COVID has become 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'

My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
The numbers are being manipulated it's almost a certainty....that is not to discourage a person who thinks they need the vaccine by all means go get it. I don't for one moment however believe the information that is being channeled through anything that touches a government agency....

I'm highly sceptical also.
You'd be better off highly educated than highly skeptical ;)
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
I'm pretty sure that I don't care about it at all, politically or otherwise. I think the Blue state/Red state thing is a sham..every state in the Union has a Blue section and a Red one. We like to call this Urban and Rural. You hurt the Blue cities and you hurt the Red country--Yin and Yang. Only fools look past that essential truth.
But you don't care..'cause it's lot easier to parrot lame talking points and breathlessly predict the next disaster.
But once i vaxxed..and my people vaxxed--I don't care what others do--I just feel bad for all the misery that could have been avoided.

If you don't care about you say........
then WHY did you post a thread?????

Another hypocrite!!!
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Well, if you're believing all the bullshit thats spewed out in the media, as you seem to be........

Then there's more people dying FROM this experimental drug (NOT vaccine), than not. Every day I get up and get on the internet news sites, MORE people have DIED FROM THIS "vaccination", than more people are getting sick from it.

So it seems YOU will be the on being buried, not me.
But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.

LOLOL DARWIN is NEVER right. And it is JUST as likely that we'll count the VAXXED dead and shake our heads at the unnecessariness of it all.

There is a way that seems right to men...but it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
I'm pretty sure that I don't care about it at all, politically or otherwise. I think the Blue state/Red state thing is a sham..every state in the Union has a Blue section and a Red one. We like to call this Urban and Rural. You hurt the Blue cities and you hurt the Red country--Yin and Yang. Only fools look past that essential truth.
But you don't care..'cause it's lot easier to parrot lame talking points and breathlessly predict the next disaster.
But once i vaxxed..and my people vaxxed--I don't care what others do--I just feel bad for all the misery that could have been avoided.

If you don't care about you say........
then WHY did you post a thread?????

Another hypocrite!!!
I don't have to care about something to have an opinion about you?
Caring implies personal investment..of which I have none..on this subject.
Me and mine are safe...and I'm watching as my neighbors, Trump supporters to the last one--quietly get their our hospital is filling with non-vaxxed patients.
I totally support freedom of choice in this matter--I also think that anyone who makes medical decisions because of their politics is asking for trouble~
Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
Yea so? People who get the “Delta variant” will get over it just like previous WuFlu, then they will have even better immunity than vaxxed people.
Then again, maybe not.
Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
If stupid had a picture it would be yours…
Wow! You sure rebutted this article!

Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
If stupid had a picture it would be yours…
Wow! You sure rebutted this article!

View attachment 513891
Actually I did…

Your picture is just as I imagined…
The rise in infection rates has nothing to do with the Biden regime sending unvaxed criminal invaders to the affected locations. Nah. Criminals don't get covid.
Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
If stupid had a picture it would be yours…
Wow! You sure rebutted this article!

View attachment 513891
Actually I did…

Your picture is just as I imagined…
LOL! You responded exactly as i very clever of you~

You did not even address the article, you inbred idiot. Actually, your 1st post is a violation of the board's TOS...but who would expect someone so 'special' as yourself to bother with such trivialities?
Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
If stupid had a picture it would be yours…
Wow! You sure rebutted this article!

View attachment 513891
Actually I did…

Your picture is just as I imagined…
LOL! You responded exactly as i very clever of you~

You did not even address the article, you inbred idiot. Actually, your 1st post is a violation of the board's TOS...but who would expect someone so 'special' as yourself to bother with such trivialities?
Pardon me, I thought this was attached you sniveling little child…

Those rules are to protect you little thin skin fleegles…

Keep drinking the Kool Aid, they have plenty for you weak minded Fleegles….

A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 9/7/21
A family I know has the COVID-19 now, and this in according to being tested due to the recent illness. Yep it's starting up again so it seems or rather it never left. Everyone be alert, and take precautions as necessary. You are all right about many things, so don't wait for big brother to tell you what to do, and just do it (in the sense of taking precautions for yourselves by whatever means necessary), and this before tragedy starts or strikes.

God bless, and stay safe.
Hope those you know fare well. I remember at the beginning of this COVID 'pandemic' my doctor told me that keeping one's hands clean was the best defense. He thought wearing a mask would promote the hand-to-face pathogen infection that is most common because one has to touch the face to put it on and adjust it from time to time, etc. IOW, a mask encourages you to touch your face and, you are most likely to contract a pathogen that is on your hands when you touch your face which is an almost instinctual human movement.

