COVID has become 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'

Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
Yea so? People who get the “Delta variant” will get over it just like previous WuFlu, then they will have even better immunity than vaxxed people.
I will chuckle if the FDA, in the end, cares more about it's reputation than the bottom line of Pfizer or Moderna.

It the "science," is finally more important than the bottom line, and it decides that health costs incurred by these genetic treatments is not worth the benefits? I will laugh if they never do get full approval, and it recommends treatment with Ivermectin instead.
My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
You hypocrites ALL HAVE BEEN VACCINATED in the past.
Please share that you have NEVER received a vaccination shot for any other concern.
My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
You hypocrites ALL HAVE BEEN VACCINATED in the past.
Please share that you have NEVER received a vaccination shot for any other concern.
Do you, or do you not, understand the different between an mRNA gene therapy injection, and Viral vector vaccines, Inactivated vaccines, Live-attenuated vaccines, Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines?

If you do, why are you making such faulty and asinine comparisons?

Do you know what a false equivalence fallacy is? :dunno:
you have NEVER received a vaccination shot

. . . and NO, I have never in my life received an mRNA gene therapy shot before. I still find such a new tech. kind of dodgy.

If you know where I can get the Indian made, or the Russian made vaccine? Sure, If the FDA gives those versions approval, if it will make you happy, after phase four trials on those are done, I will be more than happy to consider getting those.
A family I know has the COVID-19 now, and this in according to being tested due to the recent illness. Yep it's starting up again so it seems or rather it never left. Everyone be alert, and take precautions as necessary. You are all right about many things, so don't wait for big brother to tell you what to do, and just do it (in the sense of taking precautions for yourselves by whatever means necessary), and this before tragedy starts or strikes.

God bless, and stay safe.
Hope those you know fare well. I remember at the beginning of this COVID 'pandemic' my doctor told me that keeping one's hands clean was the best defense. He thought wearing a mask would promote the hand-to-face pathogen infection that is most common because one has to touch the face to put it on and adjust it from time to time, etc. IOW, a mask encourages you to touch your face and, you are most likely to contract a pathogen that is on your hands when you touch your face which is an almost instinctual human movement.

I have not worn a mask much during this 'pandemic' but I am cleaning my hands more than before. I have not had a cold or the flu or COVID or anything else. I don't need the government to make me wear a pathogen inducing mask.
Thanks, and I only wore a mask when going into businesses that required one. Never wore a mask other than when required to do so by businesses that have a concentrated customer traffic. Kept my distance from hazards that were explained by the health official's.

Have a co-worker that never wore a mask, never sanitized his hands, and never changed his ways, yet he never caught the thing.

My wife tended to me after I got the thing, and she never got it. Only affecting certain people for some reason, but not other's. Can't figure out how I got it, because I was doing all the safety measures when required, yet I still got it.

Seemed to hang around for the same time span that any other severe winter or summer cold does (around 4 weeks). Had problems for an additional month (it seemed) after that. I'm an old feller, so it's understandable that it messed with me like that.

The lock downs in other State's seemed extreme to me, because if a person isn't susceptible to it, then why destroy their lives by making them comply to draconian measures in a blanketing of all people's, otherwise when we see that most aren't affected at all by the thing ??

Why not studies to find out why some or many aren't being affected by it ?? What is in their make up that keeps them safe ?
Heard this in regards to the family I know who contacted the thing. It is said by one of them that a lady was sick from the shot, yet she was working in a public place where the family member came into contact with her.

The member of the family that was infected was having a discussion with the lady who was sick, and asked her why she was sick ??? The lady said it was due to the shot she had taken (a reaction to it).

So the lady had fever associated with the symptoms being experienced after taking the shot. The family member that became infected thinks that she was infected by the lady who had symptoms of the COVID-19 after the shot was administered to her in order to thwart the virus, and yet she (the lady who had received the shot), went back to work afterwards, even though suffering a reaction from the shot in the form of a flu like symptom. This is how one of the family members I know, explained where she thinks that she contacted the virus from.

