COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

The US doesn't have open borders.. We have 21,000 Border Patrol Agents plus Customs and Immigration plus the US Coastguard. You must be as dumb as Trump.
If I said the sky is blue, you would call me an idiot and that I’m brainwashed by Trump.

You need serious help.
You just lie and lie and lie. All that matters to you is that other Democrats look into your empty brain and validate whatever stupid shit you say. It doesn't have to make sense. And it doesn't. You're a complete airhead
Arn’t you the jackass that claimed I said prominent Republicans were against the vaccine?! I never said anything of the sort. Republicans are saying to take the vaccine if you want and then they are attacking Fauci and Biden and the Dems for pushing the vax and sewing doubt and fear about it. They know a good chuck of their base thinks that CoViD is just a flu and is being over blown. They pander to these people and play politics instead of being clear and direct and decisive leaders. It’s what Trump did and a large reason why he lost the election.
Don’t be stupid Kaz. Every thread on here pushing fear and danger about the vaccine is from a right wing nut. Tune into Clay and Buck on the radio… the two Yahoos who took over for Rush who had the largest audience in all of radio. They are nonstop bagging on masking, distancing and vaccines. Rand Paul has a war against Fauci. The Republican partisan hacks are all trying to paint Dems and commie control freaks with the Covid measures and don’t want them to get credit for anything. Red states have the lowest vax rates in the country. I personally know many Trump tards who still think COvId is a big hoax. That’s the game being played. Don’t pretend that’s not happening. It’s clear as day.
These people want it both ways and can never lose. They give credit to Trump for getting us the life saving vaccine so quickly. The same vaccine they won't take.
If I said the sky is blue, you would call me an idiot and that I’m brainwashed by Trump.

You need serious help.
We have a problem in America. It's not blacks. It's systemic racism, police brutality and Republican voters who have been duped into supporting the dark side. Global warming, you deny. Science, you deny. The free press, you call fake news. Bias that exists, you deny. A woman's right to choose, you deny. The election was free and fair, you deny. Trump colluded with Russia, you deny. He led the insurrection, you deny it was even an insurrection. Common sense gun legislation, you deny. The rich have waged class warfare on the rest of us, you deny.

You're in denial.
Arn’t you the jackass that claimed I said prominent Republicans were against the vaccine?! I never said anything of the sort. Republicans are saying to take the vaccine if you want and then they are attacking Fauci and Biden and the Dems for pushing the vax and sewing doubt and fear about it. They know a good chuck of their base thinks that CoViD is just a flu and is being over blown. They pander to these people and play politics instead of being clear and direct and decisive leaders. It’s what Trump did and a large reason why he lost the election.
They'll never admit they were wrong about the pandemic and they'll never admit Trump lost fair and square. Evidence doesn't matter to these people.
We have a problem in America. It's not blacks. It's systemic racism, police brutality and Republican voters who have been duped into supporting the dark side. Global warming, you deny. Science, you deny. The free press, you call fake news. Bias that exists, you deny. A woman's right to choose, you deny. The election was free and fair, you deny. Trump colluded with Russia, you deny. He led the insurrection, you deny it was even an insurrection. Common sense gun legislation, you deny. The rich have waged class warfare on the rest of us, you deny.

You're in denial.
How is this supporting woman’s choice?

Do you dare think for yourself for once and go against the MSM narrative?
We have a problem in America. It's not blacks. It's systemic racism, police brutality and Republican voters who have been duped into supporting the dark side. Global warming, you deny. Science, you deny. The free press, you call fake news. Bias that exists, you deny. A woman's right to choose, you deny. The election was free and fair, you deny. Trump colluded with Russia, you deny. He led the insurrection, you deny it was even an insurrection. Common sense gun legislation, you deny. The rich have waged class warfare on the rest of us, you deny.

You're in denial.

