Covid Follies #25: From the horse's mouth.

This is IMPORTANT for all those who have had ANY of the Covid brand shots or are planning to. PAY ATTENTION AND SHARE THE HELL OUT OF THIS!

Vaccine Disaster Ahead​

I don't know when this was made but I have a feeling it is not super recent---however, we are definitely seeing this play out in Israel and Scotland. Horrid
Too little information.

So important that the guy blathers on for 5 minutes like a used car salesman about some dude no one has ever heard of w/o actually saying a damned thing, and so important that you can't even bother giving a summary of the gist of whatever this great revelation or announcement is on your own thread.
Too little information.

So important that the guy blathers on for 5 minutes like a used car salesman about some dude no one has ever heard of w/o actually saying a damned thing, and so important that you can't even bother giving a summary of the gist of whatever this great revelation or announcement is on your own thread.
Anyone who watches the video and listens to it knows you are just blowing smoke because you have no logical or factual retort or refutation of the content. typical right wing/corporate wonk tactic.

The other side of the story wife wears mask. Husband buying into the narrative that vaccinations are bad.

Well COVID 19 is bad. Family on the edge and praying for the best outcome.
And don't forget the wife buying into the narrative that wearing generic masks is halting the virus progression.
Yes, Covid is bad....and the official responses and actions are just as bad, compounding the problem.
And don't forget the wife buying into the narrative that wearing generic masks is halting the virus progression.
Yes, Covid is bad....and the official responses and actions are just as bad, compounding the problem.

Well she did wear a mask but it can be assumed that while at home she did not wear a mask when she was with her family. IF the husband is sick then he is infecting people around him and after being admitted to the hospital it is to late.

The level of mask worn is important as well as following social distancing and other things.

Nobody is saying that it will prevent being infected because there are to many variables to consider.

It just part of a overall plan. Since no one wears a mask at home or when visiting friends and family, it effectiveness is not perfect because it depends on the person using it.

Condoms are effective except when they break or one forgets to wear one. Is it the fault of the item or the person.
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Well she did wear a mask but it can be assumed that while at home she did not wear a mask when she was with her family. IF the husband is sick then he is infecting people around him and after being admitted to the hospital it is to late.

The level of mask worn is important as well as following social distancing and other things.

Nobody is saying that it will prevent being infected because there are to many variables to consider.

It just part of a overall plan. Since no one wears a mask at home or when visiting friends and family, it effectiveness is not perfect because it depends on the person using it.

Condoms are effective except when they break or one forgets to wear one. Is it the fault of the item or the person.
"Nobody is saying that it will prevent being infected because there are to many variables to consider."

Yeah, they kind of are saying that: Coronavirus Disease 2019

If you don't have the disease, you won't be spreading anything to anyone. If you are having any type of cold symptoms, then wearing a mask will prevent you from sneezing in people's faces or in a room with others.

the comparison to condoms is false, as condoms involve a willing interaction on a highly personal nature with others (i.e., sex). People sneezing is nowhere near that. Just saying.
"Nobody is saying that it will prevent being infected because there are to many variables to consider."

Yeah, they kind of are saying that: Coronavirus Disease 2019

If you don't have the disease, you won't be spreading anything to anyone. If you are having any type of cold symptoms, then wearing a mask will prevent you from sneezing in people's faces or in a room with others.

the comparison to condoms is false, as condoms involve a willing interaction on a highly personal nature with others (i.e., sex). People sneezing is nowhere near that. Just saying.

well they both are about protection and how effective it is
TheDefiantOne said:
"Nobody is saying that it will prevent being infected because there are to many variables to consider."

Yeah, they kind of are saying that: Coronavirus Disease 2019

If you don't have the disease, you won't be spreading anything to anyone. If you are having any type of cold symptoms, then wearing a mask will prevent you from sneezing in people's faces or in a room with others.

the comparison to condoms is false, as condoms involve a willing interaction on a highly personal nature with others (i.e., sex). People sneezing is nowhere near that. Just saying.
well they both are about protection and how effective it is
Now you're just being stubborn. Ask your doctor about this comparison of yours, then sit back and listen to him talk down to you like he's explaining something to a junior high kid.

Your first assertion was proven wrong with the very documentation from the horses mouth, so to speak.

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