COVID patients overwhelm Texas hospitals, amid 'hair on fire' crisis


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Well...looks like Texas is having a 'Texas-sized' relapse--of note in this article is that almost all who are in ICU's...almost all who are dying, are unvaccinated.

COVID patients overwhelm Texas hospitals, amid 'hair on fire' crisis
Hospitals across the state of Texas are once again finding themselves buckling under the pressures of an overwhelmed health system, with an average of more than 1,700 patients a day currently streaming into emergency rooms across the state.
"I feel like the surge came on quicker than we were expecting," Dr. Lindsay Sonstein, a general medicine physician at the University of Texas Medical Branch's Jennie Sealy Hospital, told ABC News. "All of a sudden, it's exponential rise again in the middle of the summer."
Nationwide, more than 100,000 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19. About 14,000 of those patients are in Texas -- the highest number of patients receiving care on record. And statewide, nearly 94% of intensive care unit beds are currently in use by COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
At Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas, front-line workers told ABC News that at times, they feel "hopeless" amid this latest surge, particularly given the fact that among those with the virus currently being treated in the ICU, all but one patient, who is immunocompromised, are unvaccinated.
"There are many patients that are not doing well," said Dr. Shawn Nishi, an associate professor of critical care medicine at UTMB. "It's very chaotic, because these patients are very unpredictable. At one moment they look great and the next moment, they're dying. ... It is a 'hair on fire' time in the ICUs."
About two-thirds of the hospital's ICU patients are COVID-19 positive, she added, with nearly all of them on ventilators.
Nishi acknowledged that caring for COVID-19 patients for over a year and a half has been an incredibly difficult burden to bear for the health care workers, and it is now rendered even more stressful by the increasing number of younger patients. The staff is "emotionally spent" she said.
MORE: Front-line workers in Nevada say they are 'reliving 2020' as new infections surge to highest point in 5 months
"You will see the nurses' faces. They are the heart and soul of this institution, but a little bit of them is dying with every patient," Nishi said. "Half the COVID-19 patients right now are younger than I am. ... That's never, ever happened in my career. Now, I'm not that old, so that will tell you the average age of our patient is very, very young. We're not used to taking care of that population -- emotionally, physically."
Many of the hospital's patients are so extremely sick that they are on ventilators and unable to communicate, said Yolanda Leyva, the hospital's program manager for ECMO, a device used for cardiac and respiratory support. A significant number will not make it, she said.
"This is real. And I say every day I wish those people could take a walk through these units, and see what these patients are going through," Leyva said, referring to the unvaccinated.
Leyva admitted her frustration with the rampant misinformation about vaccines, urging people to stop reading what is on social media, and instead seek answers from their doctors. "I mean, I feel bad that they died, but they put themselves in that situation," she said.
There are 678 patients waiting for a bed across southeast Texas, with more than 4,000 patients hospitalized across the region, compared to just 138 patients in ICUs with COVID-19 at the beginning of July, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council.
Well...looks like Texas is having a 'Texas-sized' relapse--of note in this article is that almost all who are in ICU's...almost all who are dying, are unvaccinated.