The biggest problem blacks have in this country is the Democrat party. You're a fascist, racist party who have destroyed all the advancement in race relations in all race relations in our country over our lifetimes. It's sick. And you want your lily white ass to be rewarded for screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites
The biggest problem blacks have in this country is the Democrat party. You're a fascist, racist party who have destroyed all the advancement in race relations in all race relations in our country over our lifetimes. It's sick. And you want your lily white ass to be rewarded for screaming racist, racist, racist at other whites
That's just the Republican narrative and it's just another lie. You guys are still the racists just ask black people. What you are suggesting is we are duping them and they are ignorantly falling for it.

When it's the rich who have used racism, god, gays and guns into conning poor white Americans like you into voting against your own financial interests, over bullshit wedge issues. And you go along with everything the GOP tells you. Media is the enemy? Science is the enemy? Government is the enemy? School is the enemy? Everyone is the enemy except for your actual enemy. The rich who you support. Too many of you voters are idiots. Ironically it's the uneducated blacks who vote correctly not you.
That's just the Republican narrative and it's just another lie. You guys are still the racists just ask black people. What you are suggesting is we are duping them and they are ignorantly falling for it.

When it's the rich who have used racism, god, gays and guns into conning poor white Americans like you into voting against your own financial interests, over bullshit wedge issues. And you go along with everything the GOP tells you. Media is the enemy? Science is the enemy? Government is the enemy? School is the enemy? Everyone is the enemy except for your actual enemy. The rich who you support. Too many of you voters are idiots. Ironically it's the uneducated blacks who vote correctly not you.

Racism always has been and still is the Democrat party. Slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation, it's all you, Holmes.

Any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation learns that slavery is very much alive and well in the Democrat party as you target them for destruction for defying your racist ass
I'm sorry if my way of thinking is main stream and yours is fringe lunatic thinking.
You do realize that in all the Communist and socialist country’s the government controls the MSM and censors the opposite side?

Hmmmm, sounds familiar here…

I wonder what is more likely to brainwash people?

1. MSM which takes no effort to access. Turn on the the tv and it’s right there in front of you. Push notifications from apple news on your phone, which only shows MSM articles. Magazines and newspapers of MSM at the grocery checkout. MSN news as or apple news as your default home web page. Airports, bars and public places showing MSM on their TVs.

2. Having to avoid google and Facebook because they censor anything not MSM. I have to search for News through online forums, a handful of independent journalists and websites, and Twittter (before it gets censored)

Getting news on the Left requires no work at all. It comes to your door step. On the Right, you have to seek it out for yourself.
Racism always has been and still is the Democrat party. Slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation, it's all you, Holmes.

Any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation learns that slavery is very much alive and well in the Democrat party as you target them for destruction for defying your racist ass
Are you kidding? Show me one Republican who goes off message that doesn't get thrown under the bus. Show me one who says Covid is real and take the vaccine. You will call them a rino or globalist or deep stater. Show me one Republican who admits global warming is real. One who says it's only fair gays can marry too. Or that we need some common sense gun legislation. Or that the election was free and fair.

Every Republican who says the election was fair and Trump lost, you won't vote for them the next time. Correct?

So don't stray off your plantation.

And I love it how you don't get it that yesterday's Democrats like Robert E Lee today would be Republicans. Slave owners would be Republicans. THey may have been Democrats back then but that was before the Southern Strategy.

And that wasn't when blacks first started leaving the GOP. It was in the 1920's during the Great Mississippi Flood. So you've been losing black votes for just about 100 years now.
You do realize that in all the Communist and socialist country’s the government controls the MSM and censors the opposite side?

Hmmmm, sounds familiar here…

I wonder what is more likely to brainwash people?

1. MSM which takes no effort to access. Turn on the the tv and it’s right there in front of you. Push notifications from apple news on your phone, which only shows MSM articles. Magazines and newspapers of MSM at the grocery checkout. MSN news as or apple news as your default home web page. Airports, bars and public places showing MSM on their TVs.