Maybe after the shot, people need to be given a time span of a week afterwards in order to make sure that they don't suffer any flu like symptoms from it, and especially fever in which usually makes any sick individual highly contagious at that stage of the reaction maybe. Not sure about any of it, but it was an interesting situation or story she told.
My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
You hypocrites ALL HAVE BEEN VACCINATED in the past.
Please share that you have NEVER received a vaccination shot for any other concern.

That's the dumbest post I have read here in a long, long time.
My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
You hypocrites ALL HAVE BEEN VACCINATED in the past.
Please share that you have NEVER received a vaccination shot for any other concern.
An FDA approved one yeah.
Question, why isn't the insurance industry required to create recovery programs within the policies of each client in which pays a person for the 4 to six week's of recovery needed to get over a serious illness like COVID-19 ??? Why was it that the Federal government took it upon itself to ask or require companies to pay for employee's absence from work during their run in with the virus ??

What was the profit margins of insurance carriers during the COVID-19 pandemic, otherwise did they rise, remain stagnant or fall ?? Why doesn't insurance pay for people's treatment and complete recoveries during a pandemic ?

If they do, then I apologize, but I was paid by my employer when I was out for 14 days in which was the required time by the CDC during my infection and recovery.

You would think that as much as people's health insurance cost, that it would have had my back completely during my run in with the virus. Now companies say they aren't paying anymore if someone contact's the virus, otherwise if don't get the shot. Why aren't health insurance companies responsible for that in the first place ? Why was it the companies responsibility while their employee's are paying obscene amounts for health insurance these days ??

Why are insurance companies passing the buck when it comes to honoring their clients payments for insurance, otherwise when they are paying in enough to get very good results from their premium's paid ? Why are insurance companies getting off the hook, and paying out minimal amounts, and then expecting client's, government or employer's to take up the slack ??? If I'm wrong I apologize, but I just know that my employer paid me while I was out with COVID-19, and I couldn't even see my regular doctor during the crisis. They were to afraid to see patient's, and therefore forcing most to hospital's where no one knew the characteristics of a patient, and how that patient responds to treatment's for various condition's in which may have led to many death's as a result of.

Luckily for me, I went to a facility that braved the front lines, got themselves infected also in doing so, but was willing to give all in order to help the public who were cast out into the wilderness due to a virus that put so much fear out there, that people became like leper's in modern day society.
Having a shitload of you fools die off is the Dems plan to steal next year's election.
I only wish the Dem Party believed that. Unfortunately it's only their useful idiots (and unfortunately for you, I TOOK THE VACCINE-- And I'm voting for TRUMP (or DeSantis))
The white house needs to ask the FDA why hasn't it put a safety stamp on the vaccines yet ? They are alledgedly attacking so called misinformation about the vaccines, yet the FDA hasn't rubber stamped them yet. Hmmm.
Not against the vaccines myself, but due to all the back and forth it makes probably hundreds of thousands (especially the non-susceptible), really worried about getting one. They are taking their chances by trusting their own immunity or immune systems to prevail against a so called natural virus that came from nature or did it come from nature ? That is the million dollar question not answered to this very day. Is it tampered with or is it natural ?

If tampered with, then yes a vaccine is definitely needed, but if born of nature then natural immunity by the majority is probably being relied upon the most. Of course the elderly always need a shot of some sort in order to combat even the weakest viruses or disease's, because their immunity has weakened or has been compromised over time.
My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
The numbers are being manipulated it's almost a certainty....that is not to discourage a person who thinks they need the vaccine by all means go get it. I don't for one moment however believe the information that is being channeled through anything that touches a government agency....

My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
The numbers are being manipulated it's almost a certainty....that is not to discourage a person who thinks they need the vaccine by all means go get it. I don't for one moment however believe the information that is being channeled through anything that touches a government agency....

I'm highly sceptical also.
Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
Delta variant: Mild flu.

New lockdowns: To avoid eviction rioting caused by past Democrat lockdowns.

The only thing Democrats care about: 2022 elections.

100% political; Democrats are fascists.
Damn blue states :lol:

Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.

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