Covid>>>>>>>>Economy>>>>>>>>Voting by Mail: Coincidence or Corruption?

1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.

Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
Harvesting we already know how fking weak ass competitors demofks are, they must cheat to win
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.

1. Independents also want to get rid of Trump.

2. Trump has crashed the economy. He refused to take strong actions as other countries and even some states did. Now those entities that took strong action are far less affected by the coronavirus.

3. Many states were already moving to allowing voters to cast mail ballots with no excuses. Now it is a necessity to prevent large gatherings. Many states were forced to cut back on polling places because the typical poll workers are the most at danger of dying from the coronavirus. That would means more people at the polling places.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.

Dim traitors never waste a crisis.

WUFLU shutdown started as a 2 week pause to flatten the curve because we were all going to get the virus and we didnt want to overburden the hospitals.

Then the Dims figured they could crash the economy and blame Trump if they kept everything shut down.

It is the plan 100%.

2 weeks was not long enough. A piecemeal approach did not work. It has allowed the coronavirus to linger. Countries that took tough medicine and closed for several months are now reaping the benefits of it. The US is facing the consequences of the lack of action.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
Not cynical enough....A lot of republicans have joined the demoncrats in crashing the economy....To prove this to yourself, how many of them have stood up to this months-long lunacy and its ever-moving goalposts for a return to life as we knew it?

Becuase they are trying to protect the people in their states despite moron Trump. You prove you are a moron as well. Worth noting that Republicans and Demoxcrat Governors who have taken the tough actions necessary have high approval ratings while Trump can't get to 50.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Never did full mail in before? Right? You all harvesting votes is known. You are truly stupid

Assisting voters in ensuring their ballots are counted is not wrong. It is no different than a campign renting a bus or having supporters drive their voters to the polling places.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.

I will be voting absentee. Fuck you.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.

I will be voting absentee. Fuck you.

Good for you ya lazy fuck.
But the issue isnt absentee voting.
But you know this...or you should know it, if not you're a dumb mother fucker.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.

I will be voting absentee. Fuck you.
you can. so can anyone. that's not the same as mass mailing. but you knew that already right? oh wait, you're a dumb fk demofk.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.

Lol, so you're one of the idiots who believe tRump when he claims they aren't the same thing?

News flash, Kid. He lied.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.

I will be voting absentee. Fuck you.

Good for you ya lazy fuck.
But the issue isnt absentee voting.
But you know this...or you should know it, if not you're a dumb mother fucker.
Absentee voting is mail in voting you moron. There is no difference.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.

Lol, so you're one of the idiots who believe tRump when he claims they aren't the same thing?

News flash, Kid. He lied.

That you actually think they're the same tells me you're either a liar or an idiot.
And no I didnt learn this from Trump.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.

Lol, so you're one of the idiots who believe tRump when he claims they aren't the same thing?

News flash, Kid. He lied.

That you actually think they're the same tells me you're either a liar or an idiot.
And no I didnt learn this from Trump.
Explain the difference.

(This oughtta to be good)
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.

Lol, so you're one of the idiots who believe tRump when he claims they aren't the same thing?

News flash, Kid. He lied.

That you actually think they're the same tells me you're either a liar or an idiot.
And no I didnt learn this from Trump.
Explain the difference.

(This oughtta to be good)

One you have to request,the other is sent out without request.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.

Lol, so you're one of the idiots who believe tRump when he claims they aren't the same thing?

News flash, Kid. He lied.

That you actually think they're the same tells me you're either a liar or an idiot.
And no I didnt learn this from Trump.
Explain the difference.

(This oughtta to be good)

One you have to request,the other is sent out without request.
Who's sending ballots without request?
I think there is a strong possibility that the dems worked with China to bring in the virus and wreck the economy.

What we do know is that under the Obama Administration, the National Institutes of Health, or NIH, gave a grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to study bat coronaviruses. NOW that would seem ok except China is a Communist dictatorship, and sure enough when they (discovered/created) COVID-19, they provided little if any correct information to the US.

Further, they allowed infected Chinese to travel all over the world while restricting movement in the Wuhan providence.

On January 31, Trump Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency & Restricts Travel From China. Joe Biden plays the RACE CARD calling Trump xenophobic.
Washington (CNN)The Department of Homeland Security's acting secretary on Sunday cast doubt on the department's authority to send its agents to polling locations after President Donald Trump said he would deploy law enforcement in November to protect against voter fraud.
"We don't have any authority to do that at the department," acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
Asked by Tapper if Trump had asked him to send law enforcement officers to polling centers, Wolf replied: "No, absolutely, he has not. Again, that's not what we do at the Department of Homeland Security."


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