2. Having to avoid google and Facebook because they censor anything not MSM. I have to search for News through online forums, a handful of independent journalists and websites, and Twittter (before it gets censored)

Getting news on the Left requires no work at all. It comes to your door step. On the Right, you have to seek it out for yourself.
We all have the choice of MSNBC and Fox. Or CNN. Some people are liberal and listen to MSNBC. It's not lying to them. It's the liberal position on things. Moderates tend to like CNN. What we all know is Fox is misleading viewers. They found that Fox viewers were the most misinformed.

How does Fox get away with lying? They put it in the form of a question. Does Biden rape babies? Can't get in trouble for lying when you didn't lie. You simply asked a question designed to brainwash the dummies listening.
Racism always has been and still is the Democrat party. Slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation, it's all you, Holmes.

Any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation learns that slavery is very much alive and well in the Democrat party as you target them for destruction for defying your racist ass
You guys only pretend to not be racist here. You're very careful not to say what you really feel. We know what Republicans feel about black people. Let's go back to the Capitol riots and ask a black police officer what you guys are really like

Capitol Cop Says Trump Supporters Called Him The N-Word During Jan. 6 Attack​

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn described the racial abuse he endured during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

“No one had ever ― ever ― called me a ‘n****r’ while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer” until Jan. 6, Capitol Officer Henry Dunn said during Tuesday testimony in front of House select committee members investigating the attack.

I told them to leave the Capitol, and in response, they yelled back: “No, no, man, this is our house!” “President Trump invited us here!” “We’re here to stop the steal!” “Joe Biden is not the President!” “Nobody voted for Joe Biden!”

I am a law enforcement officer, and I keep politics out of my job. But in this circumstance, I responded: “Well, I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?”

That prompted a torrent of racial epithets. One woman in a pink “MAGA” shirt yelled, “You hear that, guys, this n****r voted for Joe Biden!” Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in, screaming “Boo! Fucking n****r!”

other Black officers shared with me their own stories of racial abuse on January 6. One officer told me he had never, in his entire 40 years of life, been called a “n****r” to his face, and that that streak ended on January 6. Yet another Black officer later told he had been confronted by insurrectionists inside the Capitol, who told him to “Put your gun down and we’ll show you what kind of n****r you really are!”

Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone also gave testimony on Tuesday about his own harrowing experience, and blamed Republican lawmakers who continue to deny the reality of what happened. Fanone was repeatedly beaten and shocked by members of the Trump mob during the attack.

Are you kidding? Show me one Republican who goes off message that doesn't get thrown under the bus. Show me one who says Covid is real and take the vaccine. You will call them a rino or globalist or deep stater. Show me one Republican who admits global warming is real. One who says it's only fair gays can marry too. Or that we need some common sense gun legislation. Or that the election was free and fair.

Every Republican who says the election was fair and Trump lost, you won't vote for them the next time. Correct?

So don't stray off your plantation.

And I love it how you don't get it that yesterday's Democrats like Robert E Lee today would be Republicans. Slave owners would be Republicans. THey may have been Democrats back then but that was before the Southern Strategy.

And that wasn't when blacks first started leaving the GOP. It was in the 1920's during the Great Mississippi Flood. So you've been losing black votes for just about 100 years now.
"Show me one who says Covid is real and take the vaccine."

All the prominent Republicans, liar. They all said to take Trump's vaccine. From here you already established what you are. A liar
You guys only pretend to not be racist here. You're very careful not to say what you really feel. We know what Republicans feel about black people. Let's go back to the Capitol riots and ask a black police officer what you guys are really like

Capitol Cop Says Trump Supporters Called Him The N-Word During Jan. 6 Attack​

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn described the racial abuse he endured during the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

“No one had ever ― ever ― called me a ‘n****r’ while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer” until Jan. 6, Capitol Officer Henry Dunn said during Tuesday testimony in front of House select committee members investigating the attack.