COVID patients overwhelm Texas hospitals, amid 'hair on fire' crisis
Hospitals across the state of Texas are once again finding themselves buckling under the pressures of an overwhelmed health system, with an average of more than 1,700 patients a day currently streaming into emergency rooms across the state.
"I feel like the surge came on quicker than we were expecting," Dr. Lindsay Sonstein, a general medicine physician at the University of Texas Medical Branch's Jennie Sealy Hospital, told ABC News. "All of a sudden, it's exponential rise again in the middle of the summer."
Nationwide, more than 100,000 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19. About 14,000 of those patients are in Texas -- the highest number of patients receiving care on record. And statewide, nearly 94% of intensive care unit beds are currently in use by COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
At Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas, front-line workers told ABC News that at times, they feel "hopeless" amid this latest surge, particularly given the fact that among those with the virus currently being treated in the ICU, all but one patient, who is immunocompromised, are unvaccinated.
"There are many patients that are not doing well," said Dr. Shawn Nishi, an associate professor of critical care medicine at UTMB. "It's very chaotic, because these patients are very unpredictable. At one moment they look great and the next moment, they're dying. ... It is a 'hair on fire' time in the ICUs."
About two-thirds of the hospital's ICU patients are COVID-19 positive, she added, with nearly all of them on ventilators.
Nishi acknowledged that caring for COVID-19 patients for over a year and a half has been an incredibly difficult burden to bear for the health care workers, and it is now rendered even more stressful by the increasing number of younger patients. The staff is "emotionally spent" she said.
MORE: Front-line workers in Nevada say they are 'reliving 2020' as new infections surge to highest point in 5 months
"You will see the nurses' faces. They are the heart and soul of this institution, but a little bit of them is dying with every patient," Nishi said. "Half the COVID-19 patients right now are younger than I am. ... That's never, ever happened in my career. Now, I'm not that old, so that will tell you the average age of our patient is very, very young. We're not used to taking care of that population -- emotionally, physically."
Many of the hospital's patients are so extremely sick that they are on ventilators and unable to communicate, said Yolanda Leyva, the hospital's program manager for ECMO, a device used for cardiac and respiratory support. A significant number will not make it, she said.
"This is real. And I say every day I wish those people could take a walk through these units, and see what these patients are going through," Leyva said, referring to the unvaccinated.
Leyva admitted her frustration with the rampant misinformation about vaccines, urging people to stop reading what is on social media, and instead seek answers from their doctors. "I mean, I feel bad that they died, but they put themselves in that situation," she said.
There are 678 patients waiting for a bed across southeast Texas, with more than 4,000 patients hospitalized across the region, compared to just 138 patients in ICUs with COVID-19 at the beginning of July, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council.

Hospitals have been cutting beds and cutting staff for DECADES. Now, when their decisions finally come to cost us, they want to blame....US

Don't fall for this. Nope. And don't blame people who do not want to take ineffective and dangerous shots, either.
Well...looks like Texas is having a 'Texas-sized' relapse--of note in this article is that almost all who are in ICU's...almost all who are dying, are unvaccinated.

COVID patients overwhelm Texas hospitals, amid 'hair on fire' crisis
Hospitals across the state of Texas are once again finding themselves buckling under the pressures of an overwhelmed health system, with an average of more than 1,700 patients a day currently streaming into emergency rooms across the state.
"I feel like the surge came on quicker than we were expecting," Dr. Lindsay Sonstein, a general medicine physician at the University of Texas Medical Branch's Jennie Sealy Hospital, told ABC News. "All of a sudden, it's exponential rise again in the middle of the summer."
Nationwide, more than 100,000 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19. About 14,000 of those patients are in Texas -- the highest number of patients receiving care on record. And statewide, nearly 94% of intensive care unit beds are currently in use by COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
At Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas, front-line workers told ABC News that at times, they feel "hopeless" amid this latest surge, particularly given the fact that among those with the virus currently being treated in the ICU, all but one patient, who is immunocompromised, are unvaccinated.
"There are many patients that are not doing well," said Dr. Shawn Nishi, an associate professor of critical care medicine at UTMB. "It's very chaotic, because these patients are very unpredictable. At one moment they look great and the next moment, they're dying. ... It is a 'hair on fire' time in the ICUs."
About two-thirds of the hospital's ICU patients are COVID-19 positive, she added, with nearly all of them on ventilators.
Nishi acknowledged that caring for COVID-19 patients for over a year and a half has been an incredibly difficult burden to bear for the health care workers, and it is now rendered even more stressful by the increasing number of younger patients. The staff is "emotionally spent" she said.
MORE: Front-line workers in Nevada say they are 'reliving 2020' as new infections surge to highest point in 5 months
"You will see the nurses' faces. They are the heart and soul of this institution, but a little bit of them is dying with every patient," Nishi said. "Half the COVID-19 patients right now are younger than I am. ... That's never, ever happened in my career. Now, I'm not that old, so that will tell you the average age of our patient is very, very young. We're not used to taking care of that population -- emotionally, physically."
Many of the hospital's patients are so extremely sick that they are on ventilators and unable to communicate, said Yolanda Leyva, the hospital's program manager for ECMO, a device used for cardiac and respiratory support. A significant number will not make it, she said.
"This is real. And I say every day I wish those people could take a walk through these units, and see what these patients are going through," Leyva said, referring to the unvaccinated.
Leyva admitted her frustration with the rampant misinformation about vaccines, urging people to stop reading what is on social media, and instead seek answers from their doctors. "I mean, I feel bad that they died, but they put themselves in that situation," she said.
There are 678 patients waiting for a bed across southeast Texas, with more than 4,000 patients hospitalized across the region, compared to just 138 patients in ICUs with COVID-19 at the beginning of July, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council.
So how many of them are illegals?
Well then why are only 33% of those dying in the UK unvaccinated? The vaccinated represent 66% of all convid deaths in GBR....AND at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

