Covid>>>>>>>>Economy>>>>>>>>Voting by Mail: Coincidence or Corruption?

Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.

So naive .....
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
Too a-skeered of the Covid cooties to vote in person, yet not afraid to hold mass in-person demonstrations in favor of mail-in vote fraud.

Were it not for double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

The Left are nothing but hypocrites, the only thing they have is double standards. No surprises there!

Like Donald Trump, Jr. said:

‘If You Can Loot in Person, You Can Vote in Person’
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Why are dems so desperately trying to cheat?
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Why are dems so desperately trying to cheat?
Why are you so desperate you have to Lie?
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Why are dems so desperately trying to cheat?

Because the DemRats know that's their only faint ray of hope of regaining power.

But cheating or not cheating, they will be relegated to the ash heap of history, all the same.

GOD BLESS President Trump! GOD BLESS all Patriots everywhere!
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent that they are are forgoing that option. Repubs acknowledge this is at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. See link. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 9 states. My math is not great but that leaves 41 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
Last edited:
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
Move this thread to the conspiracy theory forum please.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Why are dems so desperately trying to cheat?
Why are you so desperate you have to Lie?

You haven't been paying attention to the primaries obviously.
Do you get your fat ass off the couch to get groceries?
If so you can get your fat ass up and vote.
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent they are are forgoing that option. Repubs know this at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 6 states. My math is not great but it leaves 44 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
You have your opinion, I have mine.
Absentee ballot is where you contact the registar of voters and request an absentee ballot. A form is sent out
for you to sign and mail back. Then the ballot is sent to you.

Mail-in ballot is where the registar of voters blankets a county with the mail-in ballots.
As I said earlier, people have moved, people have died, people have moved in since the last
There is a stark difference between those two applications of ballots.
One of those is about as secure as you can get, the other leaves some loopholes for fraud.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent that they are are forgoing that option. Repubs acknowledge this is at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. See link. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 9 states. My math is not great but that leaves 41 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
In several states the mail-in ballot caused a lot of issues, including the counting that went on for 5 weeks after the election in NY, I believe
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent they are are forgoing that option. Repubs know this at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 6 states. My math is not great but it leaves 44 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
You have your opinion, I have mine.
Absentee ballot is where you contact the registar of voters and request an absentee ballot. A form is sent out
for you to sign and mail back. Then the ballot is sent to you.

Mail-in ballot is where the registar of voters blankets a county with the mail-in ballots.
As I said earlier, people have moved, people have died, people have moved in since the last
There is a stark difference between those two applications of ballots.
One of those is about as secure as you can get, the other leaves some loopholes for fraud.
If these blanket Mail-in ballots lead to rampant fraud I will revise my opinion. However given that the nine states involved in blanket mail in ballots are not swing states they will have no affect on the presidential election. If they have no affect why all the hyperbole from Trump and his supporters about fraudulent elections?
1. What do China and the Democrats have in common? Get rid of Trump!

2. How to do it? Crash the economy and rig the election with fraudulent ballots.

3. Am I being too cynical? Why was voting by mail not an issue until this election?

Please feel free to post your rationalizations.
It was tRump that made it an issue.

At least try to stay vaguely within the facts, please.

Get off your lazy ass and go vote ...if you care about the integrity of our elections.
I've been voting by mail for decades. Got started doing it in the mid eighties while working outta the country.

Grow the fuck up, stop with the crazy conspiracy theories already.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent they are are forgoing that option. Repubs know this at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 6 states. My math is not great but it leaves 44 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
You have your opinion, I have mine.
Absentee ballot is where you contact the registar of voters and request an absentee ballot. A form is sent out
for you to sign and mail back. Then the ballot is sent to you.

Mail-in ballot is where the registar of voters blankets a county with the mail-in ballots.
As I said earlier, people have moved, people have died, people have moved in since the last
There is a stark difference between those two applications of ballots.
One of those is about as secure as you can get, the other leaves some loopholes for fraud.
If these blanket Mail-in ballots lead to rampant fraud I will revise my opinion. However given that the nine states involved in blanket mail in ballots are not swing states they will have no affect on the presidential election. If they have no affect why all the hyperbole from Trump and his supporters about fraudulent elections?
I've already stated that for you, do some research where mail-in ballots were used in the primaries.
It's been a pleasure discussing this with you, John, not often does a discussion like this stays civil. Cheers
dinner time
  • Thanks
Reactions: JLW
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent that they are are forgoing that option. Repubs acknowledge this is at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. See link. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 9 states. My math is not great but that leaves 41 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
In several states the mail-in ballot caused a lot of issues, including the counting that went on for 5 weeks after the election in NY, I believe.
That was one district out of how many voting districts in the USA? I do recall an election in 2000 where it was not mail in ballots that was the problem it was chads and hanging chads. But that was a different time where Americans believed in the system.
Trumpist should really get off sniffing glue. I have never read such down right batshit crazy theories as I do on this board.