I told them to leave the Capitol, and in response, they yelled back: “No, no, man, this is our house!” “President Trump invited us here!” “We’re here to stop the steal!” “Joe Biden is not the President!” “Nobody voted for Joe Biden!”

I am a law enforcement officer, and I keep politics out of my job. But in this circumstance, I responded: “Well, I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?”

That prompted a torrent of racial epithets. One woman in a pink “MAGA” shirt yelled, “You hear that, guys, this n****r voted for Joe Biden!” Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in, screaming “Boo! Fucking n****r!”

other Black officers shared with me their own stories of racial abuse on January 6. One officer told me he had never, in his entire 40 years of life, been called a “n****r” to his face, and that that streak ended on January 6. Yet another Black officer later told he had been confronted by insurrectionists inside the Capitol, who told him to “Put your gun down and we’ll show you what kind of n****r you really are!”

Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone also gave testimony on Tuesday about his own harrowing experience, and blamed Republican lawmakers who continue to deny the reality of what happened. Fanone was repeatedly beaten and shocked by members of the Trump mob during the attack.

All the facts say that the Democrat has always been the party of racism and you are now. You're continuing to prove that by continuing to enflame race wars and exploit blacks. If there is any doubt of your intentions, that is removed by that you are hurting no one as much as you hurt blacks by doing it.

Race relations were the best they had ever been. The Democrat party just couldn't live with that and undid decades of progress.

You, sir, are a racist. The real thing. You hide under a façade of lies
"Show me one who says Covid is real and take the vaccine."

All the prominent Republicans, liar. They all said to take Trump's vaccine. From here you already established what you are. A liar
Like who? You can't even name one. LOL.

Show me a Republican who's pro wearing masks. Can you find one?

We see Republicans are doing a 180 because their constituents are dying. Bout time.
All the facts say that the Democrat has always been the party of racism and you are now. You're continuing to prove that by continuing to enflame race wars and exploit blacks. If there is any doubt of your intentions, that is removed by that you are hurting no one as much as you hurt blacks by doing it.

Race relations were the best they had ever been. The Democrat party just couldn't live with that and undid decades of progress.

You, sir, are a racist. The real thing. You hide under a façade of lies
Affirmative action helps blacks. I'm in favor of diversity programs. Those programs help blacks. You want to end those programs that help black people and deal with systemic racism. That's why blacks know you're the most racist.

There are something like 300 of the fortune 500's that have signed the diversity pledge. My kind are helping women and minorities. You give them lip service
All the facts say that the Democrat has always been the party of racism and you are now. You're continuing to prove that by continuing to enflame race wars and exploit blacks. If there is any doubt of your intentions, that is removed by that you are hurting no one as much as you hurt blacks by doing it.

Race relations were the best they had ever been. The Democrat party just couldn't live with that and undid decades of progress.

You, sir, are a racist. The real thing. You hide under a façade of lies
The Republican party has a long history of racism too. This is why blacks left the GOP in the 1920's.

The refugee camps also dealt with extreme racial inequality, as supplies and means of evacuation after flooding were given strictly to white citizens, with Blacks receiving only leftovers. African Americans also did not receive supplies without providing the name of their white employer or voucher from a white person. In order to fully exploit black labor, Blacks were frequently forced to work against their will, and were not permitted to leave the camps. Later reports about the poor treatment in camps led Hoover to make promises of change to the African-American community, which he broke. As a result, he lost the Black vote in the North in his re-election campaign in 1932. Several reports on the terrible situation in the refugee camps, including one by the Colored Advisory Commission headed by Robert Russa Moton, were kept out of the media at Hoover's request, with the pledge of further reforms for Blacks after the presidential election in 1928. His failure to deliver followed other disappointments by the Republican Party; Moton and other influential African Americans began to encourage Black Americans to align instead with the national Democrats.


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