Do the unvaccinated in GBR have some special powers?

Somebody is bullshitting you...

Look MFers I am gonna tell you right take that shit...get your estate in order...because most of you have no more than 5 years left on this globe.
Abbot has been a huge advocate for the virus. There's no way it could have made this much progress this quickly without his help.
How about this guy?

“He’s not doing good. It’s not looking in our favor,” she said. “His lungs are stiff due to the fibrosis. They called and said they’ve run out of options for him and asked if I would consent to a do not resuscitate. And it would be up to us when to stop treatments.”

He organized a rally in July. Late July he got covid

When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30.
Well...looks like Texas is having a 'Texas-sized' relapse--of note in this article is that almost all who are in ICU's...almost all who are dying, are unvaccinated.

COVID patients overwhelm Texas hospitals, amid 'hair on fire' crisis
Hospitals across the state of Texas are once again finding themselves buckling under the pressures of an overwhelmed health system, with an average of more than 1,700 patients a day currently streaming into emergency rooms across the state.
"I feel like the surge came on quicker than we were expecting," Dr. Lindsay Sonstein, a general medicine physician at the University of Texas Medical Branch's Jennie Sealy Hospital, told ABC News. "All of a sudden, it's exponential rise again in the middle of the summer."
Nationwide, more than 100,000 patients are currently hospitalized with COVID-19. About 14,000 of those patients are in Texas -- the highest number of patients receiving care on record. And statewide, nearly 94% of intensive care unit beds are currently in use by COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
At Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas, front-line workers told ABC News that at times, they feel "hopeless" amid this latest surge, particularly given the fact that among those with the virus currently being treated in the ICU, all but one patient, who is immunocompromised, are unvaccinated.
"There are many patients that are not doing well," said Dr. Shawn Nishi, an associate professor of critical care medicine at UTMB. "It's very chaotic, because these patients are very unpredictable. At one moment they look great and the next moment, they're dying. ... It is a 'hair on fire' time in the ICUs."
About two-thirds of the hospital's ICU patients are COVID-19 positive, she added, with nearly all of them on ventilators.
Nishi acknowledged that caring for COVID-19 patients for over a year and a half has been an incredibly difficult burden to bear for the health care workers, and it is now rendered even more stressful by the increasing number of younger patients. The staff is "emotionally spent" she said.
MORE: Front-line workers in Nevada say they are 'reliving 2020' as new infections surge to highest point in 5 months
"You will see the nurses' faces. They are the heart and soul of this institution, but a little bit of them is dying with every patient," Nishi said. "Half the COVID-19 patients right now are younger than I am. ... That's never, ever happened in my career. Now, I'm not that old, so that will tell you the average age of our patient is very, very young. We're not used to taking care of that population -- emotionally, physically."
Many of the hospital's patients are so extremely sick that they are on ventilators and unable to communicate, said Yolanda Leyva, the hospital's program manager for ECMO, a device used for cardiac and respiratory support. A significant number will not make it, she said.
"This is real. And I say every day I wish those people could take a walk through these units, and see what these patients are going through," Leyva said, referring to the unvaccinated.
Leyva admitted her frustration with the rampant misinformation about vaccines, urging people to stop reading what is on social media, and instead seek answers from their doctors. "I mean, I feel bad that they died, but they put themselves in that situation," she said.
There are 678 patients waiting for a bed across southeast Texas, with more than 4,000 patients hospitalized across the region, compared to just 138 patients in ICUs with COVID-19 at the beginning of July, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council.

