiotic, and binds into the furin catalytic pocket of SARS2 spike. The virus will then have difficulty in using furin cleavage for any increased infection advantage. This very peculiar furin cleavage site also has the next-to-impossible for naturally occurring CGG for arginine, which is mostly used by those engineering a virus.
The following link contains study results that were buried, as most know by now along with many others, in order continue the false covid narrative.

Thanks for this. We will review.

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