I have not worn a mask much during this 'pandemic' but I am cleaning my hands more than before. I have not had a cold or the flu or COVID or anything else. I don't need the government to make me wear a pathogen inducing mask.
Thanks, and I only wore a mask when going into businesses that required one. Never wore a mask other than when required to do so by businesses that have a concentrated customer traffic. Kept my distance from hazards that were explained by the health official's.

Have a co-worker that never wore a mask, never sanitized his hands, and never changed his ways, yet he never caught the thing.

My wife tended to me after I got the thing, and she never got it. Only affecting certain people for some reason, but not other's. Can't figure out how I got it, because I was doing all the safety measures when required, yet I still got it.

Seemed to hang around for the same time span that any other severe winter or summer cold does (around 4 weeks). Had problems for an additional month (it seemed) after that. I'm an old feller, so it's understandable that it messed with me like that.

The lock downs in other State's seemed extreme to me, because if a person isn't susceptible to it, then why destroy their lives by making them comply to draconian measures in a blanketing of all people's, otherwise when we see that most aren't affected at all by the thing ??

Why not studies to find out why some or many aren't being affected by it ?? What is in their make up that keeps them safe ?
Glad you're OK now. If the government (the Democrats in power) found out that only a small portion of the public were apt to get COVID, they couldn't exercise their power over the general population to wear face diapers, shut down the economy, schools and try to convince everyone it's all Trump's fault. They really are that divisive, petty and cruel.
Is it your freedom to spread the disease and kill others?
The LA wearers are using masks to protect the dickheads who aren't vaccinated. That's what freedom is about.
Hysterical much? A virus with a 95% to 99% SURVIVAL RATE is NOT a huge killer in the first place. Also it is well known NOT to affect the majority of the population younger than 60. Yet you promote face diapers, shutting down schools, businesses and wrecking folks' economic well being.....for nothing other than the power you wield and enjoy over people's lives. Dickheads like you spread fear to gain power with your baseless hysterical ravings, you should be ashamed.
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The covid vac will not stop you from contracting covid, a seat belt will not stop you from having a car crash.

Your chances of survival increase if you get vaccinated and wear a seat belt. Does every over 50 get the flu jab?

In the he UK, 71.6% of adults over 65, 43.1% of adults with a long-term health condition, 42.8% of pregnant women, 41.8% of 3-year-olds and 41.1% of 2-year-olds have received the flu vaccine. Why are people not screaming that these figures are too low?
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
I'm pretty sure that I don't care about it at all, politically or otherwise. I think the Blue state/Red state thing is a sham..every state in the Union has a Blue section and a Red one. We like to call this Urban and Rural. You hurt the Blue cities and you hurt the Red country--Yin and Yang. Only fools look past that essential truth.
But you don't care..'cause it's lot easier to parrot lame talking points and breathlessly predict the next disaster.
But once i vaxxed..and my people vaxxed--I don't care what others do--I just feel bad for all the misery that could have been avoided.

If you don't care about you say........
then WHY did you post a thread?????

Another hypocrite!!!
I don't have to care about something to have an opinion about you?
Caring implies personal investment..of which I have none..on this subject.
Me and mine are safe...and I'm watching as my neighbors, Trump supporters to the last one--quietly get their our hospital is filling with non-vaxxed patients.
I totally support freedom of choice in this matter--I also think that anyone who makes medical decisions because of their politics is asking for trouble~
This is strange, because prior to the vaccinations we had million's of unvaccinated that didn't get sick or never contacted the virus, but now all of a sudden It is being claimed or reported in a blanketing statement sort of way, that all the so called unvaccinated are filling up the hospital's with Covid cases??? It seems like a sales pitch to get vaccinated before your next.

Hmmm, like I said, I'm not against the vaccinations, but I do have natural immunity from it now. It's a toss up for me.
The covid vac will not stop you from contracting covid, a seat belt will not stop you from having a car crash.

Your chances of survival increase if you get vaccinated and wear a seat belt. Does every over 50 get the flu jab?

In the he UK, 71.6% of adults over 65, 43.1% of adults with a long-term health condition, 42.8% of pregnant women, 41.8% of 3-year-olds and 41.1% of 2-year-olds have received the flu vaccine. Why are people not screaming that these figures are too low?
Because it's an individual choice to get or not get a vaccination. Why scream? Unless you are into controlling others for self satisfaction.

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