Covid is Political


Stop attending MAGA congregations - Trump's factual inability to protect Americans from Covid happened way before the election.
That he couldn't control MAGA's from refuting masks and refusing to follow quarantine regulations is understood. That he therefore contributed significantly to around 1 million American deaths is also a major reference on his CV.
Are you blaming people that did not get vaxxed? We know now it did not make one bit of difference in spreading the disease.
Covid was like a bad flu, and potentially deadly to the vulnerable.

Now it’s like the common cold - a weak annoyance.

The CovidCon?

THAT was political.
Wife and I both came down with the Kung Flu back at the end of 2021. Specifically New Year's Eve weekend. All it was was nothing but a PITA head cold for us, a day to sleep for me and 5 days with pay from work. About the only aftereffects were a nagging cough for my wife that would not go away, and extra snot in the nose for me.
Are you blaming people that did not get vaxxed? We know now it did not make one bit of difference in spreading the disease.
If you would read up onto my previous post - then you would realize that your assumption or rather accusation towards me is total bollocks.

The vaccinations were and still are intended primarily to reduce fatalities or serious health complications - and logically a vaccinated population will also help to reduce the spread of Covid as well. (as to how effective - I wouldn't know).

No one except MAGA's and other dumb folks, ever propagated that the vaccination prevents someone a 100% from getting COVID, and especially not in regards to all those still new mutant variants showing up. Just as a common flue shot doesn't guarantee a 100% protection - but it is proven that the more a population is vaccinated towards a common flue, that it is reducing the spread of flue infections in general.

Your statement: We know now it did not make one bit of difference in spreading the disease
You got a scientific source for that claim? aside from Tucker Carlson & Co.
Wife and I both came down with the Kung Flu back at the end of 2021. Specifically New Year's Eve weekend. All it was was nothing but a PITA head cold for us, a day to sleep for me and 5 days with pay from work. About the only aftereffects were a nagging cough for my wife that would not go away, and extra snot in the nose for me.
Yeah - by 2021, it was pretty harmless to most.

When it first showed up - years earlier than 2019 - it was a beast.

But viruses want to live, and killing their hosts is a bad long-term strategy for that.
Lets get those masks back on folks,

"Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea looked at two types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several reusable cotton masks.

The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).

Inhaling TVOCs has been linked to health issues like headaches and nausea, while prolonged and repeated has been linked to organ damage and even cancer."

Pro-vaxxers including the manufacturers already knew that there's no way C19 on the surfaces of mouth nose and throat would be affected by mRNA "vaccination." This fact does not have to be proven scientifically. What has to be proven scientifically is that it does affect those particular viruses. Therefore, show us one source
If you would read up onto my previous post - then you would realize that your assumption or rather accusation towards me is total bollocks.

The vaccinations were and still are intended primarily to reduce fatalities or serious health complications - and logically a vaccinated population will also help to reduce the spread of Covid as well. (as to how effective - I wouldn't know).

No one except MAGA's and other dumb folks, ever propagated that the vaccination prevents someone a 100% from getting COVID, and especially not in regards to all those still new mutant variants showing up. Just as a common flue shot doesn't guarantee a 100% protection - but it is proven that the more a population is vaccinated towards a common flue, that it is reducing the spread of flue infections in general.

Your statement: We know now it did not make one bit of difference in spreading the disease
You got a scientific source for that claim? aside from Tucker Carlson & Co.
....for that claim.
COVID cases are on the uptick. This has been in the news for the past week, so I'm hardly surprised that hospitals are preparing to receive COVID patients. Is it a crisis? No, probably not. The medical establishment loves to overreact and exaggerate shit, but I would have liked for the woman in the video to explain "what is really going on."
Yep totally agree. They are on the uptick where I work too. We are expecting the worst.
Some people died for no reason other than political gain. Think about that. I guess they are going to renew the panic.

This lady is going to lose her job.

covid oooo you almost had it.jpg
Some people died for no reason other than political gain. Think about that. I guess they are going to renew the panic.

This lady is going to lose her job.

Did you really think we wouldn't have an electionyearscam variant of COVID? I mean COVID gave them an excuse to override existing election laws in 2020, how could they not think they really need one for 2024?
Did you really think we wouldn't have an electionyearscam variant of COVID? I mean COVID gave them an excuse to override existing election laws in 2020, how could they not think they really need one for 2024?

Once they figure out that people aren't gonna let em unconstitutionally change election rules like they did last time by using COVID as a benchmark, they'll stop running the COVID scam.

We're already starting to see states attorneys looking for other Legal avenues to remove candidates they don't like from their ballots, so it's clear that they aren't confident that the public will comply with the scamdemic antics again.
Once they figure out that people aren't gonna let em unconstitutionally change election rules like they did last time by using COVID as a benchmark, they'll stop running the COVID scam.

We're already starting to see states attorneys looking for other Legal avenues to remove candidates they don't like from their ballots, so it's clear that they aren't confident that the public will comply with the scamdemic antics again.
I wish I could agree with you that the people have the power to resist them in that regard. But the corrupt in government have not cared about our opinion or the effect of their policies on us for some time now. So if they override the election laws again, they control most of the law enforcement and courts and there seems to be little we can do about it.
Yep totally agree. They are on the uptick where I work too. We are expecting the worst.
And you can't point to one mutation in this latest variant that makes it unique or even dangerous. The Elf, Gates and their minions ride the purple sage once more.
Are you blaming people that did not get vaxxed? We know now it did not make one bit of difference in spreading the disease.

This is why Joe Biden's Big Lie, which killed at least 300,000 Americans, was so very dangerous. Dumb people like Kruska fell for it, then went out and infected and killed thousands pf people because they thought they were "immune" from getting or spreading Covid.

Wife and I both came down with the Kung Flu back at the end of 2021. Specifically New Year's Eve weekend. All it was was nothing but a PITA head cold for us, a day to sleep for me and 5 days with pay from work. About the only aftereffects were a nagging cough for my wife that would not go away, and extra snot in the nose for me.
It was the same for my husband and myself who were not tested but I am almost certain got it in 2020. Uncommon head ache, body aches for a few days and no residual symptoms. Others of our family and friends also sailed through it with little or no after effect. However we lost three beloved family members and one close friend to the virus and some others were still suffering after affects months and years later.

The virus is real and for some deadly. I am not an anti-vaxxer and believe the vaccine likely saved millions of lives and/or ugly after effects. I also respect the choice of those who chose not to do it.

I do not blame Trump or his administration for any errors dealing with it in those early months before ANYBODY knew what we were dealing with or how to deal with it. I think he did a splendid job doing what he could to find a remedy or remedies, provided field hospitals for large population centers, subsidized treatment and meds so nobody would be denied treatment. And he was urging the businesses and schools open up long before most of the governors were willing to do that. He was blasted by the left for saying that this virus, like all others, would likely just go away at some point. He never encouraged vaccine mandates.

And for anybody who thinks there wouldn't be an electionyearscam variant of this virus, I still have that nice assortment of pretty bridges for sale.

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