I have news for you OP, fraudulent ballots were never an issue before because we never had a president that consistently spread lies that our electoral system is full of fraud until now. It is lie and Trumpist sheeple swallow that lie.

Ya’ll do yourselves a favor and get off the glue.
Why in hell does your tribe need mail-in ballots? They go to a grocery store, they go out to dinner.
And...why in hell are bars closed in several states, But, bars with grills open?
Seems the fraud is by your own tribe.
So what..mail in ballots are legal and if voters choose to mail-in ballots that is their right. They don’t need to listen to insecure conspiracy minded Trumpists telling them how to vote.
Yes, if initiated by the person, I'm very much in favor of that. But, the mail-in by your tribe is not that. They have a universal mailing list
that has people who have died and moved on the list.
Absentee ballot approach is just fine, and even Trump is in agreement on that.

States have the power to make laws on how their residents vote. Conservatives used to believe in state’s rights. Apparently that is just another one of your beliefs that have been discarded because of your tribe’s obeisance to Trump.

There is little fraud with this form of voting. As much fear mongering coming from the Trump and Trumpists their has been none to insignificant fraud. Yes, kinks in the system need to be ironed out but to cast the entire system as fraudulent is nothing but empty rhetorical from doom merchants.
There is a difference between voting at the state level, and the federal level....I'll let you figure that out.
Kinks in the system huh? I'll just let that sit here, because we know there are kinks in the system, and therein lies the problem.
When over 120,000,000 votes are cast this November, if there are not some kinks in the system that would be a miracle. Because there may be error here and there or delays in counting the vote does not mean their is fraud. Every election since Washington has had a problem or two. But these folks never said the entire election was fraudulent. The difference between this election and past elections is that your tribe is prepared to say the entire Election is rife with fraud knowing full well that it is a lie. We have Trump condemning this election before a single vote is counted every day. Do you see the difference?
Please google the problems with the mail-in ballots from the primaries. They are significant.
I haven't seen anyone say that it's rife with fraud.
Really, have you been listening to Trump’s rhetoric?
No I haven't, but, what I've heard is that there are enough problems to be concerned about it.
What is wrong with absentee ballots, seems you have moved away from that solution?
I have no problems with absentee ballots. I voted by absentee a few times. But you have to ask yourself why does Trump condemn all mail-in ballots. Now I am talking about those mail in ballot states where you request the ballot and they send you one. What is the difference between that type of mail-in ballot and an absentee ballot? Why does Trump condemn this type of mail-in ballot? Why does Trump condemn drop boxes? What is the difference between a mail box and a drop box?

Trump is for absentee ballot, I have heard him say that. Your link says nothing about absentee ballots, just mail-in ballots.
The dems are not talking about a requested ballot, but a blanket mail out ballot using a universal list.
Actually the link delves into absentee voting. Apparently Republicans are hard pressed to explain the difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting because Trump has so convinced his sheeple that Mail-in voting is fraudulent they are are forgoing that option. Repubs know this at their peril.

Trump makes no distinction between blanket mail-in ballots and those that are requested. That is why Repubs are so confused. As a matter of fact most Trumpist posters on this board make no distinction.

Blanket mail-in ballots are in what 6 states. My math is not great but it leaves 44 states that do not have it. Regardless, there is no proof that there is anything wrong with this type of voting.
You have your opinion, I have mine.
Absentee ballot is where you contact the registar of voters and request an absentee ballot. A form is sent out
for you to sign and mail back. Then the ballot is sent to you.

Mail-in ballot is where the registar of voters blankets a county with the mail-in ballots.
As I said earlier, people have moved, people have died, people have moved in since the last
There is a stark difference between those two applications of ballots.
One of those is about as secure as you can get, the other leaves some loopholes for fraud.
If these blanket Mail-in ballots lead to rampant fraud I will revise my opinion. However given that the nine states involved in blanket mail in ballots are not swing states they will have no affect on the presidential election. If they have no affect why all the hyperbole from Trump and his supporters about fraudulent elections?
I've already stated that for you, do some research where mail-in ballots were used in the primaries.
It's been a pleasure discussing this with you, John, not often does a discussion like this stays civil. Cheers
dinner time
Thank you for that complement. Same to you. I will consider your views. I enjoyed our discussion.

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