Covid is a contrived crisis

Well, I am sorry to hear that. But the majority of us also know far more people that died from work related illnesses or injuries. Or car accidents or drug overdoses. Or preventable cancers or other health issues like COPD. Sorry for you loss. But Politicians aren't panic mongering over far larger issues like automobile safety or drug enforcement. Why this? Most folks (99%) survive covid. And the vaccine? Really, we need three inoculations and booster shots in less than 8 months and still can contract covid...What does that tell you?

Then don't bother to get the vaccine or take precautions. Just stay way from other people.
Well, I am sorry to hear that. But the majority of us also know far more people that died from work related illnesses or injuries. Or car accidents or drug overdoses. Or preventable cancers or other health issues like COPD. Sorry for you loss. But Politicians aren't panic mongering over far larger issues like automobile safety or drug enforcement. Why this? Why now? Most folks (99%) survive covid. And the vaccine? Really, we need three inoculations and booster shots in less than 8 months and still can contract covid...What does that tell you?
Hahaha.. There will always be lunatics and stupid conspiracy theorists.
Too bad it's the people in power and the idiots that vote for them says it IS.. Covid21 or covid 2022 or whatever is NOT a health care crisis. Billions are NOT dying from Covid. Millions DO die in car accidents or sexually transmitted diseases or of fentanyl overdoses (like George Floyd). So by the same logic: We aren't shutting down sexual intercourse or cracking down on bad drivers or addicts. Why this Covid bullshit?
Lets see...what? I am 64 years old. And of all the vaccines I ever had, they all worked and they needed boosters every ten years or so. Think about that: This "vaccine" needs to be taken every few weeks and with boosters besides. And (yes, the big AND) You can STILL get the illness anyway! Excuse me, but vaccines don't work that way. They actually WORK and prevent the illness. They might need a booster every decade or so. So why bother to take tis so-called vaccine? Why? Odd, these same democrats that demand this vaccine refused it when Trump suggested it...Isn't that funny?

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