This is so pathetic. They have to make shit up to drive their panic porn so they can keep power.
Well then why are only 33% of those dying in the UK unvaccinated? The vaccinated represent 66% of all convid deaths in GBR....AND at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

Do the unvaccinated in GBR have some special powers?

Somebody is bullshitting you...

Look MFers I am gonna tell you right take that shit...get your estate in order...because most of you have no more than 5 years left on this globe.
Or....the bulk of deaths happened pre-vaccine..and have no relevance? I dunno..everyone has their own take..when the majority of ICU cases are unvaccinated--right now--that's my take-away.
And statewide, nearly 94% of intensive care unit beds are currently in use by COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.

What's the normal rate of use?

Comparing the normal number to the current number is the ONLY way to judge if the panic being mongered here, has ANY validity.

Of course, teh media is either utterly incompetent, or utterly corrupt. Or both.
How about this guy?

“He’s not doing good. It’s not looking in our favor,” she said. “His lungs are stiff due to the fibrosis. They called and said they’ve run out of options for him and asked if I would consent to a do not resuscitate. And it would be up to us when to stop treatments.”

He organized a rally in July. Late July he got covid

When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30.
Possibly if the governor had been sending different signals he wouldn't be in this situation.

This is so pathetic. They have to make shit up to drive their panic porn so they can keep power.
Here is proof you Republicans are being lied to

Why, you ask, are people taking a medicine meant for horses and cows? Because some irresponsible Republican elected officials and conservative media have spent months touting ivermectin as an effective treatment for Covid-19.

So how many of them are illegals?
So that's the narrative right now..on the right..Covid is an illegal immigration problem? Too funny!
I guess it's a handy go-to---as the unvaccinated make up the bulk of emergency cases and deaths..across the nation.

Illegals didn't bring the virus...and they don't spread it any more than trumpkins who refuse to do the correct thing for themselves..and are getting sick do.
What's the normal rate of use?

Comparing the normal number to the current number is the ONLY way to judge if the panic being mongered here, has ANY validity.

Of course, teh media is either utterly incompetent, or utterly corrupt. Or both.
From the OP:

There are 678 patients waiting for a bed across southeast Texas, with more than 4,000 patients hospitalized across the region, compared to just 138 patients in ICUs with COVID-19 at the beginning of July, according to the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council.

With the country in the midst of a new nationwide resurgence of coronavirus infections and hospitalizations, misinformation about the effectiveness of the vaccines has been proliferating on social media, with increased attention falling on the rare number of vaccinated people ending up in the intensive care unit (ICU). However, according to dozens of hospitals across the nation surveyed by ABC News, very few fully vaccinated people are actually ending up severely ill and in the ICU with COVID-19.
Well then why are only 33% of those dying in the UK unvaccinated? The vaccinated represent 66% of all convid deaths in GBR....AND at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

Do the unvaccinated in GBR have some special powers?

Somebody is bullshitting you...

Look MFers I am gonna tell you right take that shit...get your estate in order...because most of you have no more than 5 years left on this globe.
Fake news.

Or....the bulk of deaths happened pre-vaccine..and have no relevance? I dunno..everyone has their own take..when the majority of ICU cases are unvaccinated--right now--that's my take-away.
Well you keep on with that "majority are unvaccinated" line. I am telling you that the majority in the UK are vaccinated, and when the vaccinated catch it they are dying at higher rates. The same in Israel.
So what fuckin gives? It's not YOUR fault, but the American media always seems to be parroting these same, bullshit lines that run counter to other nations.

I think you're getting bullshitted buddy.
Here is proof you Republicans are being lied to

Why, you ask, are people taking a medicine meant for horses and cows? Because some irresponsible Republican elected officials and conservative media have spent months touting ivermectin as an effective treatment for Covid-19.

On the bright side..most of those taking Inermectin--could use a good de-